View Full Version : Migraine with aura + visual problems

12-01-17, 20:52
I had never had migraines or headaches. Then in 2009 I woke up, went outside into the bright light and a few min later i noticed the center of my vision was 'blank' - not blind like you imagine it..(black) but just blank. if i put my fingers out they just stopped existing..

I went inside and over the next 5 min nearly all the center portion of my vision in both eyes went blank (90% of vision). It lasted 25 min and went away. As it was improving and things came back it was like they were pixelated in big blocks, then smaller and smaller blocks until normal.

Scared the crap out of me.

Happened ab out 6 more times over the next 2 years - the later ones involved MAV (vertigo) that would last weeks to months afterwards.

That was 7yr ago and i take much better care of myself. I take daily magnesium and B2 - and haven't had any more (until recently).

Two questions:

1. I recently got a coffee maker (i can't have caffiene for anxiety reasons) - i got decaf coffee and had 3 cups a day (with half a splenda each) for 3 days... and sure enough i got a migraine with aura.. after 6 years with none it really bothered me... I stopped the coffee and haven't had another in months... (i still open the coffee and smell it almost ever single day - miss it so much..

2. I often get little bright pings of light (like a quick shooting star) in one eye or the other followed by a small blank spot that resolves in about 3 min.. I just close that eye and it goes away. I've gotten these for 20 years, no real change - just a little scary..

Anyone else experience these?

How could decaf coffee cause migraine? I got the ultra filtered kind with barely no caffeine - much much less than a chocolate bar - and i can eat plenty of those...

Could it be the Splenda? I bought some Stevia powder but am afraid to try it ..

Just a one-off.. When I get them I take half a xanax and it seems to curb them somewhat and lead to less dizziness after.

14-01-17, 16:13
I get migraine with aura too, I've no idea what causes mine but the dr said it can change each time you get a migraine, the list of things she gave me to avoid was pretty vast, horrible as they are I'm used to them being part of my life for now ��

17-01-17, 03:00
I get migraine with aura too, I've no idea what causes mine but the dr said it can change each time you get a migraine, the list of things she gave me to avoid was pretty vast, horrible as they are I'm used to them being part of my life for now ��

How often do you get them? Both eyes or one? How long do they last? Do you go fully blind after the colored lights or partially? Any after-symptoms?

02-02-17, 22:23
I get migraine with aura, they are horrible. Tend to get one every 3/4 months, but had 3 in 3 days last time. No idea what causes them, will just be going about my business and then there will be a 'spot' which looks odd / missing in my vision. This will then start shaking/ shimmering and progressively get worse, until I can barely see a thing. My heart starts absolutely racing as it still freaks me out every time, and gets the anxiety going. Eventually the aura will go and I will be left with the migraine for anywhere between a few hours or a few days.

I also get the wierd dark spots/ light dash on occasion
It is weird and makes me stop for a second and think "here we go again", but a migraine doesn't come, and I just ignore it!

03-02-17, 01:37
Bright lights and sunlight can trigger migraines. I wear sunglasses out side even in winter as it's a huge trigger for me.

Typical visual aura lasts 30 minutes.

Often follow one sided head pain and many odd symptoms like dizziness, vomiting, confusion, pins and needles

Been happening to me multiple times a years since I was a wee kid. Scares the crap out of me every time.

If I'm lucky I can sleep through it.

Coffee I'd taken at the start of migraines helps because it opens up the blood vessels. Durning a migraines the blood vessels narrow so coffee combats that .

Caffeine is often added to pain meds as it helps the meds work better .

For some people coffee triggers migraines. Other times its the caffeine withdraw that triggers them.

Artifical sweetners are are trigger too for many people including myself.

05-02-17, 17:56
I have them and my vision in one eye just goes completely it's just black, I saw a neurologist while did a MRI as standard procedure when vision goes also I smell things that arnt there. She said to take aspirin. I haven't tried it yet but that was what she said is best before the more stronger medicine. May not work but worth a try.

06-02-17, 16:02
I had frequent and very painful aura migraines for over 10 years, that's until I went vegetarian. Now the migraines are so much better in comparison. So, yes I believe what we consume is a big factor in getting them. I drink coffee now and again, and think that may actually be adding the cause of mine, along with staring too much at phone and computer screens. I still get small silent migraines, but I don't get the pain and the pixelated visuals in the corner of my eyes anymore. I do get the shooting white lights, and see black floating dots sometimes. I have had these for years, and I am still alive, so I figure they cannot be that harmful. :)