View Full Version : Update, work, anxiety and chamomile tea..

15-01-17, 21:16
Hi everyone!

I hope you're all doing well and a late Happy new year!

I've not been as active lately, which is a good thing for me. Everything has been going well, i'm still very much enjoying my job although the early starts have taken there toll!

My health anxiety has been far less a problem i suppose due to the lack of spare time i have to ponder the what ifs. I'm slowly trying to work on getting healthier, mentally and physically, there's a lot to do so its one thing at a time.

Sleep has been an issue as of late, not being able to get to sleep because of my over active mind, and muscle tension, however last night i had a Chamomile tea(recommended by a friend) around 20 minutes before bed.

OMG i have never in my life felt so relaxed. I was that relaxed i was convinced i was slowly dying! :roflmao: Typical HA sufferer - even relaxation is scary.

I was unable to feel anxiety physically, even though my mind was worrying, my breathing was steady and heart rate was not increasing, i felt tired, fuzzy head, and the biggest shock of all was my neck/shoulder muscles were so relaxed that i got comfortable instantly. Best nights sleep in a long time.
So i would HIGHLY recommend giving it a try, it may not work for everyone but it definitely did for me, i have the chamomile infused with apple. Still not very nice tasting.

On another note, i am having surgery soon and am booked in for my pre op assessment beginning of Feb. It's not something i want to go into for personal reasons, but it is minor surgery. However i have never been under general anesthetic so i am obviously very concerned, the thought of the surgery hasn't even bothered me, in fact i am happy to be having it, i just wish i wasn't so scared about being put to sleep.

I hope everyone is doing well :hugs:

Clydesdale Epona
16-01-17, 01:25
Thanks for the update!
i'm glad you're doing well :hugs:how early are your starts? mine are taking a toll on me too haha! i also suggest Night time tea as it works great for me and it's oat/lime flower so the taste is pretty nice x

16-01-17, 02:14
I've always been nervous to try chamomile tea just because I don't know how it will affect me, I'm glad you posted this -- may have to give it a try one of these nights �� I've been using an aromatherapy diffuser next to my bed, usually with lavender in it. Seems to help as well!

16-01-17, 02:18
Hi Katie... I had to have 2 surgeries within 7 months.. got to say it was not bad at all. If I was told I had to do it again I wouldn't be scared.

I had 1 prior surgery 24 years ago, wow have they improved the experience!

Talk to your anesthesiologist, tell him you're scared. They take SUCH good care of you, plus they have versed which is the carefree/happy juice.

You're going to be ok !

16-01-17, 05:27
On another note, i am having surgery soon and am booked in for my pre op assessment beginning of Feb. It's not something i want to go into for personal reasons, but it is minor surgery. However i have never been under general anesthetic so i am obviously very concerned, the thought of the surgery hasn't even bothered me, in fact i am happy to be having it, i just wish i wasn't so scared about being put to sleep.

I hope everyone is doing well :hugs:

Hi Katie, Happy New Year to you too.:)

I've been under general anesthetic twice and I liked it.:yesyes:

16-01-17, 15:47
You're doing well, Katie. Keep it up. :)

16-01-17, 22:22
i just wish i wasn't so scared about being put to sleep

Aside from dying this is my biggest fear. I Think its a control thing

16-01-17, 22:45
I never been put to sleep either till this past dec when I had a colonscopy. And it's nothing you should really be worried about. All I remember from it is hearing a song come on radio they was listening to I made it thru a lot 1/4 the song and I was out of it lol. Then when I woke up it was all over with.

18-01-17, 02:04
I loved being put under when I got my wisdom teeth out. I've always been a lover of a really good, deep sleep though and that's basically what it is. Just a really amazing nap :)

18-01-17, 21:49
Thank you everyone :)

I don't know what I'm really worrying about, I do think it's a control thing, I mean I LOVE sleeping and essentially that's what it is, but there's a voice in my head saying this is so unnatural and I won't wake up again or the anaesthetic will affect my vitals ect :blush:

The surgery won't take more than 15 minutes if it goes plain sailing so I shouldn't be out for too long, I just can't stop thinking that I won't ever wake up from it or I will wake up during it!

18-01-17, 22:01
". I was that relaxed i was convinced i was slowly dying! :roflmao: Typical HA sufferer - even relaxation is scary. " - love it!

The title of this thread also made me chuckle as it sounds like it could be the title of a really good click lit book.

Great to hear you are doing well. Take care and good luck.x

18-01-17, 22:21
". I was that relaxed i was convinced i was slowly dying! :roflmao: Typical HA sufferer - even relaxation is scary. " - love it!

The title of this thread also made me chuckle as it sounds like it could be the title of a really good click lit book.

Great to hear you are doing well. Take care and good luck.x


Thanks Kathryn x

---------- Post added at 22:21 ---------- Previous post was at 22:03 ----------

The chamomile tea is still working, I only have it at night due to sleep but may start having one in the day when I feel myself getting tense. I can't believe how much it affects me, I let it brew for 3-4 minutes, tastes like I've licked a forest floor but it works!

18-01-17, 22:25
I have peppermint tea in the day time.