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12-01-17, 14:33
Hey everyone I've been dealing with heartburn for years off and on. I started having difficulty swallowing a little over a year ago like bread and meat. Now I've had this constant pain and burning in between my shoulder blades and chest that has me really worried. I had a endoscopy back in December of 2014 that was completely normal besides some mild gastritis. Can esophagus cancer form that quick? I smoked for around 10 years and and dipped for maybe a few months which I very much regret now. I'm really scared it's cancer :(.

---------- Post added at 14:32 ---------- Previous post was at 14:24 ----------

How rare would it be for a 27 year old to get EC?[COLOR="blue"]

12-01-17, 14:37
Extremely rare indeed. Esophageal cancer, like all cancers, can theoretically occur at any time with no known cause. But the overwhelming number of cases are related to lifestyle. It's one of a number of what are often called lifestyle diseases that are rising, especially in middle age, due to things like our modern diet, heavy drinking, smoking and chronic stress. However, a combination of living a healthy lifestyle and getting your reflux issues treated would reduce your already pretty low chances of getting the disease at some point in the future. As for now, there's just no way.

12-01-17, 14:56
Extremely rare indeed. Esophageal cancer, like all cancers, can theoretically occur at any time with no known cause. But the overwhelming number of cases are related to lifestyle. It's one of a number of what are often called lifestyle diseases that are rising, especially in middle age, due to things like our modern diet, heavy drinking, smoking and chronic stress. However, a combination of living a healthy lifestyle and getting your reflux issues treated would reduce your already pretty low chances of getting the disease at some point in the future. As for now, there's just no way.

Thanks for the reply. I have another endoscopy scheduled for next Tuesday I pray it doesn't find cancer. It feels lime something is there every time I burp to like it's blocked off. Doesn't EC progress pretty quickly? I've just read a few stories on the web someone my age having it and us having similar symptoms.

---------- Post added at 14:56 ---------- Previous post was at 14:53 ----------

Im always clearing mucus from my throat constantly to

12-01-17, 14:57
Hi there,

Just wondered how you've read about it, but are still asking us on the liklihood of you having it?

12-01-17, 15:30
Are their other things they could cause the pain, hoarseness, and swallowing issues and food getting stuck

12-01-17, 15:35
Gastro-esophageal reflux disease. Extremely common. Treatable. Benign.

12-01-17, 15:41
I'm On protonix though my heartburn is gone but the pain is still there. It feels like a constant burning like a deep sunburn inside.

12-01-17, 15:43
If you want a definitive diagnosis, this is not the place. You're having a test, so that will tell you everything you need to know. But do remember that the symptoms of GERD can be exacerbated by anxiety, and chest and throat discomfort are common in anxiety as well. Pain can also be entirely psychosomatic. I wonder what would become of this pain if you were able to tackle your anxiety and begin to relax a little. Perhaps you could treat with ordinary painkillers (the pain, not the anxiety!).

12-01-17, 16:44
The more i read about it the more I'm convinced it's it..

12-01-17, 16:49
... that's because your brain has formed this belief that it is cancer. And when you have a belief like that it looks for evidence to back it up.

So the more you read, the more you reinforce the belief. It's called priming.

You prime your brain to find evidence you have cancer, and it finds it.

12-01-17, 23:22
Thanks for the responses, is it even possible for a tumor to form in the esophagus in 2 years time?

13-01-17, 00:49
The more i read about it the more I'm convinced it's it..

It is a rare cancer.
I think you've hit the nail on the head here: you do have a disease, but not a physical one.
The more you read, the more you will become convinced.
I hope you find some peace of mind. I guarantee you won't find it by googling esophageal cancer, however.

13-01-17, 01:04
Hypo... no... IMO, no way. See a doc if you want, get tested if they see fit but no, based on what you're saying? IMO... no.

Let us know how you make out.

Positive thoughts

13-01-17, 01:48
Thanks guys! I'll give an update next week. I already like this board better the AZ :). Anyone know if Leroy made it over here?

15-01-17, 03:11
Well the insurance lady called about how much my insurance was gonna cover the endoscopy. It's only 50 percent.. I'm supposed to come up with 2000 by Tuesday and their is just no way :(. Now I don't know what to do the pain in my chest and back is getting worse so is my swallowing. I'm almost certain this is esophagus cancer, and I'll never be able to get treated..

15-01-17, 12:03
Hi. First of all, take a deep breath and consider the fact that this would be extremely unlikely. That being said, this was a recent fear of mine as well. Similar pain between shoulder blades, heartburn, chest pain, globus, trouble swallowing, belching...Dr. Google basically screamed esophageal cancer (in my mind at least). Got an endoscopy that showed a mild chronic gastritis, hiatal hernia and reflux, otherwise the esophagus got the all clear. I've read on other forums people with GERD describing similar symptoms. Sorry to hear about your insurance problems, but maybe you can do a barium swallow instead? Also, both of us should stay off google.

17-01-17, 11:39
The more i read about it the more I'm convinced it's it..

you. need. to. lay. off. READING GOOGLE MD.
Please don't, it will drive you with fear to the limits of sanity.

---------- Post added at 12:39 ---------- Previous post was at 12:31 ----------

Well the insurance lady called about how much my insurance was gonna cover the endoscopy. It's only 50 percent.. I'm supposed to come up with 2000 by Tuesday and their is just no way :(. Now I don't know what to do the pain in my chest and back is getting worse so is my swallowing. I'm almost certain this is esophagus cancer, and I'll never be able to get treated..

That health policy is insane. But we're not here to discuss politics.
You need to get these 2 grand going and have your endoscopy. Can't you ask friends for some help?

17-01-17, 18:07
you. need. to. lay. off. READING GOOGLE MD.
Please don't, it will drive you with fear to the limits of sanity.

---------- Post added at 12:39 ---------- Previous post was at 12:31 ----------

That health policy is insane. But we're not here to discuss politics.
You need to get these 2 grand going and have your endoscopy. Can't you ask friends for some help?

I've asked everyone that would let me borrow it and no luck.. I'm gonna have to reschedule until I get the money I guess. Are their faster ways of getting things done? Maybe go to the ER if it is cancer wouldn't a cat scan show it if it were advanced? I've gotta do something the pain is so bad.

18-01-17, 14:25
Please anyone?

21-01-17, 07:57
Man, how are you? still in pain?

21-01-17, 12:49
$2000 seems pricey to stick camera down your throat and that's just 50% of it? I got colonscopy and it was only around $3400 out of pocket. That was hospital bill and dr bill combined. I'd think a colonscopy would cost more then this. But what do I know besides our health care system is messed up in the US.

24-01-17, 10:38
I utterly feel for US citizens. I had an MRI going several days ago and I'd just had to pay 150 euros from my pocket, that including the contrast med and the radiologists interpretation. Health should be basis for every one in none third world countries. I mean basis; you run into cancer, you get the right for at least the first line of diagnosis and treatment. How could it not be.

To shift back to our friend, I hope he is feeling better and-or had family help kicking in as to achieve the endoscopy that he needs.

Let just be said that oesophageal cancer is one of the most "life stlyish" of them all. Very seldomly will it hit someone who is not a) heavy drinker b) heavy smoker c) hot drinker (aka too hot a tea and coffee drinker) d) patient with long reflux history and -or presence of leukoplakia on the tractus.
a, b, c, d will add up for the worst risk.

If our friend is out of this chart, he can relax a little. This cancer strikes for good reasons and very rarely out of the blue.

21-11-17, 19:39
Hey everyone been awhile since my last post. Unfortunately I wasn’t able to get the endoscopy because I didn’t have insurance. I did have a barium swallow in March I believe. My symptoms have unfortunately progressed constant burning pain between the shoulder blades issues swallowing and excessive burping... I’ve terrified at this point I’m almost positive it’s esophagus cancer now I have all the classic signs... Would the barium swallow showed signs of cancer?

---------- Post added at 19:39 ---------- Previous post was at 19:37 ----------

I utterly feel for US citizens. I had an MRI going several days ago and I'd just had to pay 150 euros from my pocket, that including the contrast med and the radiologists interpretation. Health should be basis for every one in none third world countries. I mean basis; you run into cancer, you get the right for at least the first line of diagnosis and treatment. How could it not be.

To shift back to our friend, I hope he is feeling better and-or had family help kicking in as to achieve the endoscopy that he needs.

Let just be said that oesophageal cancer is one of the most "life stlyish" of them all. Very seldomly will it hit someone who is not a) heavy drinker b) heavy smoker c) hot drinker (aka too hot a tea and coffee drinker) d) patient with long reflux history and -or presence of leukoplakia on the tractus.
a, b, c, d will add up for the worst risk.

If our friend is out of this chart, he can relax a little. This cancer strikes for good reasons and very rarely out of the blue.

I unfortunately have a lot of risk factors o smoked for around 20 years I drank heavily every weekend for about 10 or so years I did chewing tobacco for a couple months also..

21-11-17, 21:18
What else could explain these progressive symptoms then? It can’t just be simple gerd I’ve been taking medicine for that..4

21-11-17, 21:54
What else could explain these progressive symptoms then? It can’t just be simple gerd I’ve been taking medicine for that..4

It could be as simple as that and you need a different meditation as the one your on isn’t working as desired?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

21-11-17, 22:49
What else could explain these progressive symptoms then? It can’t just be simple gerd I’ve been taking medicine for that..4

I'm going to come at this from the perspective of someone who developed GERD very suddenly last year, and went through the whole Esophageal cancer panic as a result (indeed, it's what kicked off my HA but that's another story).

GERD is a funny thing. The level of pain it can cause is out of all proportion to it's short term seriousness. And neither the pain you feel nor the fact that the medication hasn't worked as you'd like rule out GERD.

And as others have said, if you'd had Esophageal cancer with major symptoms untreated, for this long, you'd be likely to be seriously incapacitated (ie pretty much unable to do anything) by now.

And as for your question about how likely is it for someone your age to have it, the answer is very unlikely indeed. Here in the UK, there are detailed stats for how many people get each type of Cancer at various ages. And for a man in the 25-30 age group, for the most recent reporting cases there were an average of 3 (yes, three) cases per year. That is literally a 1 in a million likelyhood (and I mean literally, the incidence rate is 0.1 per 100,000).

So while nobody on here can say definitively that you don't have a particular disease, all of the available facts suggest that OC is in your case extremely unlikely indeed.

21-11-17, 23:13
Some PPIs work better than others and our doctor told us you can develop a tolerance for a PPI so it might be worth looking into something different. My wife and I both suffer from GERD. In fact, looking back, I've probably had it since my 20's. Anyway, we take a script PPI and follow the FODMAP (https://www.ibsdiets.org/fodmap-diet/fodmap-food-list/) diet. We also kept a food journal and eliminated or greatly limited foods that aggravated it.

We rarely have issues since we started. Also, I was taking OTC PPIs and eating antacids like candy. My wife was taking a prescription PPI but it stopped working. We currently take Protonix and it's been great.

Positive thoughts

21-11-17, 23:17
It could be a small hiatus hernia. They can be completely asymptomatic or can have extreme symptoms (and everything in between!). Things like chest pain and pressure, excess saliva/mucus (called 'waterbrash'), difficulty swallowing (due to the acid coming up and hurting throat, throat pain (like when a cold is coming on), burping, heart burn, sore feeling under rib cage....the list goes on.

Hiatus hernias are very common. They estimate over 60% of those 50 and over have one of some degree. It's difficult to estimate numbers under 50 as they tend just to prescribe a ppi rather than do an endoscopy as the risk of anything dodgy is so miniscule under this age.

If you do have excess acid problem or a hiatus hernia causing your issues they may give you some lifestyle suggestions like elevating the top of your bed by 6 inches or so, not eating within 3 hours of bed time, cutting down or eliminating caffeine and alcohol. The doctors may prescribe medication like Ranitidine (Zantac) or stronger acid repressants like ppis, I.e. Esomeprazole (Nexium). If you have some damage they may give you a double dose for a while to get it under control.

Also, do you lift weights? Hiatus hernias can be caused by weight lifting or constipation.

Good luck

22-11-17, 12:46
I had reflux since I was a teenager (now 52) and some of that time it was controlled, others not. Anyway, I had worsening swallowing to the point where it would not go down at all even after a couple of hours. I had to go to the ER and that is when they told me that were going to do the endoscopy to get the lodged food out. I was scared to death because I was sure in my mind after all the years of reflux and problems that I surely had cancer. It didn't help when a relative had esophageal cancer and didn't even know it, though they caught it early enough and he's actually okay now. Like you, I didn't have insurance for practically all my working life, so being able to pay for the endoscopy was impossible. And so I suffered for years with the thought that I was one step into the grave, even though people kept telling me I'd be dead by now if I did have it. Anyway, the issue got forced when I couldn't swallow food or water at all. I had to go to the ER and they did the endoscopy. I was so scared because this was the nightmare I'd had for so many years. But when I woke up, there was no cancer, nothing to biopsy even. He just said I had some irritation. He also told me that in cases of having trouble swallowing before he took me to do the endoscopy that he'd had a lot of patients with similar problems, but only one or two that had anything beyond that, saying it's rare even in older people and almost unheard of in younger.

And another thing, as others have said, PPI's don't always work as well as you think they would. I had been taking the medicine consistently before I had to go to the ER and it just wasn't working as well as it needed to. So it's not a foregone conclusion that just because you are taking medicine for it means that it is not still lurking about. You may need a bigger dose or something different as was said.

Good luck to you. I hope I've offered some perspective on the idea that just because it feels like cancer, doesn't mean it is.

PS: My mother had a hiatal hernia with reflux and it really messed her up bad to the poiint she wound up in the hospital and even a wheelchair from the pain, but they fixed it, and she was fine afterwards. No cancer there either.

---------- Post added at 07:46 ---------- Previous post was at 07:28 ----------

PS you may want to check to see if there is a charitable or university hospital in your area that has something like MedAssist. They might be able to help you get the endoscopy at something you can afford.

23-11-17, 06:12
Thank you for all the replies. What worries me the most is the difficulty swallowing. I just got done eating dinner which turkey was one of the things I ate. It kept getting stuck when I went to swallow it like it was catching. That has to mean cancer right? Simple reflux couldn’t cause these severe symptoms could they? Should I got to the er?

