View Full Version : Someone talk some sense into me , heart worry

15-01-17, 16:08
About 6 days ago felt discomfort in my chest, sternum. The day before I was lifting heavy boxes up into my attic. When I push on my chest it is tender and hurts, right where my left chest muscle meets my sternum. I have continued to exercise daily. I run about 2-3 miles a day.
I can't shake the idea that this is a heart attack or pending heart attack. I know this sounds crazy and my wife is getting tired of hearing my worry about this.

15-01-17, 16:12
discomfort in my chest

When I push on my chest it is tender and hurts

The day before I was lifting heavy boxes up into my attic

I exercise daily. I run about 2-3 miles

I can't shake the idea that this is a heart attack

I know this sounds crazy


15-01-17, 16:17
I know I know. It's just hard to shake it. If I was having a heart attack I wouldn't be able to run right?

15-01-17, 16:18
I know I know. It's just hard to shake it. If I was having a heart attack I wouldn't be able to run right?

With respect... did you really just ask that question? :huh:

Positive thoughts

15-01-17, 16:21
With respect... did you really just ask that question? :huh:

Positive thoughts
The anxiety has the best of me. And like I said my wife has about had it with my questions.

15-01-17, 16:32
The thing is, if your anxiety is to the point that you can't logically answer that question yourself, what good is anything anyone on the forum going to say? It appears you're in a pretty bad spiral at the moment. Are you getting help for your anxiety?

Positive thoughts

15-01-17, 16:36
The thing is, if your anxiety is to the point that you can't logically answer that question yourself, what good is anything anyone on the forum going to say? It appears you're in a pretty bad spiral at the moment. Are you getting help for your anxiety?

Positive thoughts
My Dr prescribed meds last year for anxiety. I took them 1 day. Afraid of side effects.

15-01-17, 16:38
My Dr prescribed meds last year for anxiety. I took them 1 day. Afraid of side effects.

The ball is in your court Brian. Overcoming this starts with you.

Good luck and as always

Positive thoughts

15-01-17, 17:23
The anxiety has the best of me.

So you're going to roll over and let it beat you?

You have all of the answers to your question in your original post.

Reassurance for health anxiety is like putting a band-aid on a broken leg.

Your leg will always be broken if you don't fix it.

It starts with taking ownership of your problem.

15-01-17, 18:49
The anxiety has the best of me. And like I said my wife has about had it with my questions.

Don't worry my gf says she's not supporting me this year. What she means by that is if I don't have a actually health problem that Doctor confirms I have she don't want to hear about it. Sucks because I have to keep it in or make her very upset. But I can see her point also. And I hate that I've put her thru this for a year already.

15-01-17, 19:03
I've given many people the same advice about reassuring that you guys are giving me. My mind is just stuck. I know deep down it's not a heart attack. It's muscular. When it's bothering me I can rub the area and the pain goes away.