View Full Version : Enlarged spleen?

14-01-17, 00:25
I think what I have is an enlarged spleen, and its freaking me out. Same left side pain, not caused by stones. Pain comes and goes, sometimes i feel it at the front of abdomen, side, and back side of back. Has anybody ever had a painful enlarged spleen? What does the pain feel like? My dr. Won't take me seriously anymore but the pain and discomfort is real. I even went to emerg about 10 days ago and they ran blood tests and urine test and came back fine. Im freaking out not knowing what is causing this discomfort. Any help?

14-01-17, 01:36
Wow. If this isn't me.

Right now I'm terrified I have an enlarged spleen. Not because of the spleen itself but because it's a symptom of another issue.

I've come across something called splenic flexure syndrome which is closely related to IBS which is very closely related with anxiety. It causes pain and discomfort in the upper left abdomen and chest area and can spread to the shoulder and back. Basically it's a backup of gas in the colon that can't pas. It's very common and is a much more rational explanation.

Feel free to google that, but only that. Don't go googling enlarged spleens. :D

14-01-17, 03:21
And now, to top it off, my tongue is twitching, again. I really really hate this

---------- Post added at 22:21 ---------- Previous post was at 21:44 ----------

I have heard/read about that syndrome, but I seem to be able to pass gas no problem... like i dont feel constipated or anything

14-01-17, 06:41
I've been through this fear before. It was my splenic flexure it's the bend from the transverse to the descending colon. I thought I had something that made your spleen swell. I talked to my GI doctor and he told me if it were my spleen and it was painful you would feel and see swelling. That side of your body is very active and if you are hyper aware it can freak you the he'll out because you mistake common bodily functions as pain . Anxiety will make you twitch. Trust me lol . Also you don't have to be bloated or constipated to get sensations from the flexure if anything passes through it and your fixated on it you will feel it. When it was bothering me I was convinced it was my spleen because I was feeling pain and I was passing gas and evacuating my bowels on a regular basis, but it was. Anxiety can amp up the way you feel certain sensations so try to relax.

14-01-17, 21:39
Thank you very very much for your response! Makes me feel a lot better. I just could not find any other explanation for pain in that area after being told it was not related to my kidney stones. I do suffer from severe anxiety, and I am aware that it is affecting every aspect of my life. Its not really pain, is more like a sensation that something is in there, perhaps swollen, therefpre causing mild discomfort.