---------- Post added at 06:12 ---------- Previous post was at 06:08 ----------

Also when I try to burp I can feel something in my esophagus and it hurts it’s almost possible to burp for me anymore

23-11-17, 10:41
Thanks for this post Hypo27. Im sorry you are having such a scary time right now. I am relieved reading some of the replies here as I have also been going through a recent bad reflux/cancer scare. I had same thing 6 years ago and had an endoscopy which was all normal. Only a small area of mild gastritis same as you. Now lets remember that my symptoms at that time were so bad with all the same issues as you are having plus a few more like watering mouth bad taste constant belching and feeling of food stuck or oozing uncontrollably out of my stomach with a will of its own. Pain as you describe, between shoulders in the midline sternum area left side under ribs. Throat burning and pain nausea.....lump the size of a football in my throat and a burning lump at that! This was all while taking vast amounts of PPIs and antacids. Now I have all the same symptoms and am worrying all over again. Not even so much just about cancer but about never getting rid of the acid and it maybe doing terrible damage.....blah blah blah...you get the picture. So basically ALL those symptoms last time were caused ONLY by a very small area of mild gastritis.....or my anxiety! Either or or a bit of both but thats all I had with ALL those horrible symptoms and the immense panic I had about it all. I was driving it with my fear and I am doing the same again now! Even as I type this my stomach is screaming. I am asking for another endoscopy or barium swallow to but this to bed once and for all. I know I will not let it go until I know whats going on, so thats what I will do. In the meantime tho I really do know my panic is fuelling my symptoms and they are fuelling my panic. That has to be a part of the problem. If you can see yourself at all in this comment I hope you can take some comfort from knowing how common these problems are amongst anxiety sufferers. I have been told that by many doctors. Oesophagus problems are one of the most prevelant anxiety areas for symptoms. Its all to do with muscle tension and the digestive system being part of the fight or flight response. If you look up "plum stone" you will find lots of chinese medicine accupuncture sites that talk about this problem. Its so common its been treated in chinese medicine for hundreds of years. The mind body connection is so often shown in our throat and gut. Its a good one because it really is terrifying, so when our mind is intent on terrorising us its an immediate "go to"

Please try not to worry about cancer. I actually dont believe the symptoms are classic for OC. Usually massive weight gain is seen and vomiting blood. Symptoms of gerd that you have are not often present in OC. Cancers dont often cause pain in themselves, which is why they become advanced before symptoms develop. Your symptoms are classic GERD and your gerd is being aggrevated by your anxiety. It is hard to deal with because the symptoms are miserable. I have emetophobia which is a vomit phobia so for me all these symptoms send me into orbit without even adding a cancer fear. Lol. I am a nightmare! Feel better and maybe get that swallow to put your mind at rest. xx

23-11-17, 14:44
I had a barium swallow in March would it showed signs of cancer?

---------- Post added at 14:44 ---------- Previous post was at 14:08 ----------

What really worries me is the pain between my shoulders is constant and it feels like a sunburn feeling. My voice is also becoming more and more Hoarse

23-11-17, 15:06
I had a barium swallow in March would it showed signs of cancer?

Simple answer, YES. It shows how the liquid passes through to your stomach. If there are strictures or other obstacles, it would show that. If indeed there was something of concern, you wouldn't have been sent on your way.

Not a doc but everything you describe really does sound reflux related... everything. And the fact this has been going on for close to a year suggests that too. If it were sinister, you'd be quite ill by now. As suggested, continue your PPI (Protonix is good stuff!), look into the FODMAP diet, keep a food journal and avoid foods that trigger your reflux. Do not eat anything in the evenings after 6 or so (big no no for me) and keep some liquid antacid around for breakthrough reflux.

Positive thoughts

23-11-17, 16:50
Simple answer, YES. It shows how the liquid passes through to your stomach. If there are strictures or other obstacles, it would show that. If indeed there was something of concern, you wouldn't have been sent on your way.

Not a doc but everything you describe really does sound reflux related... everything. And the fact this has been going on for close to a year suggests that too. If it were sinister, you'd be quite ill by now. As suggested, continue your PPI (Protonix is good stuff!), look into the FODMAP diet, keep a food journal and avoid foods that trigger your reflux. Do not eat anything in the evenings after 6 or so (big no no for me) and keep some liquid antacid around for breakthrough reflux.

Positive thoughts

Thanks fish, you’ve always gave great advice. I just started taking dexilant samples and it works really good but I’ve heard it’s really expensive for the script. I truly hope it’s not cancer it really has me worried. It’s 200 dollars just to see the stomach doctor with no insurance

24-11-17, 17:37
Well guys I’m more worried and convinced this is cancer... I can no longer belch right I have to force it out. Earlier I tried to force a burp up and got crushing chest pain from it. I can feel something blocking my esophagus when I try to burp this has to be cancer :(

24-11-17, 18:26
Well guys I’m more worried and convinced this is cancer... I can no longer belch right I have to force it out. Earlier I tried to force a burp up and got crushing chest pain from it. I can feel something blocking my esophagus when I try to burp this has to be cancer :(

Hey! I know reassurance is not a great thing for us sufferers but I wanted to reach out to you. I have had the exact same symptoms as you as was convinced I had esophageal cancer. I relate so much to the feeling of needing to burp but can't. Mine also always came on after eating food so I pictured food getting stuck and blocking the burp. This was a story i made up based on my fear. I literally know how horrible that sensation is. I also always feel like I need liquid to push food down. So I went and saw a GI in June. They told me that esophageal cancer progresses so rapidly and in the matter of weeks people cannot swallow food (not just feeling stuck but literally not going down). There is often weight loss that follows because of the illness and because people have to change their diets. Esopjaheal cancer is also really rare in anyone undee 50. Since June I've been for two endoscopes (2 because I have severe OCD and doubt medical tests) . They found no obstructive changes but just some minor reflux. Of course, I still experience doubt and want a third endoscope but also realize that it's ridiculous. Let me know if you have any questions!

24-11-17, 20:47
I hade the same thing happen to me over the summer, like the exact thing! Went to the er so Manny times they asked if I wanted a psyc evale! Don't worry about it! you would not be able to eat anything. And eventually even liquid!

Sent from my SM-S975L using Tapatalk

24-11-17, 20:59
Your anxiety is definitely a component to this. When my reflux is playing up, the moment I start fixating on It, the worse the throat stuff gets, like repeated swallowing and belching. Funny that, when, in the past, I was prescribed Diazepam, when I took It, the throat symptoms got a lot better.

Also, the food stuck feeling, feeling it going down etc. If you have burnt your throat a little with the acid, it will almost be like running your finger over a cut or graze, you will feel it. You may need a double dose ppi to heal the throatm

24-11-17, 22:24
What about the food just sitting in my esophagus that’s gotta be bad. Every time I wanna burp food wants to come up...

24-11-17, 23:21
Look Hypo, fact, reality and reassurance just isn't working here :lac: If you're that concerned, go to the doctor. I've notified all members of the "Told ya so gang" and we'll be sure to come kick your arse after you get told yet again it's anxiety.

Positive thoughts

30-11-17, 10:02
I agree Hypo, it may be better to just get the tests and reassurance you need to be able to draw a line under it. This is what I will have to do too because I still have moments of panic over the sensation of throat stuff. I can keep it in perspective most of the time but in the middle of the night when all is quiet and im alone I get the thoughts spinning out of control. Sometimes having a difiinitive answer from the doctor will allow you mind to let go of these feelings. Please keep updated.

25-12-17, 22:12
I’m still having difficulty swallowing and it’s only getting worse! Food and drink keep getting stuck in my throat going down... I definitely think it’s esophagus cancer or a neuromuscular issue either way the outcome is bad :(.

---------- Post added at 22:12 ---------- Previous post was at 21:06 ----------

What do you all think?

25-12-17, 22:21
Is it not just anxiety making you tense when you’re eating? I’ve having the exact same issues because I’m obsessed with stomach cancer but it’s just stress.

25-12-17, 23:29
No I’m pretty positive it isn’t anxiety it’s gettimg worse and worse...

25-12-17, 23:40
You started a thread about this (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=193223) almost a month ago. You've been cleared by medical tests and doctors. Have you taken the advice I gave you about the FODMAP diet? What foods and/or drinks have you discovered that cause you issues?

POsitive thoughts

26-12-17, 02:24
It seems like every food is hard to swallow especially bread and rice.

---------- Post added at 02:24 ---------- Previous post was at 00:18 ----------

This is classic esophagus cancer signs isn’t it...

26-12-17, 17:43
I haven’t had an endoscopy in over 3 years that’s why I think this could be cancer. What sucks is I have no insurance still and I have no way of getting testing done now..

27-12-17, 05:58
How old are you? I dont think it is necessary to have endoscopy every couple years.. I dont think they do them unless you are having symptoms.

04-01-18, 16:43
I’m 28 symptoms are just getting worse... It’s definitely cancer that much is obvious at this point.

---------- Post added at 16:43 ---------- Previous post was at 16:34 ----------

Will a hospital do extensive tests with serious symptoms? Would they admit me? It’s the only way I can get testing done without insurance..

04-01-18, 16:49
Most community hospitals will see and treat you regardless of insurance. You'll just pay out the wazoo. The real question is whether you truly warrant such tests.

Positive thoughts

04-01-18, 16:52
I think I do the pain between my shoulder blades just keeps getting worse. It’s starting to become painful swallowing foods my stomach is starting to hurt. I’m beyond myself with worry I’m so scared.

04-01-18, 16:54
Have you taken the advice I gave you about the FODMAP (https://www.ibsdiets.org/fodmap-diet/fodmap-food-list/) diet?

Positive thoughts

04-01-18, 16:57
You do sound very anxious by your posts! Never really heard of this type of cancer you are worried about but I do know when I am extremely worried and stressed I have a lot of problems with swallowing and throat issues. Also my 'symptoms' get worse if I sit on the computer doing research of the illness I am worrying about, maybe you could turn off your computer and go for a long walk or maybe a run or just do something that you enjoy that will take your mind off it for a few hours and away from the computer and just try and relax, let yourself calm down a little.

04-01-18, 17:24
Sure I’m anxious after having these symptoms who wouldn’t be :(

---------- Post added at 17:24 ---------- Previous post was at 17:02 ----------

Yes fish I have slowly been trying to get onto the fod diet. Do you no think my symptoms warrant and endoscopy? I do not believe I’m dealing with just simple gerd now this is getting really bad

Chris 614
04-01-18, 17:39
I don't think anyone can convince you this is not cancer. In the last year have you been to the ER for this?

04-01-18, 17:54
No I haven’t.

04-01-18, 18:00
Sounds like either globus which is anxiety induced 'lip in the throat' feeling or acid reflux which has irritated your throat. If the acid has burned your throat it's a bit like if you had a burn on your arm then rubbed it against something, it would hurt. Do when you eat, the food rubs against the irritation making it feel like it's stuck and isn't going down, but it most probably has, you just are feeling where the irritation is.

I know this worry well as it is what triggered off my post natal health anxiety issue in early 2016. It sent me nearly mad, I was up to A&E about three ties and to the doctors about 20 times over the course of a month. I felt I couldn't eat or even swallow well. I thought the food was getting stuck. I lost over a stone in 6 weeks and felt sick, dizzy and tired all the time. The doctors said it was acid reflux, probably made much worse by my anxiety churning up my stomach acid (hyper secretion). Eventually, I went for a private endoscopy (which I pushed for, as being only 38 at the time, they said I was not in the risk zone at all) which only showed a small hiatus hernia (probably caused by having three big babies), but no irritation, no nasties, no Barrett's or no inflammation. I just got put on ppis.

04-01-18, 18:07
If feels as if my esophagus is narrowed and when food goes down my esophagus I feel it rub against something and it’s painful. That’s why I worry is EC. I’ve let it go on for so long.. I’ve also drank alcohol every other weekend for the past 10 years and dipped tobacco for a few months which are all risk factors

Chris 614
04-01-18, 18:25
Here's the thing. You had a test three years ago and you were fine. So if you get another test will you be calm for a couple years and then start the worry process again? Do you get help for your anxiety at all? When I am very anxious i get esophageal spasms and my reflux is terrible. When I am calm, everything gets better. Why not address the anxiety issues with a professional? There are places in the U.S. that are free or on a sliding scale.

04-01-18, 18:45
As you are in your 20s, I think drinking alcohol every other weekend is normal! Obviously as you get older, you'd want to moderate drinking and definitely give up dipping tobacco for a healthy lifestyle but I seriously doubt it would have caused anything at this stage. Oesophogeal and stomach cancers tend to affect people over the age of 70, are relatively rare and are usually late stage diagnosed which is why people usually are having extreme symptoms when sent for an endoscopy and it is spotted. As you have mentioned, you had an endoscopy only a few years ago, so you are probably prone to acid reflux, so that would be the most obvious answer. Also, if something was there causing symptomsthen, it would have shown up on the endoscopy. Even in the case of patients with Barrett's oesophegus, they only usually recommend follow up scopes every other year or in extreme cases, every year.

04-01-18, 18:56
I have (silent) acid reflux and I have this happen when it's flaring. It's much, much worse when my anxiety is kicked into high gear. I don't know if any of us can convince you that you don't have cancer, but from the outside looking in, it's definitely something I've experienced for years and I don't have anything wrong with my esophagus. :)

04-01-18, 19:17
I truly hope it’s not cancer one thing I forgot to mention is the nausea. I’ve been really nauseous off and on for a month now and it just gets worse also.

04-01-18, 19:30
I’m 28 symptoms are just getting worse... It’s definitely cancer that much is obvious at this point.

---------- Post added at 16:43 ---------- Previous post was at 16:34 ----------

Will a hospital do extensive tests with serious symptoms? Would they admit me? It’s the only way I can get testing done without insurance..

It really isn't obvious, it could be one of many things. Dry foods such as bread and rice are notoriously difficult to swallow and travel down the gullet especially if you dont chew properly. That's why they're used to try and dislodge fishbones stuck in the throat. Also anxiety affects the digestive system in all sorts of ways, the more anxious you get the worse it can be..

04-01-18, 19:36
When you take all these symptoms together is what makes it very worriesome. Difficulty swallowing, chest pain, nausea, reflux, stomach pain.. All classic digs of EC

04-01-18, 19:39
When you take all these symptoms together is what makes it very worriesome. Difficulty swallowing, chest pain, nausea, reflux, stomach pain.. All classic digs of EC

Collectively they are also the symptoms of GERD and various other digestive disorders though. Have you tried adjusting your diet?

04-01-18, 19:50
Collectively they are also the symptoms of GERD and various other digestive disorders though. Have you tried adjusting your diet?

The OP has had symptoms and posted (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=193223) about this close to a year ago. I've suggested the FODMAP (https://www.ibsdiets.org/fodmap-diet/fodmap-food-list/) diet and an OTC PPI as he doesn't have insurance. It takes concerted effort. It means giving up alcohol (a known irritant) and chewing tobacco. It also means keeping a record of when and what you eat and note reactions then act accordingly.

As always here, we can suggest and advise but it comes down to the person acting on the advice.

Positive thoughts

04-01-18, 20:19
I gave up chewing tobacco over a year ago. Does EC cause nausea?

---------- Post added at 20:12 ---------- Previous post was at 20:11 ----------

The OP has had symptoms and posted (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=193223) about this close to a year ago. I've suggested the FODMAP (https://www.ibsdiets.org/fodmap-diet/fodmap-food-list/) diet and an OTC PPI as he doesn't have insurance. It takes concerted effort. It means giving up alcohol (a known irritant) and chewing tobacco. It also means keeping a record of when and what you eat and note reactions then act accordingly.

As always here, we can suggest and advise but it comes down to the person acting on the advice.

Positive thoughts

Yea I posted that a year ago, but my symptoms have gotten much worse since then way worse.

---------- Post added at 20:19 ---------- Previous post was at 20:12 ----------

Does anyone know if EC causes nausea or is it when it spreads to the stomach then it causes nausea?

