View Full Version : Blurred vison for short amount of time after angry outburst.

12-01-17, 15:33

Haven't posted here often as other threads have often helped me through my anxiety. This is going to sound silly, but after getting really frustrated and angry when things in a game didn't go right after a long time I had a bit of an anger outburst (Happens occasionally.) This time I got a lot more angry than usual and had blurred vision for about 30-50 seconds after. I'm guessing it's just temporary high blood pressure from the outburst but I'm kinda worried about it all the same.

Cheers all.

12-01-17, 15:46
I'd be more concerned about your angry reaction to a game. Nothing wrong with a bit of frustration, but it sounds like you're prone to angry overreactions. I'm not a gamer myself, but there's one game I do play regularly that used to elicit the same reaction from me from time to time. I used to explode with irate frustration. It was unhealthy. Put your gaming in perspective, and try to take some pleasure from the challenge when it doesn't go the way you'd want it.

The vision thing sounds transient and benign.

12-01-17, 16:36
Thank-you for the quick response! Definitely helps putting my anxiety at ease.
Unfortunately it's been a thing ever since an traumatic event (long story short generator explosion, I was first on scene) that has left me with according to my old psych mild ptsd. I used to get mildly annoyed at games, but never had the "fits of rage" before it.
I'm really hoping to minimize this reaction with my new psych.

12-01-17, 17:15
Try not to worry about the eye thing. So many anxiety sufferers have experienced bizarre vision issues linked directly to their disorder, myself included. You've clearly been through a tough time so it's understandable that you'd not be in a great place. It's positive that you're seeking therapy. I'd definitely bring up the anger issues you've described. I'm sure it will be something you can tackle.