View Full Version : HELLO EVERYONE

22-10-04, 14:10
Hello Everyone,

I have been reading the articles and postings for a while so I thought I’d better say hello.
My name is Richard and I have suffered (because suffered as we all know is the word)
With anxiety, agoraphobia,other phobias and panic attacks to a varying degree all my life.
I decided to treat my problems as my ‘challenge in life to overcome’, basically to find myself, if that doesn’t sound a bit new age.
I have had relaxation therapy, hypnotherapy and seen a clinical psychologist for CBT. And they have all helped, but one of the best things to do, I have found, is to talk about it, be honest and open and not ashamed (as I was) to admit to having problems.
Strangely enough I then find quite a few people who have similar or know people with similar problems. Although male work colleagues look at me as if I am a space alien when I explain agoraphobia!!

I have quite a few theories on anxiety etc. and dealing with it and would be interested to share my views.

Also, it makes a difference to know there are other people similar to you and you are not the only one going through this.

Take care everyone.


22-10-04, 14:24
Hi Richard

Welcome to the site.

I totally agree with you that talking about our problems makes a whole lot of difference. I have just been discussing with a work colleague how i'm dreading it if i have to do a talk..only to find she might have to do one too and is feeling exactly the same as me..infact probably worse.. so communicating can help and reminds us that we are not alone with these feelings.


22-10-04, 14:25
Hi Richard

Welcome to the site!

You are totally right - it does help knowing you arent alone doesnt it?

I found talking about it helps too. Everyone knows about whats going on with me and they have all been understanding and accomodating when I havent wanted to go out etc. Makes me feel more relaxed when I know I dont have to hide it!

We would love to hear your views and theories, the more info we have the better as far as im concerned.

take care and we hope to hear more from you

love Sarah

22-10-04, 15:14
Hi Richard!

Welcome and yes youre right! Just knowing that there are others out there who know exactly how you feel is help in itself!

The people here are wonderful and you will get all the support and help you need!

Good luck!

Love Minny...xxx

I have NOT failed!! Ive succeeded in finding 1000 solutions that dont work! :o)

22-10-04, 15:23
Hi Richard,

Welcome to the site,

I too agree that telling people and being honest helps,
there are a few people who don't undarstand, but as we
all know to understad somthing you have to go through
it and I would not wish PA, phobias on anyone.
How are you doing now Richard?
Look forward to reading your post.:D



Time is the most valuable coin in
your life.
You and you alone will determine how
that cion will be spent.
Be careful that you don't let other
people spend it for you.

22-10-04, 15:32
hi richard
if theres anything i can do to help just message me

22-10-04, 19:12
Hi Richard

Welcome to the site. I agree that it helps talking to people who understand what it is like to feel the way we do.

I'm sure you will get a lot of support here.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

22-10-04, 20:15
Hi Richard

Great that you have found this site and that you have a good attitude towards recovery. I totally agree that sharing your experiences helps shed loads and I look forward to hearing all about you.

Best wishes, Jo xx

23-10-04, 15:25
Hi Richard

I spent many years hiding my "condition" from people but nowadays I am quite open about it and tell people about this website etc.

Welcome aboard and we look forward to hearing more from you.


23-10-04, 15:55
Hi Richard ,

I talked about it too when I suffered but often got mixed responses.

Now people get referred to me and I'm not a therapist


It is impossible to get out of a problem by using the same kind of thinking that it took to get into it.
- Albert Einstein.

25-10-04, 15:56
Hi all,

Thanks for saying hello.
I have been reading more of the forums today and I am impressed with the info that’s on there and how nice everyone is.

As to the enquiry as to how i am.

I am pretty good at the moment, in comparison to how I have been.
I wont bore you with all the details (unless you want to know!!) but I have had 2 peaks of anxiety which have led to panic attacks and agoraphobia but because of relaxation, CBT and so on I am a lot better not 100% but better. It has taken a couple of years but I have gone from struggling to get out of the house to a 150 mile car journey last Thursday

so there is hope for everyone.

25-10-04, 15:58
and more progress in store for you.

So very well done and congratulations !


It is impossible to get out of a problem by using the same kind of thinking that it took to get into it.
- Albert Einstein.

25-10-04, 16:27
hi Richard,

Welcome to the site!! I'm sure you will find loads of support here. Take care.

Sarah :D

25-10-04, 17:02
That's great progress Richard. Well done.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

25-10-04, 18:47

Great news on the trip - bet you were thrilled that you did it and survived.

CBT is an excellent way of facing our problems so I am glad to hear that it must have helped you too.

Look forward to hearing more from you.


25-10-04, 19:27
Hiya RH

welcome to the site

Scooter Girl

if i was hungry would you feed me, if i fell you help me up, if i was crying would you brush away my tears

26-10-04, 14:36
hi richard welcome to the gang. I am 55 and have sufferd the same problems most of my life to on and off, but have had some good times in between. I find the chat helps me as we exchange experienses also have a laugh at times too. so why not pop in ? There is always someone in mainly in the evening and al love to see new people join in.the site is
all the best for now, Vernon

26-10-04, 17:29
hi richard
i to have had cbt and anxiety management which helped me greatly
i couldnt agree more with you that you have to talk. the worst thing you can do is bottle things up when you suffer from anxiety
why dont you join us in te chat room? mosy of ys are in there around 9-10pm not only do we support and help each other there we also have a bloody good laugh
hope to see you there some time
xx david