04-01-18, 20:32
Yea I posted that a year ago, but my symptoms have gotten much worse since then way worse.

And how long have you been following the FODMAP diet? Taking a PPI? Cut back on the alcohol?

Anyway... Spinning my wheels here I'm afraid :lac: I hope you feel better soon. Good luck and as always...

Positive thoughts

04-01-18, 21:33
Like Fishmanpa said.

Plus read what I've written on the previous page. All those symptoms plus worse ones are linked to GERD, if you've ever been on a GERD forum, you'd see people complaining of severe nausea, pain, weight loss through lack of eating. You are only 28. You've had these issues for over a year and had an actual endoscopy not so long ago. Like Fishmanpa said, you need to see if the medication and lifestyle changes help. If the acid is causing nausea, doctors will usudlly prescribe anti nausea tablets to help you get back your appetite until the acid settles down.

I also think anxiety is playing a major part in this as well, which you need to address. When I was at my worst with anxiety, I felt I could barely swallow, lost all my appetite and was actually so nauseous, I was violently throwing up every day. Once to the point there was a bit of blood in it which made me sprint up to A&E demanding to be admitted. They said I'd irritated my throat from throwing up so vigorously. When the acid calmed down on the PPIs and my anxiety reduced with Sertraline, my nausea and throat problems went away (I wasn't 'thinking about/worrying about swallowing every time I ate!) and I got my appetite back.

06-01-18, 20:21
Every time I got to burp I feel something in my esophagus and it’s painful could it be a tumor?? I have to force a burp up because of my esophagus being so tight I’m so scared about this...

06-01-18, 20:54
You realise all the symptoms you've mentioned are signs of reflux? Not even the disease, just reflux.

I've had these symptoms since I was 10, i'm 27 now so either i'm a walking miracle or I don't have cancer.

I take omeprazole and it keeps the vast majority of my symptoms at bay.

You've been given a lot of good advice here already, best to take it now rather than let this spiral go any further.

06-01-18, 21:20

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.


06-01-18, 21:30
I’ve had gerd for years to but it’s different now. I have never had chunks of food staying in my esophagus that can’t be a good sign.

06-01-18, 21:36
I’ve had gerd for years to but it’s different now. I have never had chunks of food staying in my esophagus that can’t be a good sign.

You've been diagnosed by a doctor with GERD? I thought your endoscopy came back clear apart from gastritis? Sorry if I've got that wrong.

06-01-18, 21:58
If the endoscopy was done 3 years ago and you were diagnosed with gastiritis, when were you diagnosed with GERD?

Also i'm a bit confused, if you have been diagnosed with GERD did they not give you a course of PPI medicine or recommend a diet change? I can't imagine they would leave it untreated as it caused me a great deal of pain and discomfort when I was diagnosed with it, my stomach and gullet were a total mess.

06-01-18, 22:16
I had a barium swallow last February that showed a little reflux but I guess I’ve never really been diagnosed with gerd my stomach doctor mentioned it being a possibility.

---------- Post added at 22:16 ---------- Previous post was at 22:10 ----------

I’ve had horrible heartburn and stuff for years and when I dipped tobacco it was really bad I’m scared the dip may have caused cancer or something.

06-01-18, 22:30
Yea I posted that a year ago, but my symptoms have gotten much worse since then way worse.

And how long have you been following the FODMAP diet? Taking a PPI? Cut back on the alcohol?

Positive thoughts

06-01-18, 22:38
Ok, let me put it this way. I apologise if any of this comes across as harsh but I need you to look at this differently.

You asked this exact question a year ago and were told then that the chances of it being cancer were extremely low. It's been near enough a full year later and you're still entertaining the idea that it's cancer.

Allow me to be frank, if this were cancer you would be very ill by now.

Anxiety causes heartburn, chest pain, swallowing issues, feeling as though there is a lump in your throat and many many more symptoms.

You were given good advice to try a PPI or the FODMAP diet but I can't see if you have tried either of these things.

Honestly the heartburn isn't even the problem here. You've gotten yourself caught in an anxiety spiral that has been seen here daily.

Look at all the posts in the health anxiety forum over the past year and you'll notice they all follow the same trend. You're so caught up in what you think is a cancer diagnosis that you're not treating the actual illness, anxiety.

Again i'm not trying to be harsh, but we can only reassure you so many times before you start seeking that reassurance every day and before you know it it's become a habit that is extremely hard to break.

07-01-18, 03:13
All your symptoms can be put down to anxiety. You ended up on an anxiety board for some reason. Why? No one here is a doctor and even if someone here was no respectable doctor is going to give you a diagnosis over the Internet. You ask would you have nausea if you had EC? Yes you might. Would you have nausea if you had GERD? Yes you might. Would you have nausea if you had anxiety? Yes you might. Do you have EC? Probably not. Do you have GERD? Maybe. Do you have anxiety? More than likely. It is pointless asking anyone here to give you a definite answer to any of those questions. You have been struggling with your problem for over a year. Regardless of what is causing it you need to see someone who is trained to deal with it. That may be a doctor who can treat your reflux problems or it may be a therapist who can help you deal with your anxiety. Stop asking people here to “guess” what is wrong with you (because that is all anyone here can do) and actively seek help from a doctor.

08-01-18, 14:13
Well I have an appointment with a regular doctor Wednesday morning. I hope I get the referral straight to get an endoscopy... I’ve been taking Prevacid it has helped but not taking away the constant pain. I am so terrified this is cancer... At this point it’s probably at least stage 3

08-01-18, 14:17
Good luck. At this point worrying about it being cancer is at the bottom of my concerns for you as it always has been. I'm more worried that when you get told it isn't cancer you won't believe them or you'll find another part of your body to suspect cancer in.

It happens here all the time and it happens to me. Don't let it get to that stage.

08-01-18, 15:27
Thanks mind I pray that it isn’t I really do. I have a wonderful 2 year old baby girl I couldn’t imagine no being here for her.. Liquids are painful to swallow now :(. Is their any other possibilities that could cause these worsening symptoms?

08-01-18, 15:42
I have a wonderful 2 year old baby girl I couldn’t imagine no being here for her.

By holding onto this fear for dear life, you're not there now anyway :shrug:

Please seek help for your anxiety. You have much to truly live for.

Positive thoughts

10-01-18, 01:03
Guys I’m really not doing good I’m freaking out... Every time I eat now I just want to vomit like I’m belching uncontrollably and food is just sitting on my chest. Could it be tumor getting bigger or spreading¿

10-01-18, 02:38
Brandon, did you ever deal with those issues with your gall bladder? If not, those could easily be causing the issues you're having now.

10-01-18, 14:32
Brandon, did you ever deal with those issues with your gall bladder? If not, those could easily be causing the issues you're having now.

I was sent to a surgeon and he determined it more than likely wasn’t my gallbladder causing my issues. Shortly after I lost insurance and haven’t seen s stomach dr in over a year. Im no doctor but this sure seems like sure signs of esophagus cancer constant chest and back pain constant nausea...

10-01-18, 15:05
I was sent to a surgeon and he determined it more than likely wasn’t my gallbladder causing my issues. Shortly after I lost insurance and haven’t seen s stomach dr in over a year. Im no doctor but this sure seems like sure signs of esophagus cancer constant chest and back pain constant nausea...

These could be signs of acid reflux. Esophagus cancer is extremely rare and often happens in people over 50

10-01-18, 15:16
These could be signs of acid reflux. Esophagus cancer is extremely rare and often happens in people over 50

I’ve been taking medication bad for acid reflux yet the pain just gets worse and so does my swallowing...

10-01-18, 15:29


Positive thoughts

10-01-18, 16:21
From what I’ve read this is more than likely the squamous cell type because my tobacco use plus the alcohol.. I am completely freaked..

10-01-18, 16:43
From what I’ve read this is more than likely the squamous cell type because my tobacco use plus the alcohol.. I am completely freaked..

Well you have no idea what it is, it isnt cancer. I knew someone who had this type of cancer and they were very ill, vomiting often and could not keep food down.

10-01-18, 16:45
Well I am getting to that point after every meal now I have excessive belching and food wanting to come up. There is always chunks of food stuck in my esophagus also.

10-01-18, 17:14
Well I am getting to that point after every meal now I have excessive belching and food wanting to come up. There is always chunks of food stuck in my esophagus also.

Excessive belching is normal with reflux or even hiatal hernia. You don't have cancer

10-01-18, 18:15
I’m burping up food and liquid though..

10-01-18, 18:23
Ok.. you're convinced. Nothing anyone is saying is helping and nothing you post indicates anything sinister. It all screams REFLUX! So, since you've done nothing but argue it's not, it's time to see your doctor and get a referral to a Certified Cancer Center. That's the only thing left to do other than treating your anxiety disorder. You could also follow the advice given, get on a PPI and follow the FODMAP diet.

Let us know how you make out. I'll have the "Told ya so gang" on standby ;)

Positive thoughts

10-01-18, 18:36
I’m burping up food and liquid though..

That is normal with reflux

10-01-18, 21:58
I’ve been taking a PPI for reflux wouldn’t you think if it was just reflux it would have helped by now? That’s what worries me I’ve been taking medicine and eating right and my symptoms just keep getting worse.

---------- Post added at 21:58 ---------- Previous post was at 21:39 ----------

Another thing I find odd is after I drink cold water it makes my chest pain worse and really hoarse all the time..

10-01-18, 22:01
There are a lot of people who have had to go on a double dose of PPI initially to calm down the gastritis. It's called a 'healing dose', so 40mg of Esomeprazole as opposed to the 20mg. Then you can taper down. Obviously don't go on a double dose without seeing a doctor first and getting his advice! He /she may not think it necessary. Alsi, some people combine a ppi dose and take a dose of something like Ranitidine (which is a different type of acid suppressant, an H2 inhibitor). Some also still have to take Gaviscon as well. Gaviscon Advance is seen as probably one of the best on the market. Some people who have these issues find the clear up in time, some with lifestyle changes like avoiding/cutting down alcohol. Others find it a bit of a longer term management thing.

Some find they have a hiatus hernia or a weak oesophogeal sphincter valve, all that can cause reflux.

At 28, you are so young. It would be extremely, extremely unlikely to develop oesophogeal cancer, however, things like GERD, acid reflux, hiatus hernia, anxiety, gastritis etc.are all very common.

10-01-18, 22:12
I’m taking 30 mg of Prevacid it comes in 15 mg tablets. Isn’t that the same as taking 40 mg of esomeprazole?

10-01-18, 23:39
60mg of Lanzaprazole (Prevacid) is the equivalent dose of 40mg of Esomeprazole. You can check comparative doses online. What you are on is a maintenance dose.

You may even find a change in type of PPI might help. Speak to your doctor. Some people find one type of PPI really ineffective (or initially effective but gradually not so) but another one really helps. I was initially on Omneprazole which was not that effective for me, even the double dose. Then I went on Lanzaprazole which was great with the reflux but gave me really bad diahorrea (sorry TMI!). I eventually went on Esomeprazole (Nexium) which is effective, not as good as the Lanzaprazole for my reflux, but minimum side effects and pretty good reflux control. Most people find this one really good. My Dad found his best result with Lanzaprazole and my father in law with Omneprazole. So....! Maybe change the PPI. Ask your doctor.

Plus, do you have IBS at all?

11-01-18, 00:42
I’ve been taking a PPI for reflux wouldn’t you think if it was just reflux it would have helped by now? That’s what worries me I’ve been taking medicine and eating right and my symptoms just keep getting worse.

---------- Post added at 21:58 ---------- Previous post was at 21:39 ----------

Another thing I find odd is after I drink cold water it makes my chest pain worse and really hoarse all the time..

It's not just about taking a PPI, it's about the dosage. At one point I was on 80mg Omeprazole my reflux was that bad. Most doctors didn't even want me being on 40mg so to them going on 80 was almost outrageous. It was only because of the gastrologist's recommendation that they agreed to it.

Since then, if my reflux ever plays up and 40mg isn't working, I have their permission to go up to 80 for a week until it settles.

I have a terrible feeling that when you get the all clear and it turns out to be reflux, you won't accept it. You're not even looking at other options or reasons despite all our reassurance, every post has been about this cancer, that cancer, right down to the specific name for it, which tells me that you're feverishly googling all these ridiculously rare cancers that people our age just don't get.

Contrary to what stupid newspapers would have us believe, doctors are not idiots. They know when something is serious enough to warrant further testing and they know when it's urgent. They haven't deemed this as urgent because you just don't fit the criteria.

I'm not trying to be harsh here but there is nothing left for us to do to try and convince you. Every post you've made we have done our best to reassure you that this is 99.9% sure to be nothing serious and it always ends the same way, reassurance then a few posts later asking the exact same question again.

Really, it's down to you now. You can either let health anxiety ruin your life or you can try and do something to get a hold on it before it goes any further because we can't keep this reassurance cycle going on forever, it's not helpful for you in the short term or the long term.

I'm not saying this to be bad, or make you feel guilty, i'm saying it because i've been where you are and i'm still there. Let me tell you, once you cross the threshold into letting it grip you like this it is extremely difficult to shake it off and no amount of reassurance from us will make it better. So please, do something about this health anxiety now because life is far too short to spend precious years dealing with this as I have.

11-01-18, 01:41
B, you need to follow their advice. Remember when I had GERD even though I'd never even had heart burn before my friend died? Well, I did. I developed GERD because I was so anxious that my body produced so much excess stomach acid it couldn't help it. Just with your last ALS scare alone you were anxious enough to have developed this, too.

The likelihood you have cancer is remote while the likelihood you have GERD is high because it's happened to many of us anxious people on here. You need to take a PPI like omeprazole and eat a better diet for a couple of weeks to a month, and if you see improvement, you'll know it's not your worst case scenario.

13-01-18, 03:43
Well I went and saw the doctor yesterday. She’s trying me on omeprazole 20 mg twice a day and Zantac 150 twice a day and she said if it doesn’t get better in a month I need an endoscopy. She asked if I wanted to go ahead and get the referral to a GI I should have done it... I’m nauseous 24/7 now and that pain still isn’t going away. I can’t see how this isn’t cancer it keeps getting worse :(

13-01-18, 03:48
Your doc doesn't think it's cancer, she thinks it's GERD like we all said.

You are in a spiral of catastrophic thinking, B.

Every time you have a health concern, you let it spiral out of control until you think you're dying. When are you gonna stop this for good, B?

13-01-18, 20:53
If this was simple gerd it would be getting better by now not worse. I shouldn’t feel nauseous all the time and now I’ve developed this deep stinging pain between my shoulder blades. This sucks so bad knowing that this really could be cancer..

13-01-18, 20:59
It isnt cancer..

13-01-18, 22:47
It isnt cancer..

I sure think so I don’t see this being just gerd

13-01-18, 22:53
Well if it is cancer then you will have to deal with that won't you?

There is no point being so negative and ignoring all the advice you get on here then posting again saying it is cancer.

Get it checked out and get an answer then come back and tell us what it was.

15-01-18, 02:01
I’m not trying to be negative I’m really not.... I’m just scared beyond anything I’ve ever experienced. What else could cause the new constant nausea I’m experiencing and the constant chest pain going through to my back?

---------- Post added 15-01-18 at 02:01 ---------- Previous post was 14-01-18 at 23:58 ----------

I’m not gonna be able to wait another month to see the doctor... I just wish their was a way I could see a GI specialist tomorrow!

15-01-18, 02:28
I’m just scared beyond anything I’ve ever experienced.

You're scared beyond the ALS thing? With that, you claimed your speech was failing and you couldn't hold your daughter anymore.

B, you didn't learn anything from that episode...like how you tend to catastophize? like how you tend to think you're dying when you're not?

15-01-18, 03:06
I've got similar problems and has a gastroscopy 2 years ago for digestion issues. It was all clear which was good. I'm going to see my Dr tomorrow to ask for another one as I'm also scared of cancer. I do console myself with the fact that nothing too serious could have developed during that time frame (I hope)!! I'm 61 so am at that age when this can develop.

There's a myriad of things that can cause these symptoms, esophagitis, silent reflux, esophageal spasms and also hypersensitive esophagus which can be cause by stress.

Thanks for reading,

15-01-18, 13:35
Ok, it's been a year, if you had cancer you would probably be seriously ill and hospitalised by now, or, if nothing else, your doctor would have rushed you off for urgent tests. As it is she's prescribed you some stronger PPIs As someone has already said, SHE certainly doesn't think you have cencer and she should be a pretty good judge.

I don't have anything to add from what others have said other than stomach disorders and anxiety are best friends and feed off each other. The more you worry, the more ill you are likely to feel. The more Ill you feel, the more you will worry. It's a vicious circle.

Start by accepting that simple, treatable/controllable stomach disorders can really make you feel like absolute crap without doing you any serious harm and trust your doctor.

15-01-18, 18:20
From what I’ve read about this cancer is that it progresses pretty quickly. I would say this has gotten bad pretty quickly I had the barium swallow back in February 2017 and it’s a lot worse now for sure. I haven’t lost any weight yet just in a lot of pain and really nauseous. I’ve read most of EC patients report a lot of weight loss. The pain between my shoulder blades is migrating into my neck now... I really appreciate all the responses I’ve gotten thank you all. I just don’t know what to do at this point this has me so concerned and worried...

15-01-18, 18:30
Hypo you think you've had cancer of the oesophagus for a whole year!? I honestly had to read the dates back as I thought they were all in 2018, but no they go back a year. You would be so ill by now, from a year of progression. So, lets revisit that barium swallow from feb of last year - what was the outcome of that as you never said ? Have you revisited your primary care provider since February?

15-01-18, 18:35
I just don’t know what to do at this point this has me so concerned and worried...

Ok... This is not to trigger you but to inform you. You're asking a question I know a lot about. Here's what you need to do.

Because you truly believe this is cancer. Insurance or not, time is of the essence. You first need to see your GP. If they feel it's warranted, you will be referred to an ENT. Exams and tests will be done. Know that the only way to truly diagnose is through a biopsy. If there's nothing to biopsy, it's not cancer. If you are diagnosed, I urge you to seek a 2nd opinion at a Certified Cancer Center. (https://health.usnews.com/best-hospitals/rankings/cancer) I would highly recommend Johns Hopkins in Baltimore, MD. They're #1 for Head and Neck cancers. The Cancer Society operates a Hope Lodge about a mile away from the hospital so you can have a place to stay during treatment at no charge. There's also transportation and meals etc. It really was a life saver for us as we lived several hours away.

From there, you fight your rear end off! Let us know what the doctor says!

Positive thoughts

15-01-18, 18:38
Hypo you think you've had cancer of the oesophagus for a whole year!? I honestly had to read the dates back as I thought they were all in 2018, but no they go back a year. You would be so ill by now, from a year of progression. So, lets revisit that barium swallow from feb of last year - what was the outcome of that as you never said ? Have you revisited your primary care provider since February?

The barium swallow was completely normal besides mild reflux. I Also had a chest cat scan the same day which was also normal. I lost insurance shortly after that. Yes that was a year ago but my symptoms are so much worse now.

15-01-18, 18:40
Great advice! If you honestly think you do have it, then do the tests you need to get done, and get them done NOW. By the way, having had cancer myself I know that they don't take risks if they see ANYTHING TO BE CONCERNED ABOUT when running your tests.

OK, I've just seen your reply about the barium swallow. It was normal, as was a CAT scan. Even a teeny itsy bitsy bit of cancer would show on that scan and through the swallow. The people who view these images are skilled and if they have any doubt at all then they refer you for further tests. I'm not surprised your symptoms are worse, a whole year of mentally convincing yourself, extreme anxiety and therefore more reflux. From what you are telling me, you think 'its progressed' which would make you....errr like stage 3 perhaps from what you are saying about pain and swallowing difficulties (seeing as stage 0 and stage 1 often have no symptoms). So, you've be losing LOTS of weight, you aren't. Its not what you think it is Hypo.

15-01-18, 19:01
If the tumor was small when I got those tests done they could have missed it too couldn’t they have? I had an endoscopy around 3 years ago also which didn’t show anything but that was 3 years ago..

15-01-18, 19:03
You've lost no weight, you don't have the signs Hypo. They can see cancers which are minute, tiny, stage 0!

Theres a mismatch here....can you rationally see it? Think, really think: You went with symptoms supposedly at late stage cancer and yet you think they didn't see it becuase it was so small?

I don't think any amount of reassurance will help you, take the advice and go back for more tests and an endoscopy. You know what though, I think even an endoscopy won't reassure you at this point. You need some help with this HA.

15-01-18, 19:19
I don't think any amount of reassurance will help you, take the advice and go back for more tests and an endoscopy.

Agreed. 12 pages of facts, common sense and reassurance isn't working. Hypo, see your doctor if you truly believe you have cancer. Let us know what they say.

Positive thoughts

15-01-18, 19:27
You've lost no weight, you don't have the signs Hypo. They can see cancers which are minute, tiny, stage 0!

Theres a mismatch here....can you rationally see it? Think, really think: You went with symptoms supposedly at late stage cancer and yet you think they didn't see it becuase it was so small?

I don't think any amount of reassurance will help you, take the advice and go back for more tests and an endoscopy. You know what though, I think even an endoscopy won't reassure you at this point. You need some help with this HA.

When I had those tests done last year I wasn’t this bad you know.

15-01-18, 19:30
When I had those tests done last year I wasn’t this bad you know.


Positive thoughts

15-01-18, 19:33

Positive thoughts

Kinda hard to do that when you have no insurance and no money..

15-01-18, 19:38
Kinda hard to do that when you have no insurance and no money..

I suffered my first heart attack and went to the ER. No insurance. They can't refuse treatment. You'll just pay full price. What was I going to do? I'm here now because I went. It wasn't cheap but what price do you put on your life?

So what are you going to do? Either go and rack up a huge bill or suffer a slow death from the cancer you're convinced you have.

Positive thoughts

15-01-18, 19:50
I suffered my first heart attack and went to the ER. No insurance. They can't refuse treatment. You'll just pay full price. What was I going to do? I'm here now because I went. It wasn't cheap but what price do you put on your life?

So what are you going to do? Either go and rack up a huge bill or suffer a slow death from the cancer you're convinced you have.

Positive thoughts

Every time I’ve been to the er they just tell me I need to see a specialist and that they can’t do any testing in the er.

15-01-18, 19:51
Good advice and yes a CAT scan can pick up cancer at a cellular level, when there would be no symptoms.
I do agree that a year on, you would be very ill (or deceased) by now.

Here's a little story that's true:
Way back in the 1960's my mother convinced herself that she had stomach cancer (after a neighbour died from it). She had many of the symptoms but no vomiting or occult blood in her faeces, but she was loosing weight, she had terrible panic. Her Dr said it was nervous indigestion (she was HA too). After several years, she realised that it couldn't be cancer otherwise she would be dead! She's 90 now and in a rest home and still suffers from indigestion (and HA)!

Her fear of cancer, is one reason I am so hypervigilent, as she used to talk about it to me about her issues when I was young (naughty mother)!!

So I think if you look at it from a time perspective, you'll realise that t's not cancer. It could be a stricture (benign) or something caused by stress, esophageal spasms or esophageal hypersensitivity.

This HA is an awful thing, we have to be careful we don't hand it down to our kids.

15-01-18, 20:33
Every time I’ve been to the er they just tell me I need to see a specialist and that they can’t do any testing in the er.

Please read what I wrote again.

Ok... This is not to trigger you but to inform you. You're asking a question I know a lot about. Here's what you need to do.

Because you truly believe this is cancer. Insurance or not, time is of the essence. You first need to see your GP. If they feel it's warranted, you will be referred to an ENT. Exams and tests will be done. Know that the only way to truly diagnose is through a biopsy. If there's nothing to biopsy, it's not cancer. If you are diagnosed, I urge you to seek a 2nd opinion at a Certified Cancer Center. (https://health.usnews.com/best-hospitals/rankings/cancer) I would highly recommend Johns Hopkins in Baltimore, MD. They're #1 for Head and Neck cancers. The Cancer Society operates a Hope Lodge about a mile away from the hospital so you can have a place to stay during treatment at no charge. There's also transportation and meals etc. It really was a life saver for us as we lived several hours away.

From there, you fight your rear end off! Let us know what the doctor says!

Positive thoughts

15-01-18, 21:02
Please read what I wrote again.

Positive thoughts

What you don’t get is I still have to come up with a minimum amount of money to have tests done. They won’t just do them for nothing.

---------- Post added at 21:02 ---------- Previous post was at 20:57 ----------

Good advice and yes a CAT scan can pick up cancer at a cellular level, when there would be no symptoms.
I do agree that a year on, you would be very ill (or deceased) by now.

Here's a little story that's true:
Way back in the 1960's my mother convinced herself that she had stomach cancer (after a neighbour died from it). She had many of the symptoms but no vomiting or occult blood in her faeces, but she was loosing weight, she had terrible panic. Her Dr said it was nervous indigestion (she was HA too). After several years, she realised that it couldn't be cancer otherwise she would be dead! She's 90 now and in a rest home and still suffers from indigestion (and HA)!

Her fear of cancer, is one reason I am so hypervigilent, as she used to talk about it to me about her issues when I was young (naughty mother)!!

So I think if you look at it from a time perspective, you'll realise that t's not cancer. It could be a stricture (benign) or something caused by stress, esophageal spasms or esophageal hypersensitivity.

This HA is an awful thing, we have to be careful we don't hand it down to our kids.

Thanks for the story and your right it could be esophagitis or strictures or something but I’ve heard those develop slowly and would have probably shown on the barium swallow. I guess I just have to figure out how to get the testing I need done.

15-01-18, 21:19
If you a very concerned most cities have a health departments or similar clinics where they work on a sliding fee scale and its according to your income. If you need to see a doctor and have no insurance and limited funds, this is a good option and if something should be found and you are low income, you can apply for emergency medicaid.. If you do go to the hospital and are low income with no insurance, they have a program where you fill out the paper work before you leave and if your approved the bill gets covered. Just some ideas for you...

15-01-18, 21:36
What you don’t get is I still have to come up with a minimum amount of money to have tests done. They won’t just do them for nothing.

Guess you're SOL :weep: OR... you could seek treatment for the disease you obviously do have :yesyes:

Just remember...

Cancer is an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. It doesn't come and go nor does it stop once it starts.

I'm out! Good luck and as always...

Positive thoughts

15-01-18, 21:49

Thanks for the story and your right it could be esophagitis or strictures or something but I’ve heard those develop slowly and would have probably shown on the barium swallow. I guess I just have to figure out how to get the testing I need done.[/QUOTE]

A barium meal test would not pick up esophagitis, only a scope would. It would pick up an early stricture though but I doubt you have that. Your food is being swallowed that's why you haven't lost weight.

17-01-18, 04:49

Thanks for the story and your right it could be esophagitis or strictures or something but I’ve heard those develop slowly and would have probably shown on the barium swallow. I guess I just have to figure out how to get the testing I need done.

A barium meal test would not pick up esophagitis, only a scope would. It would pick up an early stricture though but I doubt you have that. Your food is being swallowed that's why you haven't lost weight.[/QUOTE]

My swallowing keeps getting worse and worse I’m having to double swallow to get foods down even I’ve cream :(

17-01-18, 05:03
Sigh...this is the ALS thing all over again now.

17-01-18, 09:35

Look, for over a year people have reassured you on this, over and over, it makes no difference to you Hypo, you aren't willing to start reassuring yourself. You say that its getting worse and are utterly convinced. So you have a few choices;

1. Keep posting about this for the next few years, be utterly miserable, waste you life and happiness on something that isn't there, which your mind has invented and is tricking you.

2. Keep posting about this for the next few years, and you were right all along and everybody here was wrong and you slowly pass away (even though you aren't even losing any weight!!) with no treatment.

3. Go back to your GP, tell him or her that you can't swallow even icecream and are going to die of cancer. They refer you for a scan, which you say your insurance won't pay for.....so thats a non-starter I guess. (I suspect your GP is very aware that this is major HA)

4. Take out appropriate insurance or find out if you qualify for free government insurance support. Then ask for a referral.

5. Use the US mental health hotline, use it, and access the free resources and groups that I have been told are in most areas. Also a GP can prescribe medications for anxiety, go back to them and tell them that you have HA.

This is a health anxiety forum you are posting on, not a cancer site. What more can we do than support and advise on HA matters? We aren't doctors, we can't make you do anything and don't have a magic wand. Only YOU can take responsibility for your health, both physical and mental.

Harsh, yes, and no apologies for that. You have to make a choice Hypo on how to progress on this, but at the moment you are doing nothing and going in circles saying you don't know what to do. Fishmanpa said it more succinctly a couple of pages ago. :winks:

17-01-18, 15:13
Well, I have the same symptoms as you Hypo27.
I'm a 27 year old male with GERD, they diagnosed me 6 years ago. I only take PPIs.

It started around 4 weeks ago, that I couldn't swallow properly, as if food gets stuck in my throat, and it got progressively worse over time. Often I have to swallow the food twice, or more to get it down. I have chest pain too, and other symptoms you described, constantly.

I went through the same fear as you, my doctor sent me for an endoscopy. My appointment will be in february 8th. I asked him about cancer, and he looked at me like wtf im talking about :D...

I will let you know what causes this, maybe my negative case will convince you (or not). My wife keeps teeling me that it's not cancer (god she must hate me for all the drama I kept her anxious with in these few weeks...), and I start to believe her, as everyone in my environment thinks im crazy now :D

OH I almost forgot: I also had leukemia, and melanoma last year. And lung cancer 3 years ago. A round of Xanax helped me get rid of them :roflmao:

17-01-18, 17:48
I really appreciate all the advice guys I really do, but I’m really not doing so good. I’m very nauseous today and feeling so tired and fatigued for no reason. I’ve came to the conclusion that this more than likely is cancer of some sort. I’m declining pretty quick it nothing is getting better despite me taking PPI’s and eating better. I’m gonna go to the ER after work today and hopefully get some answers but I know whatever it is is really bad. Hopefully if it is cancer it hasn’t spread everywhere...

17-01-18, 17:59
OK, let us know how you get on. Good luck.

17-01-18, 18:15
OK, let us know how you get on. Good luck.

Thank you Carys for your help and I will.

17-01-18, 18:29
I’m gonna go to the ER after work today and hopefully get some answers but I know whatever it is is really bad. Hopefully if it is cancer it hasn’t spread everywhere...

Just a thought... The typical out of pocket cost for an ER visit without insurance is can be upwards of $2K with tests. Besides, it's for "emergencies". Why not take some of that money, go to healthcare.gov or a local insurance agent and see if you can yourself on some kind of policy through the ACA? My wife and I use ACA due to pre-existing conditions and based on our income we qualify for subsidies that help us afford coverage. Besides, the ER is only going to tell you to see your doctor or a specialist right?

You don't have some sinister illness here IMO. Just based on your post history here and on AZ, you've got a raging case of HA and the dragon has been breathing fire down your neck for years. It would just make sense to get yourself covered and pursue standard procedures. Visit a GP, get referred if necessary and take it from there :shrug:

Positive thoughts

17-01-18, 20:01
I really appreciate all the advice guys I really do, but I’m really not doing so good. I’m very nauseous today and feeling so tired and fatigued for no reason. I’ve came to the conclusion that this more than likely is cancer of some sort. I’m declining pretty quick it nothing is getting better despite me taking PPI’s and eating better. I’m gonna go to the ER after work today and hopefully get some answers but I know whatever it is is really bad. Hopefully if it is cancer it hasn’t spread everywhere...

So you are going to waste time going to an ER. An ER is for people who truely have an emergency not to find an illness that probably does not exist. You would be able to get answers from a primary care doctor or an urgent care.

17-01-18, 23:05
You don't have some sinister illness here IMO. Just based on your post history here and on AZ, you've got a raging case of HA and the dragon has been breathing fire down your neck for years. It would just make sense to get yourself covered and pursue standard procedures. Visit a GP, get referred if necessary and take it from there :shrug:

Positive thoughts

Yes, I agree, take out some medical insurance as you don't have any pre existing conditions. You will be able to access their services shortly after that. I'm sure you Dr will give you a referral for an endoscopy (gastroscopy) then you can put it to rest once and for all.

I've have medical insurance (specialist and surgical policy) since I was 24.

I also think that going to an ER is a waste of time and money.

I'm reassured that you have nothing serious wrong with you as you are still working, eating well and not loosing weight.

19-01-18, 19:20
Any update?

19-01-18, 19:26
I was wondering too

20-01-18, 00:13
Well I never went to the er the other day. I’ve been trying to get insurance the past couple of days but found a plan but it’ll be weeks before it’s active. I’m really worried at this point... I ate earlier at like 12 or so and have been feeling very bloated, nauseous, and burping up liquids almost vomiting it’s almost like my food isn’t digesting What if it is cancer and it has spread to my stomach.. I have to get this figured out ASAP. If it is cancer I could be delaying much needed treatment because I know the sooner you find it the better. I’m scared it’s spread to my stomach :(. God I don’t k ow what to do...

20-01-18, 00:16
You should have thought about all this earlier to be honest and taken the insurance out.

You have to wait now and see what happens. What will be will be.

20-01-18, 00:40
You should have thought about all this earlier to be honest and taken the insurance out.

You have to wait now and see what happens. What will be will be.

Seriously? You think I didn’t think about it? I’ve been trying to get insurance for months you have no idea!

20-01-18, 00:44
You have no idea either - a family member has just been diagnosed with terminal stomach cancer and you have not even been diagnosed !

You have 15 pages of replies here and still won't believe anyone.

20-01-18, 00:46
Seriously? You think I didn’t think about it? I’ve been trying to get insurance for months you have no idea!

So what happened to the insurance you had the beginning of last year when you started this thread?

Well the insurance lady called about how much my insurance was gonna cover the endoscopy.

Then a short time later....

Hey everyone been awhile since my last post. Unfortunately I wasn’t able to get the endoscopy because I didn’t have insurance. I did have a barium swallow in March I believe. So you paid out of pocket for a barium swallow? (around $300-$500)

Something isn't adding up :shrug:

Positive thoughts

20-01-18, 01:02
So what happened to the insurance you had the beginning of last year when you started this thread?

Then a short time later....

So you paid out of pocket for a barium swallow? (around $300-$500)

Something isn't adding up :shrug:

Positive thoughts

No I didn’t pay out of pocket I had insurance through my work last year and they dropped the coverage.

---------- Post added at 01:02 ---------- Previous post was at 01:00 ----------

You have no idea either - a family member has just been diagnosed with terminal stomach cancer and you have not even been diagnosed !

You have 15 pages of replies here and still won't believe anyone.

I’m sorry to hear that I had no idea :weep:...

20-01-18, 01:14
No I didn’t pay out of pocket I had insurance through my work last year and they dropped the coverage.

Why didn't you sign up for ACA last year then? As concerned as you've been, you think that would have been a priority :shrug:

Anyway... this has been an ongoing thread for a year. None of your fears have come to fruition here or at AZ and IMO, this won't either.

Positive thoughts

20-01-18, 01:40

A few days ago I also had this fear and I'm 61.

Just a thought here, I've been reading about low stomach acid. It can have the same symptoms as having too much ie gerd.

My Dr had given me some omeprazole (acid suppressant) for symptoms, I took 3 days worth and it just made things worse for me so I ditched them. My symptoms were:

Lump in throat and chest with tightness
Chest and back pains during/ after eating
A feeling of food scratching down my esophagus
Continual burping
Burps that wouldn't come up at night

So I calmed down and decided to try some natural remedies. I started chewing some raw, peeled ginger after and between meals. Nearly immediately, all the symptoms disappeared, even the burping at night! It's amazing and I'm feeling so much better. I know that if symptoms can disappear, I know it's nothing serious :)

Also taking 1 tsp of raw apple cider vinegar before meals and digestive enzymes with meals. Anyone with autoimmune conditions will most likely have low stomach acid, so it's worth trying to increase it :)

20-01-18, 02:06
raw, peeled ginger after and between meals..... raw apple cider vinegar before meals and digestive enzymes with meals.

Good stuff there. While we don't eat them in that fashion. We often include them while cooking and those items are on the good to eat list of the Fodmap Diet (https://www.ibsdiets.org/fodmap-diet/fodmap-food-list/). We follow that (and take a PPI) and we have no issues.

Positive thoughts

20-01-18, 02:59
You have no idea either - a family member has just been diagnosed with terminal stomach cancer and you have not even been diagnosed !

You have 15 pages of replies here and still won't believe anyone.
I am so sorry to hear this news.

20-01-18, 06:22
Good stuff there. While we don't eat them in that fashion. We often include them while cooking and those items are on the good to eat list of the Fodmap Diet (https://www.ibsdiets.org/fodmap-diet/fodmap-food-list/). We follow that (and take a PPI) and we have no issues.

Positive thoughts

Thanks Fishmanpa, that's a good link for IBS :)

I largely follow the IC/PBS food List https://www.ichelp.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/food-list.pdf as I have to keep my bladder quite alkaline, so a bit of a balance here. I also have to drink 1.5 litres of water per day.

20-01-18, 22:29
Guys I’m so worried I keep having pains in my stomach and the constant nausea and I’m feeling so weak and tired today... I don’t know what to do all I can think about is this cancer eating me away 😩

20-01-18, 22:37
Guys I’m so worried I keep having pains in my stomach and the constant nausea and I’m feeling so weak and tired today... I don’t know what to do all I can think about is this cancer eating me away 😩

You don't have cancer.

20-01-18, 22:42
You don't have cancer.

I wish I believed that. I don’t see how it’s not wit these bad symptoms

20-01-18, 23:03
You don't have cancer.

Calm yourself down and try the natural remedies, chew on some ginger (it's great for nausea and stomach acid, lumps in throat etc.

I think that your digestive system is in an extreme hypersensitive state with muscle tension all caused by HA.

If you had a scope and told it was all clear, then your symptoms would be better in a few hours.
However you don't need one as you had one 3 years ago and it was all clear.

Mucous linings take some years to develop dysplasia and a then more years until symptoms develop. Your logical reasoning brain must be telling you this but your HA (illogical reasoning) is making you believe otherwise.

I've been there and done that. I'm doing the best I can and have the tests I should have, it's all I can do as I can't control everything with my body. Otherwise I'd have no joy in life.

Take care :)

21-01-18, 11:24
Cancer doesn't 'eat you away' anyway, even if you did have it, which you don't. Cancer spreads with tumours, additional fast growing cells. You NEED to help yourself here, otherwise months of misery are going to continue, only you can take control of this situation. You have to counteract the training you have done on your brain to believe you have cancer.

Guys, anyone, just out of interest are there any kind of cbt self-help books availiable online for HA?

---------- Post added at 11:21 ---------- Previous post was at 11:15 ----------

Actually, I've done a quick Amazon search and a few are highly recommended, don't know if anyone here has read them?





---------- Post added at 11:24 ---------- Previous post was at 11:21 ----------

Maybe its just me, but I'm a bit of self help book fan....having been hugely helped 30 years ago by the ubiquitous Claire Weekes (somewhat dated of course, but still so true). I also stopped smoking with a self help guide.

21-01-18, 17:16
B, I hope you can take some of the advice on here and read some of the books. How many more years are you going to let HA ruin your life?

21-01-18, 18:15
I'm having the same issues which I am praying are anxiety related. A month ago I thought I had a brain tumour, then I was 100% convinced I had testicular cancer, to the extent I was shocked when the ultrasound came back clear. All the pains previously disappeared a couple of days later.

Now unfortunately I've convinced myself it's oesophagus cancer and that must have been my problem all along. I'm not as sure this time though and really hoping it's caused by the anxiety of my previous issues. I've had a throat clearing problem for a while, now have pains in either my chest or mid back and lots of burping. My GP gave me a prescription for acid reflux, also as I'm 32 a non smoker and not a heavy drinker she said the chances of me having this are tiny. But you know that doesn't stop me thinking I have it!

She wouldn't refer me for an endoscopy so I might go private and pay a fortune for it just to stop this anxiety

29-01-18, 17:02
I’m still having issues swallowing and now it’s got to the point to where it’s painful swallowing hard foods. Something I haven’t mentioned is for the past couple of months I’ve had pain in my lower left pelvic region when my bladder is almost empty when urinating. Could that be bladder cancer? I looked urine at last years urine tests and their where a few with microscopic blood in them...
Is it possible to have cancer in two places?

29-01-18, 17:09
Is it possible to have cancer in two places? Yes, absolutely it is. I visited a lady this morning terminally ill from breast cancer, liver and lung cancer. HOWEVER, you don't have cancer in either place......lucky you!

Had a look at any of the books I listed yet, or any on the main NMP book list?

29-01-18, 17:25
Yes, absolutely it is. I visited a lady this morning terminally ill from breast cancer, liver and lung cancer. HOWEVER, you don't have cancer in either place......lucky you!

Had a look at any of the books I listed yet, or any on the main NMP book list?

How can you be so sure?

29-01-18, 17:33
I've read all your posts on this subject, and previous serious illnesses you've had and you are a serial HA sufferer.
You are still going to work.
You haven't lost any weight.
You have had tests done that showed no cancer.
You have been posting about this for a year, and by now if you had secondary untreated cancers would have passed away.

The sad thing is Hypo, the really tragic thing, is that this poor woman who is terminally ill is living a less anxious life and a better quality life than you are right now.

29-01-18, 18:04
How can you be so sure?

Because you have no symptoms of cancer. I really find your post offensive as my aunt actually has cancer and my father in law died of cancer. So please you dont have cancer so stop.

29-01-18, 21:07
Yes, absolutely it is. I visited a lady this morning terminally ill from breast cancer, liver and lung cancer. HOWEVER, you don't have cancer in either place......lucky you!

Had a look at any of the books I listed yet, or any on the main NMP book list?

Sorry to hear of this lady's illness, we lost a close friend to breast cancer last February :(


As I mentioned before I think you have esophageal and throat hypersensitivity.Both areas are prone to muscle tightness and tension. Stress makes it worse.

I also have this at present with many of the symptoms you describe, but I'm not overly concerned about it as I've had a few of these symptoms before plus had a gastroscopy 2 years ago. I'm seeing an ENT specialist in March.
I do have CFS so my symptoms are likely to be related to this.

29-01-18, 21:15
Sorry to hear of this lady's illness, we lost a close friend to breast cancer last February :(

Its tough isn't it......I'm sorry....nothing prepares you for losing a close friend like that. :weep:

29-01-18, 21:24
Its tough isn't it......I'm sorry....nothing prepares you for losing a close friend like that. :weep:

Thanks for your kindness Carys, x

30-01-18, 11:02
I've read all your posts on this subject, and previous serious illnesses you've had and you are a serial HA sufferer.
You are still going to work.
You haven't lost any weight.
You have had tests done that showed no cancer.
You have been posting about this for a year, and by now if you had secondary untreated cancers would have passed away.

The sad thing is Hypo, the really tragic thing, is that this poor woman who is terminally ill is living a less anxious life and a better quality life than you are right now.

This post has put a lot of things into perspective for me. Much appreciated.

30-01-18, 11:03
Gosh thanks :blush::D

30-01-18, 13:17
I’m really worried about bladder cancer now.... I had a ct scan last July of my stomach and pelvic area. I got to reading the report and everything was normal except I had a “few shotty mesentric lymph nodes are present” in my pelvic lymph nodes. I’ve read that usually indicates bladder cancer :(. I’ve also been noticing lower back pain that’s been getting worse also

30-01-18, 13:34
Yeah, it can also indicate, and usually indicates, nothing more than fighting a minor infection or absolutely nothing at all...Here let me google it for you (NOT bladder cancer but mesentric lymph nodes)

There are numerous conditions that could cause mildly enlarged lymph nodes. It also may be that they are normal for you. A more precise description of the lymph nodes, e.g. the size and number of them, might be more useful. In any case, it is likely that they are of no concern, but speak to your doc about it.

Just out of interest are we officially moving on now from oesophagal cancer to bladder cancer ?

30-01-18, 14:12
Yeah, it can also indicate, and usually indicates, nothing more than fighting a minor infection or absolutely nothing at all...Here let me google it for you (NOT bladder cancer but mesentric lymph nodes)

There are numerous conditions that could cause mildly enlarged lymph nodes. It also may be that they are normal for you. A more precise description of the lymph nodes, e.g. the size and number of them, might be more useful. In any case, it is likely that they are of no concern, but speak to your doc about it.

Just out of interest are we officially moving on now from oesophagal cancer to bladder cancer ?

Oh no I’m definitely not over esophagus cancer either. I’ve also read that microscopic blood in urine could mean cancer and have had that on multiple urine tests.

30-01-18, 14:38
Here let me google for you again (I'm trying to prove here, that you find what you search for and read into things want to want to read into things, to find the worst possible most unlikely reasons for things!)

Hematuria (blood in urine) caused by cancer is usually visible. i.e. not microscopic, as yours is.


The most common causes of microscopic hematuria are urinary tract infection

30-01-18, 17:59
Oh no I’m definitely not over esophagus cancer either. I’ve also read that microscopic blood in urine could mean cancer and have had that on multiple urine tests.

