View Full Version : Holiday abroad for hen do - do I go?

16-01-17, 16:03
I have a dilemma. I hate flying, I have trouble sleeping and holidays generally make me anxious. After my last holiday I told myself that's it, no more. I decided cruises were the way forward for me as flying and all the rest of it is just too anxiety provoking and I end up not enjoying any of it.
The problem is, my closest friend is getting married and the girls have decided for her hen do we're gonna go abroad for 3 nights.
They're all discussing it in a group chat and that it's gonna get booked tonight. I don't know what to do. Any advice?

16-01-17, 16:05
The things we regret the most are the things we didn't do due to fear.

I know what I would do (GO!). Guess you have some decisions to make ;)

Positive thoughts

16-01-17, 16:07

Go to GP to get valium for the flights. Enjoy being a part of the fun. Punch the air that anxiety hasn't held you back.

Catherine S
16-01-17, 16:11
Without fear there cannot be courage...choose to be courageous.

ISB :) x

16-01-17, 16:13
Seeing the answers, did you think you'd be told to stay home? ;)

Positive thoughts

16-01-17, 16:31
Thanks guys. I will go then!
I have just forced myself into these things before and always thought nah never again. But there's nothing worse than everybody talking about it for months afterwards and not having been there!
Eurgh I hate flying and stuff though :(

16-01-17, 16:44
i hate flying - but i like holidays!
so i do short flights
I have to fly to america with my job in april and i am dreading it
i am gona make up a little 'survival' pack and use everything i need to to get me thorough it - ear plugs, travel sweets, a good book, music, a little fan, maybe some beta blockers (i dont like too much medication)
you can do it.
it'll be fun!

16-01-17, 17:10
Yeah I'll need some flight essentials to get me through definitely! I was prescribed valium last time but opted for white wine instead... Wasn't so fun the next day though. But the trouble is I actually worry excessively when I'm there that ill never get back home, because of my fear of flying. I also don't like sharing rooms with people as I need my own head space, and I don't sleep well wheh other people are in the room as I'm a really light sleeper. I don't even share a bed with my bf as his nostrils and breathing are just infuriating! Haha, he's fine with it though.
So I have a few obstacles. If i had my own room I would feel better but it's a villa

18-06-17, 01:41
Hey there, how did it go in the end?

18-06-17, 04:06
Just get hammered, take some ibuprofen the next day :)

18-06-17, 11:19
Thanks for asking Tuesday blue, it was great! So glad I pushed myself. And Yeah as Josh said we were kinda drunk most of the time so I didn't have any meltdowns really haha! X