View Full Version : Is this even possible?

14-01-17, 11:58
I know this is going to sound crazy but I can't stop thinking about it...

Right the other night when I went to the bathroom I noticed that the toilet roll had a little wet patch on so I took that piece off and put it down the toilet I then used another piece that felt dry and went back to bed but then my mind went into overdrive thinking about what if that was sperm on the toilet roll as my brother had his girlfriend round that night and I know that he normally 'cleans himself up' in there. I then started to panic that the piece I used to wipe with may have had sperm on and that it could make me pregnant? Half of me knows this isn't likely but I can't stop thinking it!! It's been about 5 days now and it's still entering my brain? Help or advice please?!

14-01-17, 13:51
Yes, it is a revolting possibility that it was your brother's semen on the toilet paper, given the situation you describe.
No, it is not possible you are pregnant, because sperm cannot live outside the body for very long at all, and it certainly wouldn't be lively enough to leave the toilet paper, swim up your vagina, and impregnate you.
What a dreadful thought to have, and what a state you must be in.
Just think, though: if this were possible, there would be many more instances of "incestuous" babies due to accidental impregnation by family members.
This simply never happens.
Please, relax about this. If you stress, you'll only delay your period, and then you'll really be worried.
Best wishes.

14-01-17, 14:13
Have you ever been diagnosed with OCD?

Even if not, it's quite clear you're being tormented by an intrusive thought. Have you ever sought any kind of anxiety treatment?

If somebody else posted this thread, what would you say to them? I bet you'd know it's impossible. Even in the unlikely event it was semen, spermatozoa don't survive long outside the body. And even if they did, how on Earth would they get off the toilet roll, into your own reproductive organ and anywhere near an egg awaiting fertilisation?

Just no.

14-01-17, 14:21
Try to challenge this thought with the facts:

1. It's not that easy to get pregnant (despite what people may believe). People who are actively trying to get pregnant with unprotected sex only have a 20% chance each menstrual cycle.
2. You didn't have any contact with that wet spot.
3. As others have said, if it was dried up, it probably isn't swimming anywhere.
4. It could be a splash of water from the sink/somebody washing their hands and probably not semen anyway.

How likely is your story vs what the facts say?

14-01-17, 14:59
I know it's stupid and that if it was possible, youd hear about it happening to people a lot, I never have thoughts like this normally so when I had this thought I think it made me worry more. Iv recently gone to the doctors and they've said I may have PCOS and am waiting for a scan but haven't heard anything from the hospital yet so I don't know if the anxiety from this has caused by thoughts to spiral?

14-01-17, 15:29
I know it's stupid and that if it was possible, youd hear about it happening to people a lot, I never have thoughts like this normally so when I had this thought I think it made me worry more. Iv recently gone to the doctors and they've said I may have PCOS and am waiting for a scan but haven't heard anything from the hospital yet so I don't know if the anxiety from this has caused by thoughts to spiral?

It's entirely possible. But in truth, it probably doesn't matter that much. What matters is that you recognise this as an intrusive thought that has frightened you, and that you start to challenge that thought. Try to see the irrationality, and recognise that this is just a trick of the mind that everybody goes through. The different between you and somebody else is that this one has frightened you. You've latched onto it, whereas most of us let these silly thoughts evaporate without giving them credibility.

14-01-17, 16:07
Thanks for the help guys! How do I try and get this thought out of my head? I feel abit better now but when I'm alone it just pops back in!

14-01-17, 16:09
Thanks for the help guys! How do I try and get this thought out of my head? I feel abit better now but when I'm alone it just pops back in!

You don't try. Resisting thoughts is impossible. The more you try to fight it, the more you'll send a signal to your mind that this thought is a problem, and the more it will focus on it.

You allow the thought to rise and fall as it chooses to do so, without injecting any extra fear. It's an intrusive thought, so just remember that the fact we have a thought doesn't make it true. By all means, challenge the thought, but don't try to chase it away. You won't be able to.