I have had microscopic blood in urine since 2013 (off and on)..probably even before that actually but that was the first time i did a urine test. Did a CT KUB scan and was absolutely fine. It's apparently because I panic so much when I'm in the docs/hospital (I have white coat syndrome) my blood pressure shoots up and I have to urinate numerous times which somehow is connected to the microscopic blood.

I remember actually paying big money for a urologist as well who test urine flow as well as a few other things. Said there was nothing wrong with me but anxiety. Stated 20% of the population have microscopic blood in urine for absolutely no reason and proceeded to kindly tell me he didn't want to see me again lol. I somehow think if it was cancerous I wouldn't be here right now typing this.

30-01-18, 18:06
I have had microscopic blood in urine since 2013 (off and on)..probably even before that actually but that was the first time i did a urine test. Did a CT KUB scan and was absolutely fine. It's apparently because I panic so much when I'm in the docs/hospital (I have white coat syndrome) my blood pressure shoots up and I have to urinate numerous times which somehow is connected to the microscopic blood.

I remember actually paying big money for a urologist as well who test urine flow as well as a few other things. Said there was nothing wrong with me but anxiety. Stated 20% of the population have microscopic blood in urine for absolutely no reason and proceeded to kindly tell me he didn't want to see me again lol. I somehow think if it was cancerous I wouldn't be here right now typing this.
Thanks Dawson I guess all I can do is get the proper testing to rule everything out.

30-01-18, 18:28
I guess all I can do is get the proper testing to rule everything out.

Actually, in lieu of very expensive tests, booking a therapist would provide the answers you seek. Otherwise, you'll spend thousands of $$ and be back with another irrational fear :shrug:

Positive thoughts

31-01-18, 02:40
Ok everybody I really need some reassurance here. Why is food lingering in my esophagus why isn’t it digesting no matter how much liquid I drink? This is screaming esophagus cancer someone please tell me it could be something else... Hours after I eat chunks of food are left in my esophagus and I can’t wash it down. This is a tumor isn’t it.. What else could cause this?

31-01-18, 05:19
Ok everybody I really need some reassurance here. Why is food lingering in my esophagus why isn’t it digesting no matter how much liquid I drink? This is screaming esophagus cancer someone please tell me it could be something else... Hours after I eat chunks of food are left in my esophagus and I can’t wash it down. This is a tumor isn’t it.. What else could cause this?

It could be a motility disorder (there are several if you research), none of which are fatal but can be a nuisance. A barium test may show this up, but not necessarily. I'm sure you will research this :)

ps. How do you know there are chunks of food in your esophagus hours after eating?

31-01-18, 08:23
Let me tell you a story that I hope will give you some perspective. I was like you and for years, I worried to death that I had esophageal cancer since I'd had much the same symptoms as you. I couldn't even say the word and would literally freak out when an ad would come on TV about cancer. When I was young and went to the doctor for my reflux problems, he told me that cancer was rare in my age, but it could be me. Then he tried to sell me on an endoscopy to find out. Judging from how many he was trying to prescribe to people, think he was getting a cut back. Anyway, I didn't have insurance then or the money to do that, but what he said, really scared me bad. Other doctors didn't say much about it and at the time I was having trouble with rice and bread every once in awhile, but not progressively. I was given a PPI and that helped a lot with the pain part, but it didn't completely fix the problem. Fast forward 30 years and over the course of a year, it had gotten progressively worse. Of course, in that time, I'd had a lot of stressful non-medical life-altering changes, that had really screwed me up. And I got to the point where I couldn't swallow at all and actually threw up everything that I tried to ingest, including water. I wound up going to ER and when they told me that they were going to do an endoscopy to get it out, it was like my worst nightmare, the one that my brain had simmered on for years. Fortunately, they put me out instead of the waking version, and I drifted peacefully off to sleep.

When I woke up, the doctor had a big grin on his face as he showed me the pictures of just a bit of irritation, but no erosion or permanent damage. Didn't even take a biopsy. And that put an end to my nighmare about esophageal cancer. Do I still have bad days where I have major trouble swallowing? Yes. I've even had some where it came back up, but it's not consistently worse. It just is, especially when I am stressed out. That gave me perspective that even if it seems really bad, there are a lot of things that can cause stuff like that that doesn't involve diseases that will kill me like cancer. Back on a stronger PPI now that seems to work better.

I will admit though that you'd think after all those years of suffering, I would have learned my lesson. Recently I've been having headaches, dizziness, vision problems. and other things that would be indicative of a brain tumor or maybe a stroke. Especially since I am in front of a computer all day and a fellow programmer I knew had a tumor. So I went to the ER after one particularly bad episode when I couldn't get a doctor's appointment. They did a CT scan and as with the endoscopy, no tumor, no stroke. Just sinuses.

The point is, don't do what I've done. I've wasted so much of my life scared to death over things that didn't exist. And I know, believe me I do, how hard it is to break that cycle and I'll be the first to say that I have not yet mastered my own HA, but I did come to the conclusion that I make a crappy "doctor" and Google a lousy text book. There is a reason that doctors go to school for many years and not just diagnose off WebMD. That each individual is different and what may seem to match isn't always the case as many symptoms belong to perfectly treatable, benign ailments that aren't the dreaded cancer. Convincing yourself of that is the key. You may very well feel worse and worse because you are caught in the trap. The more anxiety, the worse you feel (and it can cause major problems) and the worse you feel, the more anxiety. See where this is going?

I think though from what I read in this thread is that the only way you'll be convinced is if you have the necessary tests. There are usually free/sllding scale clinics and non-profit educational hospitals around that can refer you for such tests if you really insist on it. You should also look into how to deal with your anxiety, as it is tearing you up probably more than any disease. Did you know that even when you don't feel anxious, your body can still feel like it's anxious internally?

And one last thing. I'm not judging you as I know how bad it can be. I'm not perfect in my own quest to free myself of the demons of HA. I have had a couple of rough months health wise with some sudden onset symptoms that are causing me a lot of stress and I made the mistake of looking up some of them on Google as habits are often hard to kill. And I have scared myself a bit in what the doctor on Thursday will tell me, but I'm also hopeful that whatever it is can be cured and is not the chaos that I think it is, because heck I've been wrong so many other times. All I know is that I regret the life wasted on worrying about what wasn't there instead of enjoying what I could out of life, symptoms or not. And I would hate to see someone as young as you go through the same thing.

I hope this has helped and you find peace with your health issues... If you need to talk to someone, feel free to send me a private message...

31-01-18, 16:12
It could be a motility disorder (there are several if you research), none of which are fatal but can be a nuisance. A barium test may show this up, but not necessarily. I'm sure you will research this :)

ps. How do you know there are chunks of food in your esophagus hours after eating?

Because hours after eating i go to burp and feel the chunks of try to come up.

31-01-18, 16:17
Hours after I eat chunks of food are left in my esophagus and I can’t wash it down.

No they aren't left in your oesophagus. It sounds like reflux, you burp, some acid comes up and it feels like there is 'something there'. Not surprised you have indigestion and reflux with the amount of anxiety you have!

31-01-18, 16:21
Let me tell you a story that I hope will give you some perspective. I was like you and for years, I worried to death that I had esophageal cancer since I'd had much the same symptoms as you. I couldn't even say the word and would literally freak out when an ad would come on TV about cancer. When I was young and went to the doctor for my reflux problems, he told me that cancer was rare in my age, but it could be me. Then he tried to sell me on an endoscopy to find out. Judging from how many he was trying to prescribe to people, think he was getting a cut back. Anyway, I didn't have insurance then or the money to do that, but what he said, really scared me bad. Other doctors didn't say much about it and at the time I was having trouble with rice and bread every once in awhile, but not progressively. I was given a PPI and that helped a lot with the pain part, but it didn't completely fix the problem. Fast forward 30 years and over the course of a year, it had gotten progressively worse. Of course, in that time, I'd had a lot of stressful non-medical life-altering changes, that had really screwed me up. And I got to the point where I couldn't swallow at all and actually threw up everything that I tried to ingest, including water. I wound up going to ER and when they told me that they were going to do an endoscopy to get it out, it was like my worst nightmare, the one that my brain had simmered on for years. Fortunately, they put me out instead of the waking version, and I drifted peacefully off to sleep.

When I woke up, the doctor had a big grin on his face as he showed me the pictures of just a bit of irritation, but no erosion or permanent damage. Didn't even take a biopsy. And that put an end to my nighmare about esophageal cancer. Do I still have bad days where I have major trouble swallowing? Yes. I've even had some where it came back up, but it's not consistently worse. It just is, especially when I am stressed out. That gave me perspective that even if it seems really bad, there are a lot of things that can cause stuff like that that doesn't involve diseases that will kill me like cancer. Back on a stronger PPI now that seems to work better.

I will admit though that you'd think after all those years of suffering, I would have learned my lesson. Recently I've been having headaches, dizziness, vision problems. and other things that would be indicative of a brain tumor or maybe a stroke. Especially since I am in front of a computer all day and a fellow programmer I knew had a tumor. So I went to the ER after one particularly bad episode when I couldn't get a doctor's appointment. They did a CT scan and as with the endoscopy, no tumor, no stroke. Just sinuses.

The point is, don't do what I've done. I've wasted so much of my life scared to death over things that didn't exist. And I know, believe me I do, how hard it is to break that cycle and I'll be the first to say that I have not yet mastered my own HA, but I did come to the conclusion that I make a crappy "doctor" and Google a lousy text book. There is a reason that doctors go to school for many years and not just diagnose off WebMD. That each individual is different and what may seem to match isn't always the case as many symptoms belong to perfectly treatable, benign ailments that aren't the dreaded cancer. Convincing yourself of that is the key. You may very well feel worse and worse because you are caught in the trap. The more anxiety, the worse you feel (and it can cause major problems) and the worse you feel, the more anxiety. See where this is going?

I think though from what I read in this thread is that the only way you'll be convinced is if you have the necessary tests. There are usually free/sllding scale clinics and non-profit educational hospitals around that can refer you for such tests if you really insist on it. You should also look into how to deal with your anxiety, as it is tearing you up probably more than any disease. Did you know that even when you don't feel anxious, your body can still feel like it's anxious internally?

And one last thing. I'm not judging you as I know how bad it can be. I'm not perfect in my own quest to free myself of the demons of HA. I have had a couple of rough months health wise with some sudden onset symptoms that are causing me a lot of stress and I made the mistake of looking up some of them on Google as habits are often hard to kill. And I have scared myself a bit in what the doctor on Thursday will tell me, but I'm also hopeful that whatever it is can be cured and is not the chaos that I think it is, because heck I've been wrong so many other times. All I know is that I regret the life wasted on worrying about what wasn't there instead of enjoying what I could out of life, symptoms or not. And I would hate to see someone as young as you go through the same thing.

I hope this has helped and you find peace with your health issues... If you need to talk to someone, feel free to send me a private message...

Great post that will no doubt go unacknowledged and ignored :weep:

Positive thoughts

31-01-18, 16:22
Exactly what I thought FMP ! Anything the OP doesn't like the sound of, that touches on reality and is truthful....it is ignored.

31-01-18, 16:43
No they aren't left in your oesophagus. It sounds like reflux, you burp, some acid comes up and it feels like there is 'something there'. Not surprised you have indigestion and reflux with the amount of anxiety you have!

No it’s definitely undigested food stuck because I’ve burped up pieces.

31-01-18, 16:57
Ok, warning, harsh response coming up Hypo...

There are people writing you helpful responses, which are absolutely seemingly invisible to you. There have been many over the last few pages, I did a couple myself. If the words don't gel with your self-inflicted miserable self-absorbed mindset, you pass them by as if they are of no relevance. You and only YOU can sort this out, only you can take the first step towards a happy life, with a lack of constant concern about these health issues.

Hey everyone I've been dealing with heartburn for years off and on. I started having difficulty swallowing a little over a year ago

See that quote above, you wrote that at the start of this thread, OVER a year ago. This means that by your reckoning you've had undiagnosed, untreated stomach or 'whatever in alimentary canal', cancer for 2 years. 2 years ! I reckon you deserve an award for still being at work everyday and having lost no weight. yes, I am being sarcastic as its honestly extraordinary that you still think 2 years after your symptoms started that this is cancer. Of course you now think you have a secondary cancer too, bladder cancer, which you think has probably been there for the last year....so that would put you in stage 4 of disease progression for the last year.

Without treatment, and you've had none....YOU WOULD BE DEAD BY NOW.

Can you see the logic of this? Please answer this at the very least.

31-01-18, 17:01
Yes I know it does sound illogical I just wanna know what’s wrong

31-01-18, 17:12
Well, your health insurance must have kicked in by now...that new one you got sorted. Go find out ey? Then you can come back and start working on your HA!

---------- Post added at 17:12 ---------- Previous post was at 17:10 ----------

I honestly can't add any more to your thread. I think its tragic that a whole year later, a whole year out of your life (and seemingly years prior to that), you've spent it fearful and locked in this mental state that consumes all your thoughts.

Oh one more thing....

I said it earlier, but you didn't respond. I'll say it again. There are people out there who have cancer, major cancers, secondary cancers and absolutely awful physical health, who are leading happier and less anxious lives than you!

31-01-18, 20:05
Exactly what I thought FMP ! Anything the OP doesn't like the sound of, that touches on reality and is truthful....it is ignored.

A familiar trend on here.. "I want advice this very second but it has to be on my terms and it has to fulfil my criteria for my perceived terminal illness. Don't bother posting if you are going to tell me anything I won't want to hear"

31-01-18, 20:06
Let me tell you a story that I hope will give you some perspective. I was like you and for years, I worried to death that I had esophageal cancer since I'd had much the same symptoms as you. I couldn't even say the word and would literally freak out when an ad would come on TV about cancer. When I was young and went to the doctor for my reflux problems, he told me that cancer was rare in my age, but it could be me. Then he tried to sell me on an endoscopy to find out. Judging from how many he was trying to prescribe to people, think he was getting a cut back. Anyway, I didn't have insurance then or the money to do that, but what he said, really scared me bad. Other doctors didn't say much about it and at the time I was having trouble with rice and bread every once in awhile, but not progressively. I was given a PPI and that helped a lot with the pain part, but it didn't completely fix the problem. Fast forward 30 years and over the course of a year, it had gotten progressively worse. Of course, in that time, I'd had a lot of stressful non-medical life-altering changes, that had really screwed me up. And I got to the point where I couldn't swallow at all and actually threw up everything that I tried to ingest, including water. I wound up going to ER and when they told me that they were going to do an endoscopy to get it out, it was like my worst nightmare, the one that my brain had simmered on for years. Fortunately, they put me out instead of the waking version, and I drifted peacefully off to sleep.

When I woke up, the doctor had a big grin on his face as he showed me the pictures of just a bit of irritation, but no erosion or permanent damage. Didn't even take a biopsy. And that put an end to my nighmare about esophageal cancer. Do I still have bad days where I have major trouble swallowing? Yes. I've even had some where it came back up, but it's not consistently worse. It just is, especially when I am stressed out. That gave me perspective that even if it seems really bad, there are a lot of things that can cause stuff like that that doesn't involve diseases that will kill me like cancer. Back on a stronger PPI now that seems to work better.

