View Full Version : head zap? Can't stop panicking

14-01-17, 20:32
im not sure if what i just experienced was a head zap, I have been stressed the last few days about getting ill, about an hour a go I started to feel flushed and hot which worried me. I tried to occupy my mind and listen to some music. I was sitting there when all of a sudden i felt this weird feeling in my head it was like I was dizzy and lighthead at the same time and my head and face felt tingly and tense. It was like a wave and only lasted a few seconds. It freaked me out so much, i went and told my mum thinking i was having a stroke or seizure etc, she said to stop being silly. Is this what a head zap is? can this me caused by anxiety, I cant stop panicking now. I have been worried about having a brain tumour for almost 4 years now so any head symptoms scare me so much.

Fairy Rose
14-01-17, 22:38
I've had these and they freaked me out too. It is usually whenever I am stressed but they didn't last long. I think it's unlikely to be a tumour because for me it started a long time ago and also there would be other symptoms as well. I think it might be connected with dehydration. I find having a drink of something helps. It could also be the anxiety as it can do funny things to us. If you are ill with something already you may have a temperature but paracetamol or something would help but again could be dehydration. I hope that helps. Sounds like you need a hug! :hugs: