View Full Version : Anyone else got this winter lurgy? Starting to worry over it now

13-01-17, 12:53
So for about 10 days now I've been coughing, snotting and feeling generally crap. I know this lingering cold thing is going around but no one seems to have it as bad? I'm very mucusy and phlegmy.
My health anxiety is starting to kick in today, as I've had some slight aching feels on the right of my chest, like a deep dull ache (so I'm presuming it's my lungs now obviously). Is breathing a problem when we get colds? Feel like I have to breathe through my mouth and my breaths feel deeper than usual. Also last night noticed my left eye is a bit puffy /swollen, which I'm now panicking over. Is it normal to have puffy eyes with a cold? I'm worried overall about leukemia at the mo, so to me this is signifying that my immune system isn't working. I am never usually unwell, infact I usually brag about the fact that I never get these winter bugs. But this one has knocked me for six. A few people I know have had it but seem to have gotten rid, or its still hanging on but very mild symptoms for them.
Anyone else got this at the moment?

13-01-17, 13:33
I've had the same. I've got a lingering cough and I came down with the cold a week or so before Christmas.

Aching in the chest is from coughing.

My sister in law told me that her GP advised that they think the common cold has mutated and that is accounting for the longer recovery times. Everybody I know who has had it has experienced the same.

13-01-17, 13:37
Its not leucemy this are symptoms of anxiety and the thing that your eye has a little problems its not leucemy

13-01-17, 14:29
Thank you both.
Yeah Kuatir I saw an article the other day about the common cold and it being a new virus or something. I just want to feel normal again, haven't been able to train or get out of the house much and it's all contributing to my anxiety and low mood. I can't actually remember feeling good, it was before Christmas. I had a normal cold for a few days over Xmas day and a few days after and it went away. Then I got another and it's been like this since then. But I'm worried about the leukemia and constant infection thing :(

13-01-17, 16:29
Do you have Leukemia?

13-01-17, 16:36
No no. I mean I bloody hope not! I just started adding up symptoms and did some Googling and panicked that my constant cold might be because of that. That's what my health anxiety has been centred around lately after nothing cherry spots on my body, but I've had them a long time. That's what started off the fear originally

13-01-17, 16:40
That's all good then. You don't have leukemia, just a pesky cold. Get off Google and get better; some cold medicine might help speed up the process or at least ease the symptoms.

13-01-17, 17:00
Last post meant to say noticing * cherry spots not nothing cherry spots haha.
Yeah I have stopped reading stuff today and trying not to keep checking my skin. Thank you x

13-01-17, 17:14
I can't believe how many weird nasty viruses have gone around in the uk this winter. Everybody seems to have something. My little boy, partner and parents had a horrible cold for weeks then a cough for 6 weeks. I had it too with no cough but pains in my neck and upper back for weeks. We all had norovirus too I've never had it before and boy I don't want it ever again.

13-01-17, 17:34
BikerMatt I know, it's crazy! Lots of people I know have had it. Just seems to go on and on, infuriating. Luckily haven't had norovirus before but I've heard how horrendous it is.
Hopefully it'll shift soon!

13-01-17, 17:42
BikerMatt I know, it's crazy! Lots of people I know have had it. Just seems to go on and on, infuriating. Luckily haven't had norovirus before but I've heard how horrendous it is.
Hopefully it'll shift soon!

Norovirus is the worst thing I've ever had apart from anxiety lol.
Myself and my entire family have had one thing or another since October.