I will admit though that you'd think after all those years of suffering, I would have learned my lesson. Recently I've been having headaches, dizziness, vision problems. and other things that would be indicative of a brain tumor or maybe a stroke. Especially since I am in front of a computer all day and a fellow programmer I knew had a tumor. So I went to the ER after one particularly bad episode when I couldn't get a doctor's appointment. They did a CT scan and as with the endoscopy, no tumor, no stroke. Just sinuses.

The point is, don't do what I've done. I've wasted so much of my life scared to death over things that didn't exist. And I know, believe me I do, how hard it is to break that cycle and I'll be the first to say that I have not yet mastered my own HA, but I did come to the conclusion that I make a crappy "doctor" and Google a lousy text book. There is a reason that doctors go to school for many years and not just diagnose off WebMD. That each individual is different and what may seem to match isn't always the case as many symptoms belong to perfectly treatable, benign ailments that aren't the dreaded cancer. Convincing yourself of that is the key. You may very well feel worse and worse because you are caught in the trap. The more anxiety, the worse you feel (and it can cause major problems) and the worse you feel, the more anxiety. See where this is going?

I think though from what I read in this thread is that the only way you'll be convinced is if you have the necessary tests. There are usually free/sllding scale clinics and non-profit educational hospitals around that can refer you for such tests if you really insist on it. You should also look into how to deal with your anxiety, as it is tearing you up probably more than any disease. Did you know that even when you don't feel anxious, your body can still feel like it's anxious internally?

And one last thing. I'm not judging you as I know how bad it can be. I'm not perfect in my own quest to free myself of the demons of HA. I have had a couple of rough months health wise with some sudden onset symptoms that are causing me a lot of stress and I made the mistake of looking up some of them on Google as habits are often hard to kill. And I have scared myself a bit in what the doctor on Thursday will tell me, but I'm also hopeful that whatever it is can be cured and is not the chaos that I think it is, because heck I've been wrong so many other times. All I know is that I regret the life wasted on worrying about what wasn't there instead of enjoying what I could out of life, symptoms or not. And I would hate to see someone as young as you go through the same thing.

I hope this has helped and you find peace with your health issues... If you need to talk to someone, feel free to send me a private message...

Great post that will no doubt go unacknowledged and ignored :weep:

Positive thoughts

If that helps, the post made me feel better, at least...

31-01-18, 20:08

01-02-18, 03:40
Exactly what I thought FMP ! Anything the OP doesn't like the sound of, that touches on reality and is truthful....it is ignored.

Unfortunately, this is part of the issue with many chronic HA sufferers. You'll notice this trend among the worst on here.

01-02-18, 04:48
Because you have no symptoms of cancer. I really find your post offensive as my aunt actually has cancer and my father in law died of cancer. So please you dont have cancer so stop.

Very sorry to hear this. I hope your aunt gets the best treatment and makes a full recovery. Condolences for your father in law :hugs:

---------- Post added at 04:40 ---------- Previous post was at 04:34 ----------

You have no idea either - a family member has just been diagnosed with terminal stomach cancer and you have not even been diagnosed !

You have 15 pages of replies here and still won't believe anyone.

Really sorry to hear this, Nic. I hope everything possible that can be done to ease their remaining time is provided and that you guys have the support you need to get through this. :hugs:

---------- Post added at 04:44 ---------- Previous post was at 04:40 ----------

Yes, absolutely it is. I visited a lady this morning terminally ill from breast cancer, liver and lung cancer. HOWEVER, you don't have cancer in either place......lucky you!

Had a look at any of the books I listed yet, or any on the main NMP book list?

The poor woman. That must have been very hard to do and shows the kind of person you are to give your support to her. I hope her remaining time is eased by anything they can do for her :hugs:

---------- Post added at 04:48 ---------- Previous post was at 04:44 ----------

Cancer doesn't 'eat you away' anyway, even if you did have it, which you don't. Cancer spreads with tumours, additional fast growing cells. You NEED to help yourself here, otherwise months of misery are going to continue, only you can take control of this situation. You have to counteract the training you have done on your brain to believe you have cancer.

Guys, anyone, just out of interest are there any kind of cbt self-help books availiable online for HA?

---------- Post added at 11:21 ---------- Previous post was at 11:15 ----------

Actually, I've done a quick Amazon search and a few are highly recommended, don't know if anyone here has read them?





---------- Post added at 11:24 ---------- Previous post was at 11:21 ----------

Maybe its just me, but I'm a bit of self help book fan....having been hugely helped 30 years ago by the ubiquitous Claire Weekes (somewhat dated of course, but still so true). I also stopped smoking with a self help guide.

Avoid the one by M Evans, it's no more than a copy of the sticky threads on this forum. A tiny book in large print, maybe 16 pages of a normal book yet it costs as much as a 400+ pager from a real medical professional. Basically, it's a 99p ebook from an ex sufferer recycling the same advice available free anywhere. If free though, no loss.

(Before commenting please be aware of the comments on that review and links back to NMP as a member.)

01-02-18, 05:06

I've just purchased one of these book Overcoming Health Anxiety from your list.
Am looking forward to it's arrival :)

Thanks :)

01-02-18, 05:28

I've just purchased one of these book Overcoming Health Anxiety from your list.
Am looking forward to it's arrival :)

Thanks :)

Hi WiseMonkey,

I think you got me mixed up with Carys.

I hope it helps you :hugs:

01-02-18, 06:50
Hi WiseMonkey,

I think you got me mixed up with Carys.

I hope it helps you :hugs:

Thanks, you are right, that will teach me not to skim & scan! :)

Many thanks Carys x

01-02-18, 10:12
Hiyer, I hope its ok for you....I just picked out from Amazon directly based on star ratings. Eeekkkk I feel a bit of a twit now, as I don't know how they are as books - I was just trying to get Hypo to actually purchase one!!!! He's not going to though, so I'm really glad you got one, you can let us know on the thread how it is. :D

Before commenting please be aware of the comments on that review and links back to NMP as a member.Could you clarify this point Terry?

---------- Post added at 10:12 ---------- Previous post was at 08:07 ----------

The poor woman. That must have been very hard to do and shows the kind of person you are to give your support to her. I hope her remaining time is eased by anything they can do for her :hugs:

Hiyer, oddly, I don't find it that hard....I visit a few terminally ill people and find that it puts my own fears into perspective. I've been seeing her for a year now, we go out whenever possible, the pub or other interesting social place, and we have a right laugh. :DAt the moment the palliative care team aren't too involved, but obviously as time goes on. :weep: To my mind these are people 'living with a diagnosis of X' rather than 'dying from a diagnosis of X'.

01-02-18, 20:34
If that helps, the post made me feel better, at least...

thanks for the reply, I'm glad it helped...

02-02-18, 13:07
Hiyer, I hope its ok for you....I just picked out from Amazon directly based on star ratings. Eeekkkk I feel a bit of a twit now, as I don't know how they are as books - I was just trying to get Hypo to actually purchase one!!!! He's not going to though, so I'm really glad you got one, you can let us know on the thread how it is. :D

Could you clarify this point Terry?

---------- Post added at 10:12 ---------- Previous post was at 08:07 ----------

Hiyer, oddly, I don't find it that hard....I visit a few terminally ill people and find that it puts my own fears into perspective. I've been seeing her for a year now, we go out whenever possible, the pub or other interesting social place, and we have a right laugh. :DAt the moment the palliative care team aren't too involved, but obviously as time goes on. :weep: To my mind these are people 'living with a diagnosis of X' rather than 'dying from a diagnosis of X'.

Well I still think that's amazing and I reckon many others on here will. That's a massive test to a HAer but it proves the power of wanting to do what you think is right is more powerful than anxiety. A massive exposure that you've learned isn't important at a subconscious level so it's no longer a fear.

It's great that she has come to terms with her diagnosis and is busy living life. It's an attitude I've got massive respect for and something I aspire to as an anxiety sufferer.

I knew a lady with terminal cancer and once she did her crying she pulled her socks up and got on with doing what she wanted and telling her family to get on with what they would have done if she wasn't ill. She has daily symptoms that needed medication but she learned to cope with it and pushed on. Who can't look at that and think wow?

The same with my GF's mum. She could barely climb the stairs once a day but she still wanted to go out to see friends and go on trips as before even if it was exhausting just being pushed around in a wheelchair.

My parents have seen friends & family claimed by various illnesses including dementia & cancer. Being in their seventies they say this is just part of life you have to learn to accept and it's important to maintain normality for the person who is ill.

Don't worry about the quick grab off Amazon, anyone would do same. The issue lies in how easy it is to fake reviews on that place or get your mates to add reviews. In the case of that book I had to add that note because the author was around when some current members were so they may oppose my views, which is their right, but those who aren't aware of that situation may walk into that discussion without realising. Admin are fine with the promotion of it on here but I strongly disagree with their reasons as stated when it was discussed for the reasons I mentioned above, amongst others, as I'm an anxiety sufferer first over a NMP member.

02-02-18, 16:23
That's a massive test to a HAer but it proves the power of wanting to do what you think is right is more powerful than anxiety.
Do you know, I'm starting to think that I no longer have HA LOL ! I think that I do sometimes panic a bit when I get some 'real symptoms' of something, and get a bit 'oooer might that be something bad?' but I don't check up on those things and have a tendency to actually react the other way and leave them and forget them assuming it's nothing.I know that I developed very strong strategies to deal with HA when I was younger, and had it sporadically in my young adult life badly (was back and forth to doctors and for tests) now I never go near the place and haven't done for years years. Maybe its really not an issue for me, it certainly doesn't feel like it is anymore.

02-02-18, 17:33
I’m more worried that this is cancer. I’m hurting so bad in my chest and between my shoulder blades it just keeps getting worse! I made an appointment with my primary doc for next Thursday for the soonest. I wish I could go straight for a endoscopy! My whole stomach is sore and hurting... I have a bad feeling that this has took a turn for the worse. I’m scared if it’s cancer it’s spread.

02-02-18, 17:35
Sorry, but WHAT? I came on here to 'hope you were feeling ok' with your FLU, and your flu has become spreading cancer. So, do you have flu or not?

02-02-18, 17:39
Sorry, but WHAT? I came on here to 'hope you were feeling ok' with your FLU, and your flu has become spreading cancer. So, do you have flu or not?

I don’t think so. I don’t have a fever or anything.

---------- Post added at 17:39 ---------- Previous post was at 17:37 ----------

I’m in so much pain though... I know deep down this is really bad.

02-02-18, 17:41
So, Hypo,

What are your symptoms right now, physically?

The other day you said you had chills, felt awful, had a 'dodgy' stomach ...and something else...can't remember...

02-02-18, 17:46
Pain in my chest and between shoulder blades feeling really tired and sore stomach feeling. Yesterday I had chills diarrhea and feeling bad.

02-02-18, 17:50
so you had a temperature yesterday? If you did, then that means you probably have a stomach bug or virus of some sort. Well, get yourself off to your doctor then to find out what it is. (Mind it could have gone by then I guess). Whilst there it is IMPERATIVE that you ask for mental health help, otherwise you will spend years like this Hypo.

02-02-18, 17:53
No I didn’t have any fever yesterday at all. I assure you this pain in my chest isn’t mental something I’d definitely wrong it just gets worse everyday!

02-02-18, 18:15
OK, well.....let us know how you get on at the doctor.

02-02-18, 18:27
It’s cancer it has to be at this point :(

02-02-18, 20:23
Christ...you don't have cancer. You recently had a bug that can create stomah ossues. If you had this type of cancer you would have been horribly sick by now. Use some logic. Sorry to be harsh, but as I have said ny aunt actually has cancer, and this ridiculousness has to stop.

02-02-18, 21:22
I’m sorry to hear about your aunt.. Thing Is I am quite ill. Barely able to swallow and the pain is getting unbearable.. I just can’t see anything else causing this much pain you know?

02-02-18, 21:29
I’m sorry to hear about your aunt.. Thing Is I am quite ill. Barely able to swallow and the pain is getting unbearable.. I just can’t see anything else causing this much pain you know?

Then go to a Certified Cancer Center and get examined. Nothing we say is helping.

Let us know what they say!

Positive thoughts

02-02-18, 21:30
Then go to a Certified Cancer Center and get examined.

This ^

Except......I say 'centre' :)

02-02-18, 21:38
It’s not like I can just call the cancer center and be like hey can I make an appointment you have to be referred.

02-02-18, 21:44
It’s not like I can just call the cancer center and be like hey can I make an appointment you have to be referred.

Yes you can. I did. After I was diagnosed, I wasn't confident in the local hospital. I called a CCC, made an appointment on my own, had my tests and files transferred and that was it. They took care of the rest. If you're barely able to swallow and in that much pain, you need to do this now! OR... call your doctor, get examined and if warranted get the referral.

Let us know how you make out.

Positive thoughts

02-02-18, 21:58
Yeah I think going to Hospital is my best bet right now

02-02-18, 22:00
Go then, if you are that ill.

02-02-18, 23:36
Well it looks like this will be a wasted trip. I’m at the er now they did blook work and ekg. They are just checking for cardiac stuff. I figured at least they can do is a cat scan! They are acting like they aren’t going to...

02-02-18, 23:40
Yeah I think going to Hospital is my best bet right now

I agree, you're at that point where you need intervention. Get the endoscopy done and please let us know the outcome.

02-02-18, 23:53
They won't do scans unless they think you are seriously ill!

03-02-18, 00:37
[/COLOR]Also when I try to burp I can feel something in my esophagus and it hurts it’s almost possible to burp for me anymore

I get this too, burps that form and can't always come up. I had it before my last gastroscopy (2 years ago) which was fine. I still get then and yes they're painful sometimes. Think my esophagus is hypersensitive.

What I can't understand is why haven't you lost any weight if you're food is not going down? In an advanced state, weight loss would be happening!

03-02-18, 01:43
What I can't understand is why haven't you lost any weight if you're food is not going down? In an advanced state, weight loss would be happening!

Because he doesn't have cancer :lac: I do believe he has refux or GERD :winks:

There was a member here that was convinced he had lymphoma. Years and years of posts about it. He poked and prodded until be was bruised. He definitely had some shotty nodes in his groin from all the self examination. He eventually found a doctor that performed an invasive surgical procedure to biopsy the node. Guess what? NEGATIVE! Sadly, he still posted about the usual. They missed something, what if the tests were wrong etc. Right back into the rabbit hole. We all asked the same questions about therapy and got no answers.

Hypo, respectfully and with all good intentions, I'm going to be real here. You have a rather long history as I recall from AZ. You've thought you were dying from numerous illnesses like ALS and several other serious illnesses. All your threads follow the same pattern. I also see quite a few threads about symptoms caused by alcohol consumption. Perhaps there's a connection there? Every thread we ask about professional real life help and get no answer. Just more of the same.

That's why I encouraged you to go to a cancer center. Professional cancer specialists would put your fear to rest. How is it you'll listen about going for medical attention but you won't for help with your mental illness? But, apparently you were in so much pain and distress that you went to the ER and they found nothing? After describing your symptoms and extreme pain and swallowing issues, the medical professionals examined you, did blood work, checked your heart they found nothing warranted further investigation?

