View Full Version : pains in leg?

13-04-07, 19:17
hi,since wednesday ive had pains in my leg,it started with both legs feeling like heavy and achy then my left leg has had pains in.not that they are painful or anything im just aware of it.sometimes it will feel like its sort of pulling like an elastic band and other times its shooting type pains where i feel i have to rub it.ive been worried incase its thrombosis so went to docs yesterday and she said that it looks fine and when its a blood clot it would be red or swollen and very painful.i still have it today it keeps coming and going.has anyone else experienced anything like this?x

13-04-07, 20:42
Yes, have had it in the past, and it went after a few days.

Glad you went to the doc to put you at ease.

Try not to think about it, and get on with something else. You probably won't notice it has gone!

14-04-07, 16:44
Getting pains in my leg is my big anxiety symptom. I've had them almost constantly for the past 6 months - although the nature of the pain often changes. I've seen about 5 doctors - and they all told me that there's nothing wrong with my leg, it's probably anxiety. It's very annoying though and I wish I could find a way to get rid of them!

14-04-07, 18:25

I used to get funny legs all the time. I used to get sharp pains, dull aches and a weird, 'bubbly' feeling, which is really hard to describe!

It all started when I had a chest pain after I'd been swimming one day. I convinced myself over the next few weeks that I had clots in both my legs and my lungs! I saw about 5 doctors, and thought they were all lying when they said it was fine. My practice nurse said a pulmonary embolism (lung clot) is a 'peri-mortal' sign, and I would actually be dead long ago if that's what I had. Still, I didn't believe it, so I came off the pill and freaked out for a while longer. Finally, I did manage to believe my GP that I really didn't have a clot.

In my own experience, the minute I stopped worrying about it, it went away. Not sure if you're the same, but I guess you can only try to be reassured by what your doctor said, and try to stop fretting over it.

Good luck xx

14-04-07, 18:54
thanks for your replies.ive still got them today aswel so if i still have them by monday im going to go back to the doctors.i cant understand whyim getting these and also if it was to do with my anxiety ive had that for over ten years so surely i would have had this symptom before.
i wish this would disappear,this anxiety gets me down.x

14-04-07, 22:55
i've been getting pains in my left leg/foot on and off since just before christmas last year. i told the nurse once on a visit to see her and she told me more less the same sort of thing. if it was a blood clot i would proberly have redness and swelling. my pain moves around. sometimes its in my calf, then the front of my leg, then my shin.

now for the last week i have noticed some swelling in my foot. not a lot but enough to make it feel tight. someone told me that it could be fluid retention so now i;m panicking that i have got something wrong with my heart..(this causes fluid retention)
i want to go to the doc's but in a morning my foot is ok. its later on in the day when i get the swelling.

any advice would be most appreciated.

all the best

14-04-07, 23:59
I got in a state over swollen ankles when I first noticed it last xmas. I started googling and convinced myself I had heart failure or kidney problems or other unpleasant things I've since forgot. I ended up calling NHS direct and the nurse said it wasn't anything to worry about, it was probably due to me sitting too much. I later asked my doctor about it and he just laughed and said 'I wouldn't worry about that at your age!' (I'm in my late 30s) - so now I don't worry about it!

16-04-07, 15:18
I get leg pains alot esp my right leg, im sure its anxiety, my dr says its nothing to worry about.

16-04-07, 19:00
well i went back to the doctors today as it has never let up and she says she doesnt think there is anything to worry about.its like a dull heavy ache in my whole left leg where its not painful where id think i need a pain killer but im aware of it and i dont know what to do with it to ease it eg:move it,raise it,rub it etc.and along with this heavy aching feeling ive got the shooting pains especialy in my calf.she has told me to leave it 2 weeks and see how it goes.x

16-04-07, 19:45
It sounds like what I get, do your best to ignore it, mine has eased off now im abit more relaxed.

05-09-07, 18:39
I have been to see the doctor today about this and she says it is anxiety and tension.

Glad to know I am not the only one.

05-09-07, 20:02
When i was in tunisia a couple of weeks ago i woke up one morning after being there fore 5 days and my ankles were really swollen, I also had an achy feeling in my left leg and immediately thought i had a blood clot from the flight. I went to see the nurse in the hotel and he told me my blood pressure was very high and my pulse was very rapid, i put that down to being anxious. He also told me i needed blood tests as he thought i looked anaemic. I decided to wait till i got home and that night i woke up with no feeling in both my legs. It really freaked me and i ended up having a full blown panic attack. Finally, i went to sleep, the pain and numbness in my legs continued for a few days.

Since being back I had blood tests that have just come back fine and that was every blood test possible. My doc says it sounds like restless leg syndrome and again this is a classic symptom of anxiety.

The pains have now subsided and i am feeling soooo much better now my blood tests have come back ok. I really do think these pains are anxiety related.

Hope you start feeling better soon.


05-09-07, 20:11
i sometimes get pains in my legs, but usually i get a weird crawling, numbish feeling in my left leg. i went through all the terrible possibilities (stroke, brain tumour, dvt) then went to the doctor who tested my reflexes and said i was fine and could either be a minor nerve issue (which isn't serious whatsoever) or restless leg syndrome (which is more likely because i don't get it all the time). i find it is much better when i am busy and active because that takes my mind off it. when i was going through a particularly positive period recently i didn't have it at all - confirming that it is my anxiety causing it after all!

sally xxx