View Full Version : Spleen enlarged but normal test results?

13-01-17, 18:40
Hello, I'm very confused atm! I went to my GP as I had pain just under my left rib as well as having swollen lymph nodes in my neck for about 6 months. I've also been feeling very tired lately. So the Gp said my spleen felt enlarged so I had an X-ray and blood tests done. I rang up today and the receptionist said both tests were normal. So I'm confused? Is my spleen enlarged or not? As the gp said it was very enlarged yet both tests were normal? Any advice would be appreciated!

13-01-17, 18:44
"Normal" is just that.... "normal". Maybe call back and get clarification?

Positive thoughts

13-01-17, 19:37
She just said everything was fine both tests were normal so I'm guessing that means there's nothing wrong? Hence the confusion! I agree I think I'll call back on Monday! Thank you for your reply! :)

14-01-17, 00:08
What kind of pain? I'm convinced there's something wrong with my spleen. I went to the docs last month with pain under my rib. Actually, that not how it started. A couple of months ago I went to the urgent care and the doc said I had a sprung rib. I was not convinced. Told my gp I'd been having like a discomfort for a couple of months. Anyway she examined me and said she agreed it didn't feel like a sprung rib and to try omerprazole. That was a month ago. I still have a funny feeling under my left rib; it's like something is stuck there. And occasionally it's tender.

14-01-17, 17:42
It just feels very tender, and when it gets bad it's like a pulsing pain, if that makes sense? Hope you feel better soon!