View Full Version : Want to speak to my doctor before i start increase

13-01-17, 17:57
I probably know the answer to this question but i need a bit of reasurrance

I had a blood test to check thyroid function this week ,and have had a phone call today to say i need an increase in my meds ..

But, i want to see my doctor to discuss results before i increase anything first........

Is it ok to continue with present dose until i see them ....

the doctor i spoke to was a temp doctor so they dont know anything about my fear about increasing medications and general anxiety to begin with!!!!

please any comments would be welcome ,i am freaking out big time :weep:

13-01-17, 20:25
I think it's fair for you to want to speak to your own doctor BUT aren't they likely to tell you the same thing?

13-01-17, 21:01
I'd wait until I've seen the doctor. After all, they know which medication they've administered, they know your medical history, and they are therefore most likely to give you the best assessment of your state and their opinion.