View Full Version : Why does it happen?

15-01-17, 15:57
So I've got an anxiety disorder (that's what's the therapist said). I'm having a brain scan to rule out stuff so they can say for definite it's an anxiety disorder I guess. Anyway so does anyone have this where they have a symptom that happends for a few days then goes, then a new symptom comes and the same again... it's always different symptoms every week! I don't have to be anxious or anything for them to happen either. For example. I'll be playing on my Xbox and I'll have pitching sensations and then my anxiety will somehow link it to a venomous spider bite lol although I live in the U.K!

Can anyone else relate to this ?

15-01-17, 16:24
Depends on the individual. Some have their "go to" fears and some are all over the place.

Positive thoughts

15-01-17, 16:41
I'm afraid it's because we are so in tune with our bodies every ache and twinge. Many people who do not suffer anxiety get the same but they brush them off easier. We obsess and fear therefore they stay longer and are more persistent.

Also adrenaline makes us unable to cope rationally and reason with ourselves and our overworked mind

Hope this helps.