View Full Version : MS or not?

12-01-17, 14:14
Back around 8 years ago I had an MRI scan and the results were clear. But this was when I had very early signs of MS like symptoms and maybe it was too early for MS to show up. But since then the Doctor thinks it's anxiety and won't allow me to see the Neurologist again despite being 8 years later where my symptoms have gotten much worse with no signs of stopping.

So these are the symptoms I experience all round my body:

Burning Sensations
Brain Fog
Floating Sensations
Some mild weakness
Weird zaps sometimes when I'm in a deep sleep and it wakes me up
Highly sensitive to putting on clothes etc.

And yes I have anxiety too but I don't believe it can do all of this. Why would anxiety cause your whole body to go into meltdown mode giving you like MS like symptoms? Why would the brain do such a thing? Just constant pain everywhere that adds no real benefit. It just makes you focused on your body instead of being focused on any dangerous thing out there.

How can a doctor tell the difference between anxiety that causes MS like symptoms and MS victims who also get anxiety because of it?

12-01-17, 14:24
Why would anxiety cause your whole body to go into meltdown mode giving you like MS like symptoms? Why would the brain do such a thing?

Firstly, anxiety isn't a disease, or a conscious entity. There is no rationale behind it.

You have anxiety because you believe you have MS. And because you believe you have MS, it fuels your anxiety. It's cyclical, and your overall health declines. This causes the sensations you describe.

Your brain has convinced itself it has MS, and it therefore looks for reasons to back up this belief.

So yes, you are doing this to yourself. Anxiety is not a separate thing, and Doctors know the difference because they are experts, and studied it for many years, whereas you haven't.

12-01-17, 14:49
Firstly, anxiety isn't a disease, or a conscious entity. There is no rationale behind it.

You have anxiety because you believe you have MS. And because you believe you have MS, it fuels your anxiety. It's cyclical, and your overall health declines. This causes the sensations you describe.

Your brain has convinced itself it has MS, and it therefore looks for reasons to back up this belief.

So yes, you are doing this to yourself. Anxiety is not a separate thing, and Doctors know the difference because they are experts, and studied it for many years, whereas you haven't.

When the MRI scan was clear and my doctor told me it was anxiety I believed it was anxiety for years. I even took measures of trying to beat it but to no success. Now it's gotten worse and I'm starting to doubt (after many years) it is MS after all where I think the MRI scan was done too early. Every site I've been to including the NHS has more of my symptoms related to MS than anxiety.

Doctors are human and get things wrong. You hear it all the time in the UK about how some poor patients knew something was wrong but they were ignored. One of my relatives who had a headache for years was brushed off with pills but it turned out to be brain tumor.

Like I said I know I've got anxiety. I just don't get how a doctor can tell the difference between someone who has MS & anxiety and someone who has anxiety that created MS like symptoms. I asked the Doctor about this and he just said HE KNOWS it's anxiety. Yeah ok. Not explained at all.

12-01-17, 14:54
Doctors are human and get things wrong.

So are you.

12-01-17, 15:00
Did your doc do any basic neuro tests on you? Ms is suspect in a failed neurological assessment, not based on symptoms. I know two people with ms personally and one went blind in one eye one day, and was diagnosed after a failed neuro exam and an mri, the other guy woke up and couldn't move the left side of his body. Both had a family history.

12-01-17, 15:04
Anxiety can do all of that, I can tick most of them off.

What are you doing to manage anxiety?

12-01-17, 15:31
So are you.

So should I believe what the Doctor is saying 100% despite the fact my pains are getting worse each year? That more neurological symptoms are developing? Is that what you're saying?

Did your doc do any basic neuro tests on you? Ms is suspect in a failed neurological assessment, not based on symptoms. I know two people with ms personally and one went blind in one eye one day, and was diagnosed after a failed neuro exam and an mri, the other guy woke up and couldn't move the left side of his body. Both had a family history.

The neurologist did some flexing tests before the MRI. Everything seemed fine but that was 8 years ago when I only had very mild tingling. Since then everything has gotten worse where I have a lot of stiff movement now. Things feel heavy too forgot to add. My own doctor has done nothing. No other tests of the sort.

Anxiety can do all of that, I can tick most of them off.

What are you doing to manage anxiety?

Well my Doctor has never given me pills for it. Doesn't believe they will work. I keep begging for them but he doesn't believe it's the right solution.

I've tried therapy, relaxed breathing, regular exercise, positive thoughts, yoga, healthy eating, cutting out lots of sugar, caffeine etc and correct posture. Nothing has really helped over the years to reduce these symptoms. More just seem to come and with more added pain on top of it.

12-01-17, 15:50
Have you tried going to a different Doctor, or getting a second opinion?

Every time I have been with anxiety, they are always willing to prescribe something.

Best course of action would be to persist and get another MRI, and take it from there. If it gives you the all clear then you have to treat your mental health so that it doesnt come around all over again.

Best of luck to you.

12-01-17, 16:21
Have you tried going to a different Doctor, or getting a second opinion?

Every time I have been with anxiety, they are always willing to prescribe something.

Best course of action would be to persist and get another MRI, and take it from there. If it gives you the all clear then you have to treat your mental health so that it doesnt come around all over again.

Best of luck to you.

Nope. Stuck with the same one my whole life. He's been good with everything else but this one it feels like he's letting me down. If I was getting better I would 100% believe it's anxiety.

The reason why he doesn't give me medication is he feels those are counter productive. It won't help in the long run. How true is this?

I guess I need to get another doctor. My patience has run out.

12-01-17, 20:30
Hi Mord

I have MS and also suffer with anxiety. It can be difficult for your doctor to tell the difference between the both as they both have very similar symptoms.

For me I can tell the difference now as I find my when I'm having a MS relapse my symptoms last weeks sometimes months. These can be similar to my anxiety symptoms but they are more severe. Some of the attacks I've had with my MS have been losing complete feeling in my legs and feet, loss of sight in my left eye temporary.

I was diagnosed really quickly as every test they did MRI and lumber puncture showed all the signs of M.S.

I would suggest trying to see another doctor and try push for referell. For your own personal reference and this will help you if you do get to see a neurologist keep track of your symptoms, how long they last as normally with this information they can tell if it's likely to have been a M.S attack/relapse rather than anxiety flare up.
