View Full Version : Do you over react when you have a cold or the flu?

Chris 614
16-01-17, 06:24
Hi. I've been sick with a bad head cold for eight days now. Saw the doctor and was told it was an upper respiratory thing. However, since day one I have over reacted. Certain it would turn into something more sinister or even deadly. I know I've gotten a little better, but I'm still congested and coughing and tired. Yes, I was told at the doctor's office that this thing can last about three weeks, and logically I know it's just a cold...but there is that crazy part of my brain that loves to torment me. Does anyone else get this way when they have a cold?

16-01-17, 07:36
Yes this is what I've been like for the last couple of days I just haven't been to doctors just in case they tell me it's something else when deep down I no it's just a cold everyone in my family have had it or coming down with it but with anxiety symptoms as well it really doesn't help

16-01-17, 08:48
I had a viral infection that lasted almost 2 months . Tonsils are still somewhat swollen but was told they would decrease with time Trust me you don't have anything sinister.

I probably ended up having something sinester but I'm still here lol

Chris 614
16-01-17, 09:37
I would just like to be able to be ill like a normal person. You know? Get under my blanket and watch a movie or read and relax and rest.

16-01-17, 10:00
Oh yes I had the worst viral infection ever last year raging fever, fever rash and I convinced myself I was about to die of meningitis any second. Nope I never it was just a bad infection

16-01-17, 10:50
Ha i was coming on here to write precisely the message that chris wrote...ive come down with a nasty fl virus, sore throat, bit of a cough, very bad chills....convincing myself its something a lot more sinister....havent Dr Googled in ages but having the symptoms induced me to google all of yesterday

16-01-17, 11:06
I have the same. Had it for like 2 weeks now and it's just so annoying! My nose has been blocked for so long it's made the underneath of my eyes swell. That's what my family / boyfriend are saying, obviously I think it's something sinister. I'm going to docs on Thurs about the eye swelling, amongst other things. Hope she just says it's blocked sinuses.
Think we've just all gotta ride this one out, everyone seems to be getting it.

16-01-17, 12:37
I have had a cold in November, then 3 weeks ago and now I have another but not stopped coughing for the duration......its so annoying....my mind is in over drive thinking, lung cancer, I am re-visiting the same Google pages I did last year when I had an on-going cough, chest X-ray was satisfactory but now questioning that, could lung cancer grow rapidly in a year..........OH DEAR!:mad:

16-01-17, 13:40
I used to over react to colds and flu but somehow I've got over it. I now welcome a cold or flu because I know what it is and I can 'enjoy' being ill. (If you know what I mean). While other weird symptoms set me off into sky high panic mode and googling. At least the symptoms of a cold are recognizable, like an old friend sort of....

16-01-17, 13:52
Strangely I've never overreacted to 'real' illnesses. I think for me and the fact the cold makes me feel so low and unbelievably tired, I just don't have the mindset to worry.