View Full Version : Wobbly feeling when standing still!

14-01-17, 22:09
Hello. It started last week, I was standing in a queue and suddenly my feet felt like I was on marshmallows and I became unsteady, so much so I had to sit down for a bit. I found it ok if I get moving my feet but could not stand completely still.

I have still got it and it is really worrying me. Walking, sitting and laying down is fine but I am finding it very hard to keep my balance when standing on one spot! Almost like being on a boat.

Has anyone else had this or have any ideas please?

Thank you

15-01-17, 00:24
I have had this before. For me it was like the whole world was leaning to the left. It was less evident when I was walking but it would stay with me few hours at a time.

Once I even fell out of a chair from a seated position.

Never did figure out what it was but it successfully kept me in a panic state for days at a time.

15-01-17, 01:28
I have had this many times, in fact, when I get the wobbly feeling I know my anxiety is high, stress is high, or I'm in need of some sleep.

15-01-17, 20:51
Thank you for your replies. It's a weird feeling and only when I am standing still.