View Full Version : Strange One This - Phantom Tastes?

16-01-17, 15:26

Yes the dreaded "phantom" word. (people from 6 months ago will understand why thats a big deal).

But a funny thing has been happening to me over the last week or so. I've had multiple instances of a very strong random taste appearing in my mouth. It's a little bit disgusting but it sort of tastes like faeces or rotting flesh, or what I imagine them to taste like. It lasts around 20 to 30 seconds each time and disappears as soon as it appears.

I wonder if anyone has ever experienced something similar? I don't want to let me anxiety make anything more of this than I need to.

I should say that I've been diagnosed with GERD for the last 3 years and take Lansaprozole for this. But this only been happening for around a week?

If this continues, would you visit a GP?


16-01-17, 15:42
Well yeah, reflux can bring a nasty taste to your mouth as can tonsil stones but I wouldn't see a doctor about it.

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16-01-17, 15:50
Well yeah, reflux can bring a nasty taste to your mouth as can tonsil stones but I wouldn't see a doctor about it.

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Absolutely, but that taste is usually combined with actual acid reflux. This comes on when speaking, or chewing, or anything.

Its random.

16-01-17, 15:54
Absolutely, but that taste is usually combined with actual acid reflux. This comes on when speaking, or chewing, or anything.

Its random.

Silent reflux? I've had that happen and I didn't have a symptom at all. Just all of a sudden acid came up.

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16-01-17, 16:23
Quite probably. However, and I hate being this person who keeps refuting advice, it happened earlier when drinking a glass of water. It made the water taste disgusting, nothing was coming up from my throat.

This, coupled with my persistent headaches has concerned me all of sudden.

Need to get this in check before I go in to full meltdown mode.

16-01-17, 16:32
Then do what you have to do. Prediction: you will told it's reflux and given a prescription for a PPI and told to watch what you eat ;)

Perhaps, before you run off and spend money at the doctor, try an OTC PPI like Prilosec, Nexium or Zantac and keep a journal of what you eat. Maybe you can put 2+2 together and deal with this on your own.

And just FYI. Tonsil stones smell and taste like poo so that could be a possibility.

Positive thoughts

16-01-17, 16:36
Then do what you have to do. Prediction: you will told it's reflux and given a prescription for a PPI and told to watch what you eat ;)

Perhaps, before you run off and spend money at the doctor, try an OTC PPI like Prilosec, Nexium or Zantac and keep a journal of what you eat. Maybe you can put 2+2 together and deal with this on your own.

And just FYI. Tonsil stones smell and taste like poo so that could be a possibility.

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Again thank you for your help on this. I don't know if you missed this in my original post, I have actually been diagnosed with gerd and already take a PPI to suppress it. I have done for 3 years.

I'm not trying to be obtuse at all. I do absolutely know how this kind of behaviour irritates people, and rightly so, but I can find no cause for suddenly tasting poo in my mouth.

I'm at a loss a little.

16-01-17, 16:48
Yeah I missed it... sorry...

My wife and I both suffer with reflux. We take Pantoprazole and follow the FODMAP diet. I can tell you things have improved dramatically. That being said, every once in a while I'll have something I shouldn't and sure enough I pay for it.

Maybe take a chewable antacid for breakthrough and keep that food journal. Perhaps you've just developed a reaction to something. It happens. And look into that FODMAP diet. It really helped us.

Anyway... hope you feel better soon.

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