View Full Version : cervical polyp removed

15-01-17, 11:26
Hi there I'm hoping someone can shed some light

My mum is going to hospital on Tuesday to have a cervical polyp removed and I was wondering if anyone has had one of these removed and could just tell me abit about the procedure as she is very nervous she is also on blood thinners and is worried about bleeding.

I was wondering if it is very painful and horrid?

15-01-17, 17:00
I had several removed in my 30s. cervical polyps are nearly always benign (over 99% of the time).
They are very common, caused by excess estrogen or trauma (during sex or childbirth, or even from tampons), and considered by doctors to be merely a nuisance problem.
Many are pendulous and attached by merely a thread of tissue. These can be removed simply by the doctor plucking them off with tweezers. It is painless.
Others have a wider base, and these require some cutting to remove them.
I had one like that, and the removal was slightly painful, but the doctor accomplished it with only some advil beforehand and topical lidocaine for painkillers.
Each time I had a cervical polyp removed, I went back to work and finished my day afterward. there is no recovery time necessary.
The polyp will probably be sent to a lab to check for malignant cells, but this is merely an excess of precaution. They are almost never malignant, although endometrial polyps can be, in rare cases, and I've had those as well (mine were benign). Both types of polyps tend to recur until menopause, at which point they stop, because there is no more estrogen to cause them to develop.

Your mom will be okay. This is a common issue. About 10% of women will develop cervical polyps in their lifetime, although some cause no symptoms, and so are never detected.
When they do cause symptoms, it is often spotting/bleeding between periods.
More often, polyps are an incidental finding, when women are getting routine pelvic exams.
Don't worry.

PS I am surprised she is going to have this done in the hospital; here in the US this is a routine procedure usually accomplished in the doctor's office. i even had one removed by a nurse at the planned parenthood Clinic.
Your mom may be having this done in hospital because of her blood thinners. If so, I'm sure she will be in very good hands and they will be well-prepared for any sort of complication that might arise. But typically, polyp removal does not cause excessive bleeding. When I had the biggest one removed, they applied some sort of medicine to my cervix afterward that prevented any bleeding, but the medicine slowly came off over the next few days, causing me to have a weird discharge full of blackish-silver flakes (that was the medicine). I had been pre-warned of this, however, and so I was not alarmed by it.
I am absolutely sure your mom will be in good hands and will come through this very routine procedure just fine.