View Full Version : Found lump under skin on torso

15-01-17, 09:29
Just by chance I found it yesterday. It's just above the hip bone on my side. It's maybe just less than an inch. Feels flat and soft/mobile. Feels big to me and it's scaring me.
I've made a doctors appointment for Friday but I'm in fear of freaking out in the meantime . My sensible head tells that it may be just a fatty lump or something but my imagination says otherwise. Don't think it's a hernia because of where it is.
I know nobody can diagnose on here but anyone had similar? Any suggestions please?

bin tenn
15-01-17, 16:29
Could very well be a lipoma, which is a benign fatty deposit. I have several of them in various places. Perfectly harmless, but can be annoying sometimes.

15-01-17, 16:53
Agree. lipoma. I have one on my leg, but they're actually more common on the back & torso. it's a benign fatty tumor/ fat deposit.
The softness and mobility of it points to it not being cancer. It is not cancer.
Best wishes.

15-01-17, 17:46
Thank you so much bin tenn and Glasspinata for replying. It is much appreciated. I'll try and keep myself in check till I see the doctor.

16-01-17, 11:48
Hi I know how u feel I have one on my rib where my underwire from bra sits. Mine is about cm in size moves under skin. Iv literally worried for four years over this however each Dr or specialist has said fatty lump. Iv had ultrasound scan and nothing was even seen which increases my anxiety as I don't understand if it's felt by everyone y is it not showing up. It's not changed much in the years iv had it. X

16-01-17, 22:58
You did the right thing having an appointment scheduled. Till that time comes, do NOT focus on your lump, do NOT palpate it, touch it, try to assess if it's growing or not. Let it rest and try to relax.