View Full Version : Getting mole biopsy results tomorrow, so scared!!

16-01-17, 09:59
I had a nasty looking mole removed from my leg about 7 weeks ago and I'm only getting the results tomorrow. It's been such a long wait.
I'm such a mess over it today. I'm so scared. I'm not sure what I want anyone to say to me, there's nothing anyone can do.
How do other people deal with getting their biopsy results?
And to make matters worse I found out this morning that one of my neighbours has cancer and she's only 43. Her daughter is in the same class in school as my daughter and it's really after scaring me
Life really sucks at times :weep:

16-01-17, 10:01
It's natural to be apprehensive, but if there was something serious I think you would have been notified sooner.

16-01-17, 15:20
Thanks Kuatir.
I know there's nothing anyone can do or say to keep me calm at the moment. I just have to ride it out and hope that tomorrow goes well for me.
But it's hearing that news this morning about my neighbor that has really shaken me. Obviously we all know that anyone can get sick, but this just really brought it home to me
I just wish it was this time tomorrow now and I knew one way or the other!!!