View Full Version : Faintness again, also felt weird in next

fed up with it
13-04-07, 19:38
Today again i went with a friend to "next" and i had to come out not because i felt anxious but i felt weak kinda of dizzy and weird, it has to be the lights but how do you go in again there must be something i can do?
Also after doing clarks for my daughters shoes, we went back to the car and i felt a weak faint sensation again and then a flash up through my body. I am so sick of this i do suffer from low iron but how do i know which is anxiety and which is a chronic low iron symptom? please help? how can i go out with a 4 and 5 year old feeling like this ( i will only go out with someone)

Nicola Cook
13-04-07, 20:37
Funnily enough, I often feel like this in Next and other shops. I'm certain it is the lights. I try to focus on something like for example how bored the staff look. Next time you go there, you will probably feel scared and anxious about going in, but just try to take it slowly, the first time to feel the wobbly feeling just tell yourself "it's just the lights" or "I can get out if I need to, but I'm here because I want to be".

Hope this helps, you're not alone

fed up with it
13-04-07, 22:00
Hi, thanks for that. I have read somewhere that wearing dark tint glasses may help? Worth a try.

16-04-07, 14:33
Hiya - funny but it happened to me in our Next as well - but it was the heating and the store was hot and busy and queuing which I m not good at - I had to leave my 21 year old daughter alone int he changing rooms and walk out coz I felt faint - she was ok with me about it but upset I didnt see her try on all the clothes shed chosen!!! Wenjoy x

17-04-07, 03:10
Hi All
This is really strange, i feel like this when i go into shops. At first we thought it was anxiety, which some of it could be but im convinced its the lights. i feel like i have to hold my head down.
Try and do it again wearing a peeked hat, baseball cap, it works for me , keeps the lights out of my eyes. I still get a little anxiety but i do anyway but it has inprooved witth the cap in shops.

hope its useful
take care

17-04-07, 13:14
So next time I see someone in ASDA with their head down, and a baseball cap on with sunglasses, I'll know they get panic attacks, right? LOL LOL! :D

Seriously though, I'm begining to wonder what triggers my panic attacks off because sometimes I am completely fine in shop queues, and other times I totally panic. Maybe it's the heat or light or noise? I dunno? :shrug:

Love shoegal xxx

17-04-07, 13:17
I always wear glasses in brightly lit shops, places nowdays

fed up with it
17-04-07, 15:16
The worst shop i have feel bad in was toys are us, i could'nt do next as i said but could do clarks next door to it:huh: It has to be the lights i also get weird faint weak feelings on a fruit machine and last summer felt like i needed to call an ambulance in a arcade on holiday, was dreadful, first holiday in years.

20-04-07, 17:55
This is really interesting that you are all saying this, because i have noticed really bad spells of dizziness in shops. Some might say that I am agoraphobic and it is being out that triggers it, but I don't believe that because I do go out and don't stay indoors (I force myself out). But I can go into a shop and it feels very strange with my vision - and I am also convinced it is the lighting and the way stuff is displayed. I find it triggered in bookshops, top shop and karen millen. How odd is that? Especially since they are all shops - I LIKE TO GO IN!!

To a lesser degree in supermarkets. But here's the interesting bit, the minute I sit at a computer screen and try to read, I get the same dizziness and horrible feelings that go with it.

Can anxiety affect vision in this way - I would be relieved to hear it.

21-04-07, 08:20
How odd because get this when I go into Tesco or if I have been in my office and working a lot on my PC I look up and get the most horrid dizzy sensation.

It has to be something to do with anxiety, be good to know how anxiety affects the vision.:shades:

i feel better knowing that i am not the only one that feels this way:winks:

21-04-07, 08:57
This "bright light" issue in shops is known to cause anxiety I have read. Sunglasses may help. Its down to the rush of information flooding into the eyes when the body is sensitised, apparantly.

I get that feeling of "not being there" alot in Supermarkets, but less than I used to.

This is going to sound like a no-no but the best way to deal with it is to keep practising (as Claire Weekes would say), as I found the more I rode through the storm the more accustomed I became to that enviroment.

If you have not done so already, get a copy of "Hope and Help for your Nerves", this book goes into detail on how to deal with these shopping nightmares.

That said, I hated shopping anyway before anxiety, so I stick with NEXT direct ;)

Good Luck
