View Full Version : Some Help Please

12-01-17, 21:00
Hello, I have a number of health concerns and I wanted to share my symptoms to see if anyone else is having the same problems or know of any solutions.

Headaches, they're not terribly painful but they are draining. I get pain in my shoulders, neck and all around my head. It feels like a belt being tightened around my skull and I usually get around three of these per week.

Sinuses, they pop multiple times a day and although It's not painful it can be uncomfortable and it feels strange. After a recent flight it felt like I had pop rocks up my nose.

Ears, whenever I open my mouth I can hear a grinding or popping noises. I also get ringing in my ears from time to time and if I have drunk a lot the ringing can be very loud. The problem with my jaw is constant.

Eyes, when I get headaches it's usually accompanied by pressure behind my eyes and pain across my cheeks. I usually wake up with puffy eyes which go down around lunch time.

Neck, sometimes I get a noise and feeling in the back of my neck which can be compared to a rain shaker! It's like a crackling or popping sound which sounds and feels wired.

Anxiety, these symptoms have made me very anxious and I do suffer from minor panic attacks where I find it hard to breath and stay still. These aren't common but they are scary when they happen as I seem to convince myself that something bad is about to happen.

Twitches, I get twitches mostly in my legs. These aren't painful but add to the concerns. I do have bad circulation which might be a cause. Sometimes when I'm laying in bed I will get a full body jolt, this isn't regular but it does happen and it's always a worry when it does.

Tirdness, I'm not always tired but I can come and go suddenly and when it does I can feel extremely fatigued, so much so that I have actually fell asleep at my desk at work. I could drink lots of coffee or energy drinks but that brings on some of the other problems.

Irritability, sometimes I find it hard to concentrate and also like I'm not present. I find communicating a huge effort and can get irritated if people are talking to me. Once again this isn't an everyday situation but when it happens it's problematic.

Very few of these symptoms are constant but they're common enough for them to be a problem and I would like to get them sorted.

What I've done, I went to the opticians and had a full eye exam which was all fine. I don't need glasses.

I visited the doctor who first told me I had sinusitis despite me not having discharge, they recommended a spray but I decided to go elsewhere for a second opinion. The second doctor told me I had TMJ as well as bad posture! I'm trying to improve my posture as I know it's a problem, I've been thinking of getting one of those back braces.

I have been to the dentist who has agreed with the TMJ diagnosis ans I will be getting a mouth guard made soon which hopefully might help with my jaw. My jaw is my biggest problem but not my biggest concern.

Sorry about the essay but I wanted to list everything. Thanks to anyone who made it to the end and I'll look forward to your responses. Does anyone suffer from the same symptoms and more importantly has anyone found any solutions?

12-01-17, 22:02
I get all these symptoms regularly and have done for years, Iv learnt to live with them because anxiety and stress can cause them all.

The headaches you described are tension headaches, most commonly caused by stress, sometimes I get them for days on end. I get sinus pressure all the time because of allergies. My ears constantly have a static sound in them and also make grinding sounds when I open my mouth, this is more noticeable if you think about it so try to ignore it, it's normal. I have many problems with my eyes, mostly just feeling dry. I also get a ticking noise in my neck sometimes. I get twitches in my legs and arms these vary in how often they are but they have become like a normal thing now and I ignore them, one of my fingers also permently twitches slightly. Any stress and and anxiety is bound to make you feel tired and irritated.

15-01-17, 21:15
Thanks for your response, sorry to hear you're going through the same problems that I am and that you've just decided to live with them rather than find a cure (or at least a relief) do you get popping in your eyes and nose?

15-01-17, 22:32
I have all this too
When I get the pressure in my eyes I also get visual disturbances
Seeing a neurologist on 30th of Jan

15-01-17, 22:56
I to have had all these symptoms

15-01-17, 23:37
Sounds familiar. I've had pretty much everything you listed at one point or another.

-I had a stint with headaches for a period of time paired with increased tension in my neck and shoulders. They came with lovely brain zaps too. And a sore scalp.
-My sinuses like to back up into my throat which is a joy (creates that water up your nose feeling)
-I've had issues with my jaw in the past but my ears ring constantly without stopping. I think it's anxiety coupled with hearing damage.
-Never had pressure but I've had plenty of visual disturbances including but not limited to floaters, flashes of light, rapid change of colors, different colors hazing across objects I know aren't that color, bluriness, sparklies, etc.
-I've never had that specific neck problem but there's been moments where it feels like electricity is zipping from my neck down my spine.
-Anxiety is a constant for me. From minor feelings of discomfort or anxiety to full blown panic attacks.
-Twitches all over my body.
- Irritability is a constant.

Solutions? Yoga. Meditation. Anti anxiety meds. Antidepressants.

16-01-17, 17:06
Today I've been getting huge forehead twitches (or spasms) as well as pain in my shoulders and at the top of my spine. My eyes also feel very heavy and swollen (but look alright) thanks for all the responses.