View Full Version : Opticians

14-01-17, 18:49
Been to the opticians today for a normal eye test, I wasn't seeing some of the lights in my peripheral vision in my Right eye, and when they took the pics of my right eye, there was a light circle around one of them (can't remember what the bit was called) and my optic nerve swollen. My right pupil was more sluggish too. Asked what it could be, and she said most likely scenario, an old infection has caused it as has nothing to compare it to, but could be glaucoma but she said my eye pressure was ok. worse case a tumour but she thinks that's highly unlikely... I'm quite calm about it but slightly concerned, as with my headaches and my memory is awful and I am pondering worst case now.

15-01-17, 09:52

15-01-17, 11:41

What is the follow up plan?

I had this with the pheripheral vision test too in early Nov. They said I was to come back and have it repeated. My health anxiety was working overtime so I went to the accident and emergency in a total freak out. I was joining up headaches and memory loss etc and also coming up with brain tumour. I managed to persuade them to do an MRI scan and it was clear. I have an outpatients opthamology app for the end of the month.

There was someone else on earlier in the week who was found to have a swollen optic nerve I think and their MRI turned out clear too.

I also saw a neurologist (I went private as I was worrying) and he said that it's common for people to have issues with the peripheral vision test and for it to be nothing.