View Full Version : Learned something about my HA today,

15-01-17, 17:49
Woke up at 2 am with the worst back pain I think I've ever had. It was lower to mid back on the right side, and radiated around low in the front abdomen. As an HA sufferer, I fell back into my Googling pattern and never got a real answer. As I'm terrified of the ER, and we are in the midst of an ice storm here, I wasn't sure what to do. Pain continually got worse, until I woke my hubby at 4 and said it was time to head for the hospital. At that point, I realized -- that regardless of my HA issues, if the pain is bad enough, you will know. Not question if something is wrong, but know without a doubt something is wrong. They checked me in, started an IV, and sent me for a cat scan. Turns out, I had a kidney stone. It eventually passed while still in the ER and I came home.

Long story short, HA can be debilitating. But when something is truly wrong, you'll know. And the fear of doctors will be over-ridden by the sheer need to find relief from what is wrong. Not once was I anxious at the hospital. BP normal, pulse normal, respiration normal. And once it was over and done, great relief. I beat my HA and doctor fear today. It's a good feeling 😊

15-01-17, 18:14
Long story short, HA can be debilitating. But when something is truly wrong, you'll know. And the fear of doctors will be over-ridden by the sheer need to find relief from what is wrong. Not once was I anxious at the hospital. BP normal, pulse normal, respiration normal. And once it was over and done, great relief. I beat my HA and doctor fear today. It's a good feeling 😊

Glad to hear you're Ok. I've had a K stone and you're right, it's just brutal.

You're saying what I've been saying for years. When something serious is going on, there's no questioning it. Heart issues, cancers etc. You didn't come here posting about symptoms waiting for replies, you knew.

It's often, when we are faced with the reality of something serious, we come to our senses and deal with it. It's a strength I believe all here possess. It just needs to be tapped into.

Positive thoughts

16-01-17, 01:01
Boy that's good to know . I often wonder if something is seriously wrong how will I drag myself to the hospital or dr. I am terrified of going.

16-01-17, 01:32
Boy that's good to know . I often wonder if something is seriously wrong how will I drag myself to the hospital or dr. I am terrified of going.

I understand the fear. It's definitely hard to imagine ever wanting to go to the doc, especially when you're an HA sufferer with the white coat fear.

I will say that I had absolutely no fear today at all. No anxiety, nothing. I truly believe that when something is honestly wrong, a part of our brain over rules the anxiety and the need to get well takes over. It really is a mind over matter mentality at that point :)

Clydesdale Epona
16-01-17, 01:39
I completely agree,
of all the days of my Appendicitis fear one was oddly different, i just knew within me something was different so i went to the doctors and he sent me to hospital just to be sure and i didn't even question it i just went.
i didn't have it but that was when i was first diagnosed with Endometriosis.
despite all the fear and adrenaline within us there's still the sensible part in our brain that clicks when something is a little off.

16-01-17, 01:59
I completely agree,
of all the days of my Appendicitis fear one was oddly different, i just knew within me something was different so i went to the doctors and he sent me to hospital just to be sure and i didn't even question it i just went.
i didn't have it but that was when i was first diagnosed with Endometriosis.
despite all the fear and adrenaline within us there's still the sensible part in our brain that clicks when something is a little off.

I don't have a specific HA fear really....It always seems to rotate. Most recently it was a heart fear. In a weird and roundabout way, I think today's trip to the ER has helped me tremendously with my anxiety. I've worked hard over the last year to get it under control without meds, as I also have a medication fear. Yet today, when they started the IV and gave me 2 meds I had never had before, I didn't panic. So while I really hope to never again deal with a kidney stone, I am somewhat grateful for the experience today. I discovered I'm so much stronger than my anxiety wants me to believe.