What does that tell you?


03-02-18, 02:12
Well it looks like this will be a wasted trip. I’m at the er now they did blook work and ekg. They are just checking for cardiac stuff. I figured at least they can do is a cat scan! They are acting like they aren’t going to...

Posts like this make me super angry. No one is going to a CT scan on you unless there is an actual reason to do one. You went to the ER and wasted both time and resources chasing an imaginary illness. You don't have cancer, if you did you would have more advanced symptoms by now such as chronic coughing, weight loss, or vomiting which is consistant with that type of cancer.

03-02-18, 02:15
They won't do scans unless they think you are seriously ill!

Maybe they will do anything you want if you pay in the US? Probably the same in our private sector.

Thank god for the NHS! They would never entertain tests to prove you don't have cancer when you don't have the signs of cancer. Well, I hope they wouldn't anyway.

03-02-18, 02:31
Hi, Fishmanpa

What I can't understand is why haven't you lost any weight if you're food is not going down? In an advanced state, weight loss would be happening!

My comment was not only on the sarcastic side but also to make a point about him NOT having cancer :noangel:

Thanks for your subsequent post :)

03-02-18, 02:51
Hi, Fishmanpa

My comment was not only on the sarcastic side but also to make a point about him NOT having cancer :noangel:

Thanks for you subsequent post :)

I hear ya ;)

Positive thoughts

03-02-18, 08:24
Are there long waiting times for ER treatment in the US? People do seem to get seen and tested pretty quickly for these HA episodes. Over here you'd be waiting for hours on end as genuine emergencies naturally take priority.

03-02-18, 08:34
LISTEN to these people Hypo, LISTEN...wisemonkey, fishmanpa and others who have replied since you came back from the hospital. You 'might' have some diagnosable medical problem, the sort they are talking about , but you continue to believe you have been dying for 2 years of cancer.

Your use name is HYPO, which I am presuming is short for HYPOCHONDRIAC - you know what this means, you've chosen the term for your username. Yet despite categorising yourself as such, HYPO, you aren't believing your very own username. You didn't chose the username 'CANSUFF' (cancer sufferer)!?

See your doctor as planned later in the week, ask for the referral for this full and final check to find out what is affecting your stomach,then put it to rest. Following that start working on your true problem

---------- Post added at 08:34 ---------- Previous post was at 08:32 ----------

Are there long waiting times for ER treatment in the US? People do seem to get seen and tested pretty quickly for these HA episodes. Over here you'd be waiting for hours on end as genuine emergencies naturally take priority.I was wondering that too Pulisa. I'd be interested to hear the US 'voice' on this.

They won't do scans unless they think you are seriously ill!


03-02-18, 11:16
In the US, the ER operates on triage, but if there are no emergencies, you can get seen pretty fast.

03-02-18, 11:20
So, can you explain further (cos I think this would help us understand our US friends and their situation).....anyone can turn up at ER? (irrespective of insurance or not) WHo would be treated and who might not be....at what point does the 'is there insurance' thing kick in?

03-02-18, 11:35
So, can you explain further (cos I think this would help us understand our US friends and their situation).....anyone can turn up at ER? (irrespective of insurance or not) WHo would be treated and who might not be....at what point does the 'is there insurance' thing kick in?

In the US you can go to an ER whenever you think you need. They cannot turn you away whether you have insurance or not. They have to treat you. They will ask if you have insurance and if not, then you can apply for financial assistance or the hospital will wrote off the service later on.

03-02-18, 11:44
So, obviously, they have to be very careful and selective about follow-on treatment following that visit, or expensive scenarios that could ensue. So, they are assessing basically, if your life is at risk if they turn you away or not? So, if a patient isn't offered a scan there and then, or kept in, it is because it is non-life threatening situation and requires returning to the primary care doctor? In this case the patient is sent home.....so.....one would surmise there was no urgent need to be there.

03-02-18, 12:03
So, obviously, they have to be very careful and selective about follow-on treatment following that visit, or expensive scenarios that could ensue. So, they are assessing basically, if your life is at risk if they turn you away or not? So, if a patient isn't offered a scan there and then, or kept in, it is because it is non-life threatening situation and requires returning to the primary care doctor? In this case the patient is sent home.....so.....one would surmise there was no urgent need to be there.

Pretty much. If it is something urgent like a heart attack obviously you would stay. If it is something like a kidney stone, you are treated and sent home. That is why we have urgent cares here in US. Its a step above primary care, but not an ER.

03-02-18, 16:10
Thing Is I am quite ill. Barely able to swallow and the pain is getting unbearable.

How is it you'll listen about going for medical attention but you won't for help with your mental illness? But, apparently you were in so much pain and distress that you went to the ER and they found nothing? After describing your symptoms and extreme pain and swallowing issues, the medical professionals examined you, did blood work, checked your heart they found nothing warranted further investigation?

What does that tell you?

I'd like an answer to the above questions please as well as an answer to what you're doing to treat your anxiety.


04-02-18, 05:22
I’ve been trying to refrain from posting here I know you all are getting annoyed by me. I told the er doctors r my concern with esophagus cancer and she told me regardless their wasn’t anything they could do for me in the er and that cancer wasn’t really life threatening. She told me to i definitely need an endoscopy quickly to assess everything. I’m much more positive it is cancer for sure now I went to burp earlier after eating and vomited another sure esophagus cancer sign.... The pain in my chest is constant and getting worse this is looking like a for sure thing now. I truly thank everyone for all your help I really do. The only thing I don’t have is the weight loss which believe comes later after I’m unable to swallow at all anymore.

04-02-18, 06:49

If it is this bad you need to get the money together to get an endoscopy done privately. Surely your parents/wife's parents etc can rally around, then you can pay them back. If not a finance company or bank will give you a personal loan for short term use.

---------- Post added at 06:49 ---------- Previous post was at 06:33 ----------


If it is this bad you need to get the money together to get an endoscopy done privately. Surely your parents/wife's parents etc can rally around, then you can pay them back. If not a finance company or bank will give you a personal loan for short term use.

I just went back and re-read an earlier post where you said your parents/friends wouldn't help you out with any money!

Surely if you're working, you could have saved up $2000 in 1 year. I also noticed that your last post at the beginning of last year was late Jan, then you posted again in late November. What happened to your symptoms in between these months, did things get better for a while?

ps. I've just read that you had symptoms over a year before your first post on here, so that would have been 2016 so about 15 months ago. Now I know a couple of others commented on this time length, so I'd like to add that there's NO WAY you have esophageal cancer. It progresses quickly when symptoms present and you would definitely be in an advanced stage (if not deceased by now) so therefore your weight would have dropped off fast. You will have to look at another cause for your symptoms.

04-02-18, 08:12
Hypo took out some insurance I believe a few weeks ago that could cover this....he's seeing his doctor on Thursday I think....so can ask for the referral then. SO, you have a clear pathway now Hypo, you can ask for that endoscopy referral in a few days. You are really kind giving your time with this Wisemonkey :D

04-02-18, 08:26
Hypo took out some insurance I believe a few weeks ago that could cover this....he's seeing his doctor on Thursday I think....so can ask for the referral then. SO, you have a clear pathway now Hypo, you can ask for that endoscopy referral in a few days. You are really kind giving your time with this Wisemonkey :D

Thanks for your kind words Carys. I do understand Hypo's fear as I've had high anxiety in the past over various, perceived health issues (related to my CFS).

I'm so glad Hypo is getting a referral so that he can have the endoscopy soon. Then his nightmare' will be over.

04-02-18, 11:06
I’ve been trying to refrain from posting here I know you all are getting annoyed by me. I told the er doctors r my concern with esophagus cancer and she told me regardless their wasn’t anything they could do for me in the er and that cancer wasn’t really life threatening. She told me to i definitely need an endoscopy quickly to assess everything. I’m much more positive it is cancer for sure now I went to burp earlier after eating and vomited another sure esophagus cancer sign.... The pain in my chest is constant and getting worse this is looking like a for sure thing now. I truly thank everyone for all your help I really do. The only thing I don’t have is the weight loss which believe comes later after I’m unable to swallow at all anymore.

Vomiting after burping can be a sign of reflux or an ulcer. After this long with with this you would have other symptoms. I had a client tbat actually had esophagal cancer and you could tell something was wrong. She couldnt swallow and would vomit all the time. She had no chest pain or issues with burping. So again you wasted time and resources that could have been spent on someonese whom actually had an emergency

04-02-18, 14:29
From everything I’ve read and everything you guys have told me esophagus cancer comes on pretty quickly. I had the barium swallow a year ago. It said it showed no mass ulcer or anything else. Fast forward to about September last year is when things got bad fast for me. That’s why I’m terrified it’s cancer because I went from last year everything fine to now really bad.

04-02-18, 19:51
From everything I’ve read and everything you guys have told me esophagus cancer comes on pretty quickly. I had the barium swallow a year ago. It said it showed no mass ulcer or anything else. Fast forward to about September last year is when things got bad fast for me. That’s why I’m terrified it’s cancer because I went from last year everything fine to now really bad.

You don't have cancer. You really have got to get this anxiety under control. You already had a swallow test done. What more do you want done?

04-02-18, 20:23
If you think it's cancer then what more do you want us to do? You've been given loads of useful advice and even had the idea that you have cancer entertained to the point FMP who is a head neck survivor gave you advice and instructions on what to do despite it being obvious to everyone here that you don't have cancer.

25 pages and we're no further forward than when we started.

If you're not willing to accept that health anxiety is the source of your problems then what more can we do?

If you decide that anxiety is the problem and take steps to treat it and need support with that then all of us here can help with that.

You still haven't answered the key question here. What are you doing to treat your anxiety?

We can't keep this going forever. It's not about us being annoyed AT you it's just that you aren't accepting anything we tell you so what's the point in us trying to help you if you come back and make statements like "it must be cancer at this point"

People don't like feeling that they're being ignored or wasting their time and inevitably they will not want to help you in the future if you aren't willing to at least try what they have suggested. I hope you can understand that.

04-02-18, 20:37
25 pages and we're no further forward than when we started....and all over a year older ! :roflmao:A YEAR Hypo, a whole year.....12/1/2017 this thread started.

04-02-18, 21:06
Hey everyone I've been dealing with heartburn for years off and on. I started having difficulty swallowing a little over a year ago like bread and meat. Now I've had this constant pain and burning in between my shoulder blades and chest that has me really worried. I had a endoscopy back in December of 2014 that was completely normal besides some mild gastritis. Can esophagus cancer form that quick? I smoked for around 10 years and and dipped for maybe a few months which I very much regret now. I'm really scared it's cancer :(.

---------- Post added at 14:32 ---------- Previous post was at 14:24 ----------

How rare would it be for a 27 year old to get EC?[COLOR="blue"]

This was hypo's first post on this thread, it was dated 12 Jan 2017... he says I started having difficulty swallowing a little over a year ago

This moves the time frame back to the end of 2015 so it's actually 2+ years ago since his first symptoms! So 2 years on, still working and no weight loss, EC is impossible.

So hypo, if my calculations are correct (after analyzing the above post), then you're busted!! :shades:

04-02-18, 21:12
Ha Wise Monkey ! I said that a few posts ago....got there before you !:roflmao:(same analysis, same outcome)

Tell a lie, it was 31-01-18, 16:57.

04-02-18, 21:30
Ha Wise Monkey ! I said that a few posts ago....got there before you !:roflmao:(same analysis, same outcome)

Tell a lie, it was 31-01-18, 16:57.

Damn! Living in New Zealand we're in different time zones, (it's 10:20 am Monday morning here) so just switched on the lappy and thought I'd get to the bottom of this issue once and for all.

Carys, I'm glad you beat me to it but it's now been reinforced times 2! hypo should be over the moon with this epiphany :yahoo:

04-02-18, 21:52
Hypo, I am so sorry that you have been experiencing such crippling anxiety for so long. I have read your posts and I really feel like I have to say something and tell you a little story.

In March 2008 I was having a conversation with my grandad and he told me in passing that he had been having some mild stomach issues for a couple of weeks.

On 29th July 2008 I had to take him to hospital for an endoscopy. They found cancer.

On 29th October 2008 he passed away, exactly 3 months after his diagnosis.

My story isn’t a happy one but I hope that it will help you to put your worries into perspective. He declined so fast before my eyes. He wasted away because he couldn’t swallow a cup of tea without it coming straight back up. Not just a feeling of it coming back up but it actually came back up.

If you actually had esophageal cancer you would not be here now. It progresses fast and doesn’t mess about.

I have another story. I have also been convinced for many years (since 2008 funnily enough) that I have esophageal cancer. I’ve had panic attacks about feeling acid in my throat and feeling food getting stuck constantly. I take omeprazole daily and despite trying to stop taking it I’m reliant on it for my sanity. I have had endoscopy which came up clear and I have been to the doctor so many times asking them what’s wrong with me. I remember sitting in the gastro consultants office and crying to her because I was scared I wouldn’t live to see my wedding day one year later. That was 3 years ago.

Please take time to put things into perspective and also take time to indulge in some self care. I also recommend changing your diet. Cut it down to basic food and bring your stomach acid back to normal because all the anxiety, despite you taking acid suppressants will be stirring up so much acid within you.

I hope you find peace with your anxiety and I wish you well.

04-02-18, 22:04
Fizzymoon thanks so much for sharing your story, very thought provoking and helpful, considering you have experienced both sides of the possibilities. Thank you

05-02-18, 02:03
Hypo, I am so sorry that you have been experiencing such crippling anxiety for so long. I have read your posts and I really feel like I have to say something and tell you a little story.

In March 2008 I was having a conversation with my grandad and he told me in passing that he had been having some mild stomach issues for a couple of weeks.

On 29th July 2008 I had to take him to hospital for an endoscopy. They found cancer.

On 29th October 2008 he passed away, exactly 3 months after his diagnosis.

My story isn’t a happy one but I hope that it will help you to put your worries into perspective. He declined so fast before my eyes. He wasted away because he couldn’t swallow a cup of tea without it coming straight back up. Not just a feeling of it coming back up but it actually came back up.

If you actually had esophageal cancer you would not be here now. It progresses fast and doesn’t mess about.

I have another story. I have also been convinced for many years (since 2008 funnily enough) that I have esophageal cancer. I’ve had panic attacks about feeling acid in my throat and feeling food getting stuck constantly. I take omeprazole daily and despite trying to stop taking it I’m reliant on it for my sanity. I have had endoscopy which came up clear and I have been to the doctor so many times asking them what’s wrong with me. I remember sitting in the gastro consultants office and crying to her because I was scared I wouldn’t live to see my wedding day one year later. That was 3 years ago.

Please take time to put things into perspective and also take time to indulge in some self care. I also recommend changing your diet. Cut it down to basic food and bring your stomach acid back to normal because all the anxiety, despite you taking acid suppressants will be stirring up so much acid within you.

I hope you find peace with your anxiety and I wish you well.

Really sorry you hear about you losing your granddad. :hugs::flowers: