View Full Version : Concerns about symptoms possibly pointing to cancer

15-01-17, 23:42
Hello Everyone

It has been a while since I have posted on here. I had a really bad 2016 in terms of my anxiety. However, things were gradually improving until a few weeks ago. Before the Christmas holidays I had an ultrasound of the abdomen done, as I had started to experience a lot of shooing and stabbing pains. The ultrasound confirmed gallstones, which although painful was a bit of a relief to me, as there was nothing more sinister. It also showed up that for the past couple of months and maybe a year or so that the pains that I had also been experiencing in my pelvic region and testicles is due to chronic prostatitis, an inflammation of the prostrate gland. Luckily, I am now on a three month course of antibiotics to clear it up.

However, since after having a chest infection a few weeks back I have been experiencing dull and sometimes sharp pain particularly in my upper right abdomen and lower abdomen. I am now really anxious as a few years ago I had to go for a colonoscopy were removed from my bowel. A CT scan was conducted a few months ago on my chest, because of my recurrent pains. My chest was clear, however the radiologist said there were a number of micro lesions on my liver, which he thinks are benign, but I am having them checked with an MRi scan of the liver on February 8th. I am now really concerned. Could it be that lesions on my CT scan actually point to a real problem and this is the cause of my pain? Both the consultant who is doing the Mri and my GP don't seem concerned and said it is being done just as a precautionary measure. My GP also said that he does not beat about the bush and if he thought that it pointed to something seriously wrong then he would tell me straightaway Also surely the ultrasound that I had done on my abdomen, which showed up the gallstones would show any masses in my liver? My liver function tests and all other routine blood tests are also normal.

I also have lots of acid reflux to the point where I became so dehydrated last weekend that I was admitted into accident and emergency. My GP has referred me to have a endscopy done and I have been put on medication for it.. However, I have always suffered with anxiety and waiting for these tests to be done is just making me more anxious. I would be really grateful to know if anyone has a similar story and what did they do to cope with their anxiety? I also don't know whether I should go back to my GP again about this pain I am having in my abdomen. he is aware of it but it definitely has got worse over the last couple of days. I would be really grateful for your advice. Thank you.

16-01-17, 05:25
Hi Monty,

I've never had lesions found on my liver, but then again, I've never had that checked either. But I just wanted to mention that I sometimes get the dull and sometimes sharp pain under my lower ribs (upper right abdomen) and lower abdomen. I've sometimes had it on the left side too and even in the center of the chest. But 9 out of 10 ten times it's been because of gas, with bloating or indigestion, because I have GERD and IBS. The only other time was because of sore ribs and muscle tissue from sneezing hard a lot.

I take Pantoprazole for the GERD\acid reflux every day, but sometimes it gets real bad like that and that's not enough, so I take a Tums as a supplement to get rid of the gas and acid reflux. It eventually all goes away when I do that.

Although you're symptoms sound familiar to mine that I've had in the past, I'm not a doctor and couldn't say if that's the case for you. But I do know that gas tends to mimic a lot of things similar to that in those areas of the body, making one think otherwise.

16-01-17, 13:56
Thank you for your reply Panicky guy. I went to my GP this morning as the pain is so severe and reaches across my upper and lower abdomen and results in a constant burning pain in my back. My GP examined me and could find no lumps or masses in my abdomen. He strongly suspects my gallstones are the root of the problem. I thought that gallstone pain was largely located in the upper right quadrant of the abdomen rather than going across the abodmen or down into lower parts of the belly region. However, he suggested that it is possible that my gallstones are causing pain in the pancreas area, which could explain the widespread nature of the pain. He also suggested that on occasion when the gallbladder is inflamed pain can go through the back and down into the lower abodmen. He has prescribed me some strong pain killers and to sit it out until I see the gastro surgeon on the 10th of February. I should also go to accident and emergency if the pain get really bad or I start developing symptoms of pancreatitis. He has reassured me that he does not think it is bowel cancer. Also because I had a ultrasound recently I am unlikely to have any nasty going on in the liver. I still can't get out of my mind thoughts about stomach and bowel cancer. I must stop googling and stick with the doctor's advice and judgement, as he is a very good GP. I just wondered if anyone has experienced similar symptoms with gallstones?