View Full Version : Ate uncooked chicken

12-01-17, 18:23
I just had some battered chicken breast cooked from frozen, my mum cooked it for me she said it was on for enough time and was boiling when it came out but it was uncooked. I ate a small bit of the edge that seemed fine taste and texture wise and I didn't notice any pink before putting it in my mouth. But when I ate the next bite it felt funny so I spat it out and it was pink. The whole chicken breast was pink in the middle, but seemed white around the edge, but I'm scared I at some pink part too. I'm now terrified I will get sick. I already feel like throwing up.

12-01-17, 18:34
You'll be fine, I've done that before and freaked out, nothing happened.
You'd have to eat a fair bit to get poorly too I think not just a teeny morsel.
Also, my friend once ate a raw chicken breast after a few drinks, (don't ask). Obviously I don't recommend doing that haha but he was fine as well! I think the chicken has to actually have the salmonella bacteria before you'd get ill anyway, which I think is a lot less common these days.

12-01-17, 20:57
I have to agree with LF, you 'll be fine. Think the thought of it is enough to make you feel sick but doesn't mean that it has made you ill.Take care x

13-01-17, 00:39
I just had some battered chicken breast cooked from frozen, my mum cooked it for me she said it was on for enough time and was boiling when it came out but it was uncooked. I ate a small bit of the edge that seemed fine taste and texture wise and I didn't notice any pink before putting it in my mouth. But when I ate the next bite it felt funny so I spat it out and it was pink. The whole chicken breast was pink in the middle, but seemed white around the edge, but I'm scared I at some pink part too. I'm now terrified I will get sick. I already feel like throwing up.

You could get salmonella, although it's unlikely.
That would be the worst case scenario.
Symptoms wouldn't begin for at least a day or two after you consumed the uncooked chicken.
Salmonella is rarely serious in healthy adults. A few days of nausea and diarrhea, most likely. Most people overcome it without medical treatment, although if you feel very sick of course you should seek help.
But most likely, nothing will happen. the chicken would've had to be contaminated with salmonella in the first place, and this is by no means a sure thing.
Odds are on your side that nothing will happen. Good luck.