View Full Version : HIV worry

14-01-17, 04:25
I did something really ****ing stupid back on the 5th of December, I went to a brothel and had an unprotected blow job from the lady. It was a way to come myself with all that was going on with my als fear!

Little did I think I would be like this now, and I would rather have the fear of als over this any day! about 3 days after exposure I developed this red rash on my penis, that comes and goes as it pleases. I went and got cream for it which helped it a lot and never came back while I was applying it but literally as soon as I finished the tube it has come back. During the period of me applying the cream I shaved my arms and got a lot of pimple on my arms chest stomach doc said it was folliculitis gave me antibiotics for it and it didn't work they lasted about 3 weeks and finally are starting to go away. But while that occurred I started to get red blotchy skin on my hands stomach chest etc. which made me go completely insane thinking its hiv rash! I've been on so many forums that have said it's not possible contracting it through a unprotected blow job. But what has really scared over the last week I feel really tired and my vision is way worse then when I had the als stuff happening to me I see shadows in wverything. And everything seems really Hazey and it's like I get dizzy: very similar in movies where someone is about to pass out when there sick and everything feels disoriented. Yesterday I noticed 2 ulcers on my tongue which freaked me out! They don't really hurt just awkward at times. My temp is ranging from 36.6 in the mornings and getting up to 37.5 degrees during the day. Is that normal temp?

I was tested at 10 days for all sti everything was negative and 37 days past exposure and that was also negative. It's now 40 days after exposure.

I'm freakingt out due to me feeling worse literally a day after I took my bloods and that when I noticed the ulcers.

Anyone have any input or no anything about hiv?

14-01-17, 11:55
Allow me to relieve your mind.
Read this post. It contains a link to the CDC website, with the latest statistics about HIV transmission.


Here is the thing.
According to the CDC, the risk associated with the act you describe is negligible. As in, so small they can't even put a number on it. It is possible that nobody in the history of the world has ever contracted HIV by being the recipient of oral sex.
There have been instances of people contracting HIV by performing oral sex on an infected person. But this is also exceedingly rare.
As a male, your risk of contracting HIV if you have unprotected sexual intercourse with an infected woman is 0.04% per act. That is about a one in 2500 chance. And that is if you have actual sex. With an actual infected person. Without using protection.
Got it?
For oral sex, the risk is less than that, and for receptive oral sex- as in, you were the recipient- the risk is so negligible that they do not have a figure for it, and simply list it as "low".

Here's the CDC link:


That said, the risk per act- for ANY sex act- is very small. But it is also cumulative.
If you have unprotected sex with strangers regularly, your risk grows much larger.
But the risk for a one-time act, as you can see from the CDC website, is very low- one in many thousands- and the risk associated with the act you have described is basically... zero.

Don't make a habit out of having unprotected sex with strangers in the future, if you don't want your risk to increase.
But for now, you are fine.
Go get tested if it makes you feel better.
Best of luck.

17-01-17, 01:57
Thank you so much for your reply it really helped me over the weekend to be sane. Went to the docotors yesterday and everything was negative even my white blood cells where normal and he said if there was an infection or anything going on my white blood cell count would be extremely low. He wants me to test again at the 3 month mark. Beginning or march just to be sure but he said he's never had someone test negative after 5 weeks and turn positive after 3 months so that's what I'm really holding on to ATM!
The symptoms are still persisting and the one thing that's really getting to me is the vision problems and my legs feel weird when I walk but honestly not trying to focus on it!

I really appreciate your message! Thank you

17-01-17, 02:23
Hi, some years back I rang The Aids Foundation (NZ) and asked them about the risks of being the receiver of oral sex... this could be receiving fellatio or cunnilingus. The answer was no risk as you're only receiving saliva which has an inhibiting enzyme in it against HIV. He said no test was needed.

17-01-17, 02:38
I've read that on so many forums but I started to get symptoms in my above post and it's scared me like crazy I wouldn't have done it if I new there was a chance! I'm just worried just in case she had sores ! And my Gp said it's possible even without sores ! Been on all different hiv forums and they said the exact same thing u said !

Do u think I should even bother testing at the 3 month mark ?

