View Full Version : Coughing fits causing terrible anxiety attacks

13-01-17, 23:46
Hi there. I am 36 years old, female with 3 little kids. Back in November I was diagnosed with mono, I didn't start to feel better until around Christmas which is the same time my oldest came down with bronchitis. Which I untimely caught. I started to cough last Thursday, by this Tuesday I had to go to Med Express because I was having trouble breathing, which is my biggest fear and trigger. They said I was wheezing badly and gave me a breathing treatment, steroids and sent me home with an inhaler and antibiotics in case it was pneumonia .

I haven't sleot since. The wheezing has gone but the cough is terrible. I cough all night long until I dry heave, which I am wondering if it's because when I start coughing I go into a complete panic attack. Every few minutes my throat feels like it twitches, like it's closing shut for a brief second. I am convinced I am going to die from this. The tickle in my throat is so intense, I feel as though my throat is closing right up.

Before this I was doing so well handling my anxiety. I feel like such a loser , sitting in my room shaking from fear . This morning was a huge low. My husband said it's what bronchitis does and my tubes are just irritated and while it's uncomfortable it won't kill me.

I'm scared . And so sad .

Clydesdale Epona
14-01-17, 01:35
I understand how you feel, and despite how scary it can be we need to trust in professionals and common sense(which is way easier said than done I know) my OH had bronchitis and trust me it can get really annoying and bad, not dangerous, but very annoying x

14-01-17, 09:46
I truly feel your pain! It is 4:40 a.m. and I have been up most of the night.
Each time I fall asleep, I wake myself up coughing. I have barely slept for the past 4 nights. Acute bronchitis has given me a horrible sounding cough and I fear I may have pneumonia.
My Dr. called in an antibiotic and he tells me to 'be patient' and stay hydrated.
This is so miserable.
You are not alone! I suffer from HA and this has sent mine through the roof!! You will be OK...hopefully sooner rather than later!

14-01-17, 11:34
That does sound scary! And depressing. And I'm sure you feel terrible.
You will gradually get better.
That's how bronchitis (and even pneumonia) works, in otherwise healthy adults.
You will feel like crap for awhile, and then you'll get better and this will become a distant memory.
Best wishes.

14-01-17, 14:53
I truly feel your pain! It is 4:40 a.m. and I have been up most of the night.
Each time I fall asleep, I wake myself up coughing. I have barely slept for the past 4 nights. Acute bronchitis has given me a horrible sounding cough and I fear I may have pneumonia.
My Dr. called in an antibiotic and he tells me to 'be patient' and stay hydrated.
This is so miserable.
You are not alone! I suffer from HA and this has sent mine through the roof!! You will be OK...hopefully sooner rather than later!

Oh no, I am so sorry that you are going through this too. My 70 year old mother in law just got over it and j keep thinking if she was fine I will
Be too.
How long have you had it ? Last night was a bit better for me, I slept off and on without the coughing until I vomit fits just lots of small coughs. My chest just feels so heavy and winded . I really hope you feel better soon. It's so tough when you get sick and are anxious on top of it!

Thanks everyone for the advice, I keep repeating it over and over in my head . It might be uncomfortable but it's not deadly . Thanks for being here for me.

14-01-17, 20:37
Glad you slept better! I have had this YUK for 5 days. I am slowly beginning to feel better😀And I hope you are too.
I had the coughing thing several years ago that made me wretch each time I coughed...it was a beast, but didn't last long!
God bless, hope we both sleep tonight!!

PS Have you tried Vick's on the soles of your feet, then cover with socks? It has worked for me before, on occasion.