View Full Version : is this anxiety

14-01-17, 00:39
for the last 3 week i have been super dizzy, have ringing in the ears. my head is in a fog, I feel like i have drank a bottle of cough syrup. Very weird an spacey. I went to an ENT and he tested my ears and said they were find. Said it was probably TMJ. well my jaw doesnt hurt.. It isnt tmj. He gave me predisone and muscle relaxer. has done nothing.

For the last 3 months it has been one thing after another. First I thought I had mouth cancer and then I thought this not on my stomach was cancer. There is no cancer. I know I have anxiety issues but with all this dizziness and feeling detached. it feels like it has to be something else. I can barely work and barely function. I dont want to leave my house. I started taking Lexapro but it made me feel like I was climbing the walls. 5-htp did the same thing to me

today the anxiety was so bad that it feels like i am speeding. I feel it in my stomach and chest. All my stomach muscles are tight. Almost feels like I am withdrawing from something.

I have come to hate webmd

14-01-17, 01:55
Did you give the Lexapro enough time ? It can take several weeks for it to work.

14-01-17, 02:03
What kind of dizziness? Dizziness like being on a rocking ship, dizziness? Or the room seems like it is trying to spin on me, dizziness?

14-01-17, 21:13
Have you had any anxiety-like symptoms such as racing heart, shortness of breath, feelings of terror, fear, restlessness, imminent danger?