View Full Version : Cold Turkey.....Coming off 40mg

15-01-17, 12:41
I have been on 40mg for as long as I can remember and decided to go cold turkey. I've read some awful stories about withdrawals but wanted to share mine. I had my final tablets a week ago and despite what I've read it's been relatively trouble free. Today I have needed the toilet several times and have a bit of headache and I'm aching but not enough to even warrant paracetamol.

I don't feel emotional or weepy (yet) but to be honest would welcome a few tears as I havnt cried for a very long time. In fact I havnt felt much for a very long time. My libido is ok too.

I've cut out junk food as I have a tendency to eat copious amounts of chocolate crisps etc.

I also gained 4st over the years I've been on this medication. Please note I am not advocating for cold turkey for everyone as it's a personal choice but I am quite shocked that I'm not experiencing the horrors that others seem to. The worst thing to happen so far is weird dream last night I woke up and genuinely thought that someone had their arm around my neck but knew that it was just a dream despite it feeling extremely real. I'm struggling to sleep but have always had insomnia so I can deal with that but in fact I've had a burst of energy today. I wonder if anyone else withdrew with minor symptoms like mine??

16-01-17, 09:31
Well day 8 and I've had very little sleep and diorrehea getting more frequent but I'm still feeling ok.
No panic no meltdowns and none of the brain pops that people have mentioned in other threads.

---------- Post added at 09:31 ---------- Previous post was at 09:20 ----------

Oh and my appetite is a bit off but I'm sure that will rectify soon enough