View Full Version : Ladies only question

13-04-07, 11:08
I'm just wondering if anyone could reassure me about this:

My period usually is anytime between the 28th to 38th day, The 38th day is the latest it's ever been, but this time it's gone a week past that, and I'm worried. I know it's impossible that I could be pregnant, but I'm worried there's something wrong wtih me.

I have been getting bits of period pain every morning and every night for about a week. And I'm still getting other pms symptoms too.

I just don't know why i'm this late, I'm never this late. Has anyone else had this?


13-04-07, 11:39
Sometimes worrying about it can delay it even further, try and relax and forget about it.
Then if it doesn't come this month wait till next month, if it doesn't come then either see your doctor.

13-04-07, 12:27
Hi Heths, you dont say how old you are cos this can have a bearing on your periods. My periods went all over the place due to being perimenopausal at the age of 38.

13-04-07, 12:29
Thanks both for replies,

Mirry - I'm 23.

Charlottie, thanks for the advice. The worrying could be the problem.

Heather x

13-04-07, 13:26
Hi Heather, when I'm anxious mine go all over the place. I'm 46 but not menopausal yet as had bloods done last year. It's likely to be due to anxiety.

13-04-07, 14:06
Mine go all over the place when really anxious too and just like you I get all the signs and cramps but no bleeding... But when they did decide to appear it wasn't as painful as I was dreading..

13-04-07, 16:50
Hello Heather !
Worry, anxiety, excitement, not eating properly, even a simple cold can throw your cycle - you may find you miss one altogether and be back to normal next month. Don't worry about it.

15-04-07, 10:31
Thank you all for replies and advice :) , I'll try not to worry.

Heather x

15-04-07, 11:46
Mine stopped for 4 months last year and I was worried but the doctor said these things happen and sure enough they started back again after that time.

15-04-07, 13:02
Hi Heather, mine are all over the place when Im anx but they right themselves eventually. Its a nuisance though isnt it? Try not to worry! it will be ok. Love and hugs Lindy

16-04-07, 14:16
hi mine vary sometimes are you on any form of birth control? just wondering because sometimes your period varys with that.

if not i put it down to anxiety because when i was not on birth control and i had my anxity i would worry why thy hadnt came and they would dlay even more with worry, i find a hot bath and some relxing music helps love.

Ash xxxxxxxx

17-04-07, 14:08
Thanks for the replies.

It probably is anxiety and I probably need to relax more.

I'm trying not to worry but it is hard.

Thanks again,
Heather x