View Full Version : My Boyfriend Is Bleeding So Much

12-01-17, 00:02
So I am in a long distance relationship. Im from the US he is from the UK. He has not been feeling well at all, stomach issues, he keeps passing gas and just not feeling well. Today he said he had really bright colored blood in the toilet he felt it all come out of him. he said the toilet water was red.

Im so worried for him. Im worried about Colorectal Cancer.

Anyone had this and turn out they were ok? Im super worried for him. :frown:

12-01-17, 00:13
If it's bright blood it's probably haemorrhoids or polyps, it's only a worry if it's dark blood and even then it still dosnt necessarily mean cancer.

12-01-17, 00:15
Sounds like food poisoning honestly. He should really see a dr

12-01-17, 00:21
My girlfriends father had something similar recently. Turned out to be polyps and haemorrhoids. I doubt it's anything to worry about.

Also lots of nasty bugs and viruses going around in the uk at the moment including norovirus.

12-01-17, 03:31
I have had bright red blood come out into the loo like that, it's very scary but mine was a pile. I think they say that's it's normally nothing to worry about if it's bright red blood because it would be a pile or polyp ( like everyone else has said).

I hope this eases your mind xx

12-01-17, 04:18
Tell him to go to a doctor could be a lot of different things but on,y a doctor can tell you what it is.

12-01-17, 06:22
Tell him to go to a doctor could be a lot of different things but on,y a doctor can tell you what it is.

I'm imagining she already has encouraged him to but is seeking reassurance through the waiting process :)

12-01-17, 06:59
What did his doctor say?

12-01-17, 18:47
He said it might be piles. Im still a bit worried though but I think that smy health anxiety :wacko:

12-01-17, 19:08
As everyone is saying and as I've personally experienced. Bright red blood is typically from piles, hemmies, fissures and the like and while uncomfortable and can be somewhat disconcerting, it's not sinister.

Positive thoughts

12-01-17, 20:37
IT sounds like piles. Another symptom is itching in the bum.

13-01-17, 00:51
So I am in a long distance relationship. Im from the US he is from the UK. He has not been feeling well at all, stomach issues, he keeps passing gas and just not feeling well. Today he said he had really bright colored blood in the toilet he felt it all come out of him. he said the toilet water was red.

Im so worried for him. Im worried about Colorectal Cancer.

Anyone had this and turn out they were ok? Im super worried for him. :frown:

This happened to my ex husband. it was hemorrhoids. They can cause a lot of blood. His were internal; he didn't even know he had them.
Hemorrhoids are much more common than colon cancer, so don't jump to conclusions. Best wishes.