View Full Version : I get anxiety everytime I have to pee scared of pushing too hard

12-01-17, 03:48
Everytime I to pee I can't relax and I'm scared of pushing to hard because I did once and it burned. I have OCD and I've been this way for a month now please help

13-01-17, 02:35
I sometimes get anxious when I'm about to pee. What I do is take a deep breath first. Then as I pee I exhale slowly while trying to relax all the muscles in my body.

13-01-17, 02:38
If you pee too hard and it burns, then stop pushing so hard.
I mean, what could happen? it could burn, and then you stop.
It's not like you're going to push your bladder out through your urethra, or do any sort of permanent damage to yourself.
Don't worry about this.

13-01-17, 03:19
I sometimes get anxious when I'm about to pee. What I do is take a deep breath first. Then as I pee I exhale slowly while trying to relax all the muscles in my body.

I agree with Dave.

I remember going through a stage of this myself with toilet functions and it was when I was really bad. It's the same with breathing issues, reducing overall anxiety levels will help with this but learning to not to be so tense through breathing exercises is helpful as well as anything else that helps with muscular tension like Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR).