View Full Version : Do you get dizzy with heart palps?

12-01-17, 20:53
I've been having a bad bout with heart palps over the past week and notice they are making me dizzy. Does anyone else get dizzy with heart palps? I was feeling dizzy before I started getting anxious about it - so I don't think my current anxiety about the situation is causing the dizziness if that makes sense.

I've seen a cardio for my palps in the past who performed a lot of tests and told me they are benign. He suggested that I taken an ativan during times they get really bad. I've only needed to do that a few times. I just took an ativan which will hopefully help as I'm starting to stress out about the dizziness.

Thanks for any feedback.:D

12-01-17, 21:09
Yes! I get lightheaded when I get a forceful PVC

12-01-17, 21:11
Yes, I think it's because the heart palps scare us and we start to hyperventilate, even just mildly.

12-01-17, 21:18
Yes, I think it's because the heart palps scare us and we start to hyperventilate, even just mildly.

Yep... that...

Positive thoughts

12-01-17, 21:28
Oh fishmanpa - good to see you here! I'm from the other anxiety forum too. :)

12-01-17, 21:29
Oh fishmanpa - good to see you here! I'm from the other anxiety forum too. :)

Thanks Jules... I recall you. A lot of AZ members migrated here after AZ shut down. I left there a while ago due to the political drama if you know what I mean ;)

But yeah... you know the deal. You get a palp, it scares the poo out of your for a moment and it's a fight or flight panic response and the rest is history.

Positive thoughts

12-01-17, 21:35
Fish - I do remember you leaving AZ before it shut down. I am liking it here more anyways so am glad I found it. It feels like people here are more committed to getting better than solely looking for reassurance.

I can get upward of 20K palps per day on bad days, so I'd imagine that could naturally cause some light headedness from my heart flapping around. Geesh - probably best not to think about too deeply. I just need to repeat my mantra "it's benign, it's benign" and distract.

Or maybe you all are right. I thought the dizziness and light-headed feeling came before my anxiety was triggered, but maybe not. The power of the mind is amazing. Now I am thinking "hmm my left arm is now feeling weird." Then I tell myself to STOP IT. I'm fine, it's benign, and onwards I go.

I've slipped a bit in my HA efforts within the last couple of weeks with too much stress on my plate. Big life changes ahead for me that will be very difficult, and I'm scared on a cellular level. 2017 = year of bravery. Onwards, and thanks for the support.