View Full Version : Tonsil Cancer?

12-01-17, 16:41
I'm a 20 year old female, healthy, doesn't smoke drinks on the weekends. But last week I went to take my birth control pill and it felt like it got stuck. So I looked in the mirror and didn't see the pill but I did notice my left tonsil was much bigger than the right. It was almost touching the roof of my mouth, and you could see almost none of the soft palate where as with my right one you can see the soft palate above and on the side of it. I had no pain and figured it had always been that way since I did have large tonsils and a lot of strep as a child.

Two days later it was still swollen and in one crypt I could see food getting stuck. So I went to urgent care, the doctor did a strep test which was negative. Didn't seem too concerned, said they naturally have crypts and it could have always been that way but I have no idea because before this I'd never shown a flashlight down my throat. She told me to do salt water rinses and take advil and that was it.

Now its been a week and my tonsil will occasionally shrink down and then get bigger but its never the same as the right. Everything on the internet says tonsil cancer and I'm terrified. I can't stop shining a flashlight down my throat to see if its more swollen than it was 10 minutes ago. I have a follow up with my GP in 3 weeks for something unrelated but in the mean time I'm freaking out and have convinced myself its tonsil cancer. I don't know if I should try an appointment with an ENT or wait and see what my doctor says.

Some things online say its normal to have one bigger but these are like completely different sizes. Does anyone else have that or know what I should do in regards to seeing doctors? I thought about going back to urgent care again but they didn't seem to really care last time and it was a waste of money. I also attached a picture of my tonsils, however in the picture the swollen one is on the right.

12-01-17, 16:56
I'm an oral cancer survivor. I had both my palatine and lingual tonsils removed in an attempt to locate the primary which they never did. I can tell you that what you describe does not present as oral cancer.

Cancer is an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. It doesn't come and go nor does it stop once it starts.

Positive thoughts

12-01-17, 17:39
I JUST went through this. My right tonsil has been bigger than my left for over a year. It started after a bout of tonsillitis/strep. My left tonsil never swelled up. Anyway, after it rans its course it never went back down. I didn't worry about it honestly. Fast forward to November of 2016. I got tonsillitis again on that side only. So I went to see my ENT and he agreed my right tonsil was bigger. I also have crypts in mine too. I googled, BAD idea. I read all the same stories you did and worked myself into a tizzy. My ENT assured me that I had nothing to worry about but advised me to have it out and sent through pathology. I had my surgery on December 28th and I'm on day 16 of the recovery. Pathology report came back a week later, just chronic infected tonsil. Hope that helps!

12-01-17, 18:44
Stop looking at them ?