View Full Version : Migraine aura, Brain tumor??

14-01-17, 13:49
Hello everyone, I am new to this forum and my first language is not english, so forgive me for any spelling/grammar mistakes i may make.

the first time I got migraine aura (wavy lines in vision and a headache) was last year in may when i stood too close to a pc screen. then since october i get them after football matches like every 2 /4 weeks or so. today I had one again but it changed in the last month. my headaches are much less severe but i still have the aura. even though it is getting less I am still worrying about a brain tumor. what do you think? because i am so scared right now!!

P.S I do not have any other symptoms, only muscle twitching but this is not constant. maybe a set of 5 in a muscle per day or so.

Greets and thanks already, Thom

14-01-17, 16:09
Hello, I get migraine auras too, sometimes i get this without the headaches, other times the head ache can be mild, or at other times it can be quite bad, (like yesterday).
I've been to the Drs countless times, I'm on propranolol but still get them once a month.
No advice for you other than you are not alone

14-01-17, 16:56
I get them also. When it first happened I thought I was going blind and it freaked me the hell out . Have you spoke to your doctor about them? I get the aura first this weird blotch of light in the middle of my line of sight. Then about 20 mins uses later the headache comes and it's usually a horrible migraine. I get them maybe 2 times a year. Tell your doctor about it he or she may be able to prescribe you something to make them happen less frequently.

14-01-17, 17:54
I get them also. When it first happened I thought I was going blind and it freaked me the hell out . Have you spoke to your doctor about them? I get the aura first this weird blotch of light in the middle of my line of sight. Then about 20 mins uses later the headache comes and it's usually a horrible migraine. I get them maybe 2 times a year. Tell your doctor about it he or she may be able to prescribe you something to make them happen less frequently.

I have not spoken to my doctor about it yet but I will do it soon. Today was a very bad one so maybe he can put me on some kind of drug for the pain. My nephew also has migraine and my grandpa just told me that he also sees an aura sometimes so I think it's in the family :wacko:

14-01-17, 18:15
I've been having silent migraines (aura but no/mild headache) since I was 17 (31 now). They suck but I don't think they're indicative of a brain tumour. As far as I'm aware migraines are not a symptom of brain tumours; persistent bad headaches with no known cause could be. Another symptom is loss of function; depending on the region the tumour is in, this could be personality changes, loss of hearing/vision, loss of muscle control. Migraines/auras can also trigger these symptoms, but they should disappear when the migraine is over.

Is 2002 the year of your birth? Puberty can also be a trigger to the start of migraines, so the fact that you're having them now is normal.

Also: hallo, mede-Nederlander. :)

14-01-17, 18:50
I've been having silent migraines (aura but no/mild headache) since I was 17 (31 now). They suck but I don't think they're indicative of a brain tumour. As far as I'm aware migraines are not a symptom of brain tumours; persistent bad headaches with no known cause could be. Another symptom is loss of function; depending on the region the tumour is in, this could be personality changes, loss of hearing/vision, loss of muscle control. Migraines/auras can also trigger these symptoms, but they should disappear when the migraine is over.

Is 2002 the year of your birth? Puberty can also be a trigger to the start of migraines, so the fact that you're having them now is normal.

Also: hallo, mede-Nederlander. :)

Hahha hallooo,

Yes, 2002 is the year of my birth.