17-01-17, 02:52
I've read that on so many forums but I started to get symptoms in my above post and it's scared me like crazy I wouldn't have done it if I new there was a chance! I'm just worried just in case she had sores ! And my Gp said it's possible even without sores ! Been on all different hiv forums and they said the exact same thing u said !

Do u think I should even bother testing at the 3 month mark ?

For your own peace of mind? Yes.
Because I think there is even a remote chance that you've contracted HIV? No.
Is your doctor conversant with the Center for Disease Control? because they would beg to differ with him.

17-01-17, 03:10
The sores would have had to have been bleeding to get onto your penis but you would have noticed this.

I agree with the last post that GP's don't always know the full facts. The AIDs clinics are dealing with this all the time. I also read that there has never been a reported case of HIV through receptive oral sex!

However you should get tested for your own peace of mind... then please update us here of your results :)

PS at 4 weeks the HIV test is 95% accurate, at 6 weeks it's 99%

17-01-17, 05:18
That makes me so much calmer reading that after 4 and 6 weeks the chances would be so low! It was at 5 weeks and 2 days so that would be close to 97% right?

I also got a hand job from massage lady 2 4 days prior to that encounter would that be at risk? I no it's crazy to think it she didn't even touch the head only the shaft with massage oil!

Also what do u reckon I should do to try keep my head off of it? I still got 6 or so weeks to go :(

17-01-17, 05:37
Forget the hand job, not even relevant don't even go there!!

I'd phone someone from the Aids Foundation, I'm sure they have them in Aust and someone there will put your mind at rest. They are so knowledgeable and deal with this stuff every day :)

Take care

17-01-17, 06:02
I have coz I no it's not possible.

I just did a risk assessment test on wa aids council (Western Australia) and it says my risk is medium. :( wtf

I've also just spoken to a guy at the council and he says it's very low and virtually no risk but to test 7 weeks after exposure as the tests now a days are really good!

Told him about my test he said it's a very good indicator. And that I shouldn't have to wait for the 3 months!

17-01-17, 06:15
Also I just read (from an Aust site) that there has never been a case recorded where a man has got HIV from receiving a blow job from a woman .... so there you are case closed... unless you are going to be the 1 exception out of all the millions of blow jobs that occur! Puts it in perspective.

Likewise no case of a woman getting Aids from receiving oral from a man or woman :)

17-01-17, 07:37
Yeah I've read that to! Just got off the phone to a nurse who works at one of the clinics and he said that 5 weeks would be a huge indicator! And my white blood cells would be affected by now even with the symptoms!

Fingers cross I'm all good and 3 months can't come by quick enough!

---------- Post added at 07:01 ---------- Previous post was at 07:00 ----------

Thank again guys really appreciate it!

---------- Post added at 07:37 ---------- Previous post was at 07:01 ----------

Any tips to get myself through this time period?

18-01-17, 01:19
Anyone have any advice on the matter? I feel really light headed today and if my heart is beeting like crazy. Actually felt like I was going to pass out! Due to anxiety of it all! Well I hope it's due to the anxiety :(

18-01-17, 01:48
You don't have it. The end. In three months, you can come back and make the big announcement that you don't have it, and our reaction is going to be like, "yeah. We knew that."

Hang in there.

18-01-17, 02:01
You don't have it.

There's that for sure ;)

Positive thoughts and "Told ya So's"

18-01-17, 07:36
Was your hiv test a 4th generation duo hiv test? Which tests for both antibodies and antigens? It's accurate at 28days and at 6 weeks it should be almost close to conclusive. I really think your negative test is a good indication you do not have and I'm sure at 3months the results won't change

Most people produce antibodies by28 days some might take longer.

Your symptoms don't even sounds like ARS symptoms . Relax

18-01-17, 09:35
On my blood test it said HIV serology ab/ag test. Not really sure what that means?

18-01-17, 09:46
Tested for both antibodies and antigens. You produce antigens earlier than antibodies. So they can detect hiv sooner.

You're fine I am pretty confident you don't have hiv. Just up to you if you want to believe your anxiety or us

18-01-17, 10:01
So at 37 days I would of had something come up if what u say in ur first post is true? Is this the test u where talking about?

