View Full Version : Stabbing headaches on left side of head

Fairy Rose
13-01-17, 15:15
Since I have been put on candesartan for high BP this is now a much better 130/85. However I have started to have stabbing headaches which is making my BP go up again due to the anxiety. I recently had a massive panic attack with rocketing BP and now I am worrying these headaches are the result of some sort of damage done. I had a really bad headache during the attack but it did seem to calm down later.
Because of all this I am not sleeping well again and this makes the headaches worse. I can't stop thinking that it was a stroke or TIA or something that could come back at any time. Every twinge is frightening me. Has anyone else experienced this? Is it just the tiredness. I am really starting to worry again.

13-01-17, 19:27
I had this for about 4 days straight. I live in the Chicago area and the weather went from about 2 degrees to rainy and 40. Once the weather stabilized, my headache went away. Could it be sinus, or weather related? My stabbing was on the left side of my head around my temple and above my eye. It did go away though.

Fairy Rose
13-01-17, 19:44
Yes the weather has changed. It has been snowy and last night was a huge storm. It is calmer today but very cold out. Went out for a walk with my husband but we came back after about 10 minutes. It could be the change in air pressure or something.
I don't think it is sinus related as I don't have a cold. Sometimes the pain comes when I change position. This afternoon I just had to lie down and keep still. It sounds like you have something very similar and in the same place. I feel quite achy as well but I think this might be just tension. Do your headaches keep coming back or was it just that one episode? Thanks for your comments.

13-01-17, 20:19
I can tell it's going to rain almost a full 24 hours prior by how my body aches ~lol~

Positive thoughts

13-01-17, 21:08
my head pain would come on as soon as I would change positions- look down, bend over, etc.. It took a day or two to go away.