View Full Version : Funny stomach or flank issues. Could it be colon cancer?

13-01-17, 03:26
Hi all,

So I'm an active 32 year old guy. I am really into powerlifting and trying to lead as healthy a lifestyle as possible. About 4 weeks ago, I started having a slight discomfort in my left flank a bit above my left hip. That eventually subsided. Then I started getting this weird discomfort on my left side just under my rib and a feel of bloat. I won't describe it as a major pain but it's sporadic. Just yesterday and today, I started feeling this weird discomfort in another part of my left side just left of my navel. I went to my primary care physician just before Christmas and he though it was muscular skeletal. He did a physical examination, a full blood panel as well as tested my kidney and liver function which all came back fine. However, weeks after that visit, I'm still feeling this weird discomfort in parts of my left abdomen. I don't have any changes in bowel movement and not loosing unexpected weight. My HA is firing up big time because I'm scared I have colon cancer or something else that's going to kill me. Has anyone felt anything like this before?

13-01-17, 03:32
Just a peek at the bottom of your post will show you similar posts and a search will yield pages and pages of similar posts.

You say the symptoms come and go....

Cancer is an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. It doesn't come and go nor does it stop once it starts.

What are you doing to treat your anxiety?

Positive thoughts

13-01-17, 03:40
Thanks! I read those but they aren't quite the same though.

13-01-17, 04:10
I get a lot of weird pains in my left-lower abdomen. They're usually gas pains. You wouldn't necessarily notice a change in your bowel habits. Colon cancer in a 32-year-old healthy individual would be vanishingly rare, unless you have one of the rare hereditary/familial cancer genes (in which case you'd probably know, because many of your family members would've died young from unusual cancers).
They don't even recommend starting colon cancer screening until age fifty; it is primarily a disease of older age.

13-01-17, 05:25
I get a lot of weird pains in my left-lower abdomen. They're usually gas pains. You wouldn't necessarily notice a change in your bowel habits. Colon cancer in a 32-year-old healthy individual would be vanishingly rare, unless you have one of the rare hereditary/familial cancer genes (in which case you'd probably know, because many of your family members would've died young from unusual cancers).
They don't even recommend starting colon cancer screening until age fifty; it is primarily a disease of older age.
Thanks for your post. The discomfort seems to move around but I'm not unusually gassy or anything. I'm the youngest in my family and everyone is still alive and healthy as far as I know. This discomfort is just frustrating to me and making my brain think I have all sorts of cancer. I just want to be healthy and lift heavy weights. So crippling.

13-01-17, 06:10
I have had very similar issues to you but on the right. Flank pain into abdomen as well back. It especially goes up under my ribs. I've had numerous tests and nothing has ever really shown up. Doctors have offered ibs or muscle pain as an explanation.
Im having a flare up of whatever it is right now. Not good for the old anxiety.

13-01-17, 06:35
I have had very similar issues to you but on the right. Flank pain into abdomen as well back. It especially goes up under my ribs. I've had numerous tests and nothing has ever really shown up. Doctors have offered ibs or muscle pain as an explanation.
Im having a flare up of whatever it is right now. Not good for the old anxiety.
I'm going to see my doctor tomorrow afternoon. I hope it goes well.

13-01-17, 12:49
I don't get on here often and I am also 32 and went thru this scare myself recently. My grandmaw died of cancer which they think started in her colon so I was even more scared. I was 99% sure I had it when I started to see a GI doctor. I had gas, rumbling. Blood and thin stools with crazy constipation I never had before. So I go to see the gi Doctor he dies recital exam then request I get colonscopy. And he said to rule out things like Crohn's and ulcer colitis. I then asked about colon cancer told him I was very worried I had it. Even cried some during this dr appointment. He said my olds are slim. 1-100,000. And that's it's possible but rare. He even said out of 30 years he's been doing it he's only seen 2 people my age or younger with it. One was 32 other was 26. And this is a doctor that stays booked up and been doing it 30 years. Please get this out of your head I let it run over me for months. If it requires you getting the colonscopy then get it. Mine came back fine just minor inflammation in rectum and minor hemmoroids. But had two rectal exams before and neither could feel the hemmoroids.

He said I don't have to have another one for ten years. And now I take stool softners regular because he told me too.

Like I said I have been there and you need to get this out of your head ASAP. It's a cancer for elderly that's why they don't recommend getting checked till 50. Sad thing is now I'm back on MS/ALS fear. With all this full body twitching. Been a rough year for me but I'm working on trying to get it thru my head I'm probably ok and it's all in my head.

---------- Post added at 12:49 ---------- Previous post was at 12:46 ----------

I also had left sided pain. But I'm assuming it mostly was from being consipated and gas being trapped in me. I was to point I couldn't even hardly push gas out of my rectum by straining.

14-01-17, 00:55
Got back from the doctor and he did one more examination and could not find evidence of anything wrong. He doesn't think it's cancer but since I'm anxious, he told me to do a stool test to check for blood. I have scheduled a separate appointment with a GI specialist in 2 weeks.

14-01-17, 00:59
I'm quite sure all will be 100% fine :) Care to bet a "Told ya so"? :D

Positive thoughts

20-01-17, 03:40
Just got the result from the stool test and it's negative for blood. So ruled out colon cancer.

I'm quite sure all will be 100% fine :) Care to bet a "Told ya so"? :D

Positive thoughts

20-01-17, 07:45
Colon cancer is usually met with bowel movment disorders, like constipation and diarhea, blood in stool etc. The abdomen is à place where a lot of things take place. Experiencing a sligh pain or bloating even for long period of time is not uncommon. Chill.

20-01-17, 10:00
Yeah you need to chill I was bleeding with left side pain and thin stools and constipation when I went to my GI Doctor. I did get the colonscopy the GI Doctor wanted to do it ( I mean it is the only way they know for sure if you have it). And he told me my odd was 1-100,000. And he's only seen two in his 30 years doing it that was young as me. I am 32 by the way. My colonscopy was clean besides minor hemmoroids. Not even 1 polyp found. And he said I don't have to have another for ten years.

21-01-17, 02:12
Thanks! I still see my GI doctor at the end of the month. That said, it really was eating at me because a member of my team at work died of colon cancer. He was only 32 years old.

Yeah you need to chill I was bleeding with left side pain and thin stools and constipation when I went to my GI Doctor. I did get the colonscopy the GI Doctor wanted to do it ( I mean it is the only way they know for sure if you have it). And he told me my odd was 1-100,000. And he's only seen two in his 30 years doing it that was young as me. I am 32 by the way. My colonscopy was clean besides minor hemmoroids. Not even 1 polyp found. And he said I don't have to have another for ten years.

21-01-17, 03:21
Thanks! I still see my GI doctor at the end of the month. That said, it really was eating at me because a member of my team at work died of colon cancer. He was only 32 years old.

Most people that get it that early get it from hereditary reasons. Some people produce 100's of polyps also. Which is crazy but rare and hereditary. It's rare to get it at a young age.

23-02-17, 05:04
Saw the GI doctor today and the diagnosis he gave me is costochondritis. I do a lot of heavy lifting in the gym so he told me to rest and take some NSAID to relive the symptoms.