18-01-17, 23:05
I believe you multiply probabilities together to get the actual probability. (Like an accumulator bet.) I don't know the probabilities so I'm just guessing at some numbers based on the messages above:
Chances of being infected, say 1 in 10000
Chances of your test not finding the infection, say 1 in 25
Actual chance you are infected: 10000 X 25 = 1 in 250,000

19-01-17, 01:41
As I said before NIL chance as saliva inhibits the HIV virus :)

19-01-17, 01:41
I believe you multiply probabilities together to get the actual probability. (Like an accumulator bet.) I don't know the probabilities so I'm just guessing at some numbers based on the messages above:
Chances of being infected, say 1 in 10000
Chances of your test not finding the infection, say 1 in 25
Actual chance you are infected: 10000 X 25 = 1 in 250,000

That is a good way of putting it.
But I would put his odds of having it even lower, though.
According to my research, there has NEVER been a documented case of anyone contracting HIV via receptive oral.
That is not to say it has never happened or that it is impossible.
But i would put the odds very low.

19-01-17, 02:02
According to my research, there has NEVER been a documented case of anyone contracting HIV via receptive oral.

I've already told him that and it's so true, plus got really good info from Aids Foundation :)

19-01-17, 22:08
I was just on a him prevention forum and everyone on there is adamant there is no risk, they said testing was not needed to start off with and they claim that doctors that used to be on the forum would say that after 28 days the tests I took is conclusive and they have never seen a negative result turn positive after the 28 days. They say there's no need to re test and to move on from this!

Thank you everyone for your responses truly means a lot!

20-01-17, 03:32
I was just on a him prevention forum and everyone on there is adamant there is no risk, they said testing was not needed to start off with and they claim that doctors that used to be on the forum would say that after 28 days the tests I took is conclusive and they have never seen a negative result turn positive after the 28 days. They say there's no need to re test and to move on from this!

Thank you everyone for your responses truly means a lot!

I wouldn't even bother retesting.
I thought you were doing it for your own peace of mind. I mean, it wouldn't hurt to retest. But if it serves your peace of mind better not to retest and to just move on, then do that.
You engaged in an activity that is not high risk, that in fact carries a negligible risk for HIV. You tested negative at 37 days.
Yes; forget it and move on. If the anxiety begins to gnaw away at you in the future, retest. If it doesn't, then don't.
I am confident you do not have HIV (and I would not suggest that you forgo further testing if I thought there was even a remote possibility that you might, because that would be irresponsible).
I am not a doctor, but I do trust the CDC. They are the nation's foremost authorities when it comes to disease statistics and data. And their data shows that there is virtually no chance you could possibly have HIV, given the activity you describe and the fact that you've already tested negative.
Forget it. Let it go. Best wishes.

22-01-17, 01:30
Thank you for your reply glass piņata it has calmed me down dramatically and I'm actually enjoying life at the minute. So thank you! What is meant to be will be! I've just had that rash appearing on my penis head and it has been worrying me thinking it could be it again, and for the last 3 days I've been having panic attacks in the morning, well I think there panic attacks I get really light headed and very out of it and it feels like I have to concentrate on my breathing and it's like I'm breathing a lot faster and that my heart is beating faster. But I don't think it really is.

Does that sound like a panic attack? It only really happened in the morning a couple of hours after being awake and it usually goes away and I sort of feel like I'm back to normal!

22-01-17, 02:12
That couldn't sound any more like a panic attack if you actually transferred the sensations through the computer and into me.

24-01-17, 07:19
Hey guys, last couple of days have been pretty good considering I found out someone real close to me has been told they have cancer. I've been not to bad very shaky especially my hands and now I've been told that I have a type of thrush on my penis that's what was causing all the red dots etc on my penis. My pimples on my arms went away but now my pores in my arms seem blocked and I'm squeezing out like black head looking things. I've also started to get pimple red dots on my hand face and it's scared me thinking what if it's hiv rash. Anyone know if i should even be worried? Especially after it being 7 weeks now?

Sorry for posting again

24-01-17, 08:36
I think the hiv rash appears in ur torso chest area

Go get tested maybe that will help put ur mind at ease.

You need to remember results overthrow symptoms . You can have all the symptoms and still end up being negative. You can't go based on on symptoms