View Full Version : absolutely fed up of anxiety induced chest pain

12-01-17, 00:27
does anybody else get this ? it seems like if I'm not getting it I'm thinking about getting it daily it's a nightmare had many many blood tests ecg's etc etc everything is fine it's just relentless right now confusing annoying and just sick of it really

12-01-17, 01:01
does anybody else get this ? it seems like if I'm not getting it I'm thinking about getting it daily it's a nightmare had many many blood tests ecg's etc etc everything is fine it's just relentless right now confusing annoying and just sick of it really

This is me every day.
Today was one of the bad ones though.
I totally sympathize with you.

12-01-17, 01:15
thanks for the reply it's comforting to know that I'm not the only one I have had it for many years but the past few months have been particularly bad today has been horrendous which is a shame because I actually had an ok ish couple of days

20-01-17, 01:33
I'm feeling it now. My entire upper body feels heavy and tight. Across my shoulders and chest. Cardio fears are the worst. I've had two EKGs in the past year, both normal, and I take a beta blocker. I still can't shake these fears.

20-01-17, 04:40
Been there, done that, bought the t-shirt. Countless EKGs, multiple stress tests, cardio enzymes, chest X-rays, calcium test, etc. For me, it manifests as chest wall pain that hurts when I press the area the pain came from. Dr. gave me some great, simple advice when she said, if you can touch the pain, it's not your heart. The other is a breathing excercise. Count as you breathe in, whatever the number exhale twice as long. Those two have helped a great deal for me over the years. Best wishes.

20-01-17, 04:56
Have you been told by your doctor that your chest pain is anxiety? If so, you can forget about it being anything serious and start to focus on the anxiety issue. You'll need to pursue some form of treatment for that if you're not already doing so.

You also need to make peace with the fact that no anxiety symptom disappears in an instant just because we know what it is. You'll need to develop an attitude of acceptance toward this and any other anxiety symptom you have. Think about it - do you have any other choice? You can't worry this away. That won't work. Kind words on a forum might make you feel less alone in your suffering, and that's positive, but it's not a long-term solution. You need to truly accept this as an anxiety symptom and to just let it be there without fighting it and throwing ever more fear and energy at it.

Symptoms caused by anxiety are just that - surface symptoms. Many people experience a wide range of baffling and bewildering symptoms linked to their mental health. I did. If you treat every one of them as an individual issue to be scared of and to fought against, you'll only make it worse. So stop going to war with these chest pains. It's almost certainly just muscular tension in the chest wall. It will go away gradually as your state of mind improves. But it's really important that you let it be there for the time being. Look at it this way - you'll never find a recovered anxiety sufferer who'll tell you they got better by worrying and fighting all the time.

20-01-17, 08:05
Actually I was getting them while laying in bed struggling with my insomnia . Eventually I told myself well this sure wasn't here when your anxiety was under control what a coincidence when my anxiety flared up my chest / heart area hurts.

I hate anxiety

It's evil.

20-01-17, 17:29
I have had this for 4 years now. I sympathise. It started out as HA with something else but has developed into heart fears.

21-01-17, 06:56
thank you so much for the replies and kind words everybody it means a lot really thank you :)