View Full Version : Went out with friends

14-01-17, 11:45
Not a major big deal but a bit of a break through for me... Last night I went out for a friends birthday meal. I didn't know any of her friends and was absolutely dreading it - being trapped in a noisy place with strangers is a nightmare for me. Plus I have a horrid cold which is making my head spin.

I actually had a really nice time, made me wonder what all the panic and fuss was about beforehand. All the people there were lovely and I actually forgot about my anxiety for a few hours. I think I might be making prigress ☺☺☺

14-01-17, 14:25
That is a big success, if you ask me! I would be very nervous going out and not knowing any of the other people except for your friend. Good for you for challenging yourself and going outside of your comfort zone!

14-01-17, 18:38
Well done Lisa! The fact that you also enjoyed it, makes me really happy! Let this be a little step in the road to recovery! :)

14-01-17, 19:30
Yes this is a huge success for you and a big achievement! Really well done!

14-01-17, 20:31
Thanks guys ☺

I even accepted an offer of a lift home from some of the people there. Usually being in such a small space with strangers that I have to talk to would terrify me. But it was completely fine. I hope I can build on this, some of you probably know that anxiety can be very lonely when it affects your ability to socialise and I miss hanging around with other people a lot x