View Full Version : How I recovered from quite severe OCD.

16-01-17, 17:15
With all the negativity that's going around, I wanted to share a positive recovery story from my OCD. I've seen that many people struggle with it here on OCD board and it really upsets me to see people suffering as I know how bad OCD can be and how it can simply ruin your life.
I've had some from of OCD all my life (I am 16 now), but it really hit me when I started going to school. One more imporant thing that I've learned throughout my way is that OCD is not something you simply get, it is most likely caused by past trauma, as it was for me. I was raised in a dysfunctional family with weird type of family system. At 8 months, I was given to my aunt for raising me as my parents were busy working and earning money. I got really attached to my aunt to the point where I considered her as my mother. Because of that, I developed disorganised attachment style that often causes mental problems such as OCD, Anxiety, DPDR etc. For me, I believe the main reason why I started developing OCD was that my aunt was loving and all, but suffered from depression because her husband had died a year before I was born, so she would sometimes get drunk to kind of disociate from problems. That did scare me as a child, as she started acting weird and I did not like it at all. That, combined with my mother taking away me from her and other different family arguments caused me to disociate often in my childhood and develop all these anxiety disorders such as OCD, DPDR, anxiety and all that. Later, when I was about 5-6, my aunt started going to a therapist of some sort and got over her alcoholism and depression and it was pretty ok for me. Then, school came and I started noticing really strong patterns of OCD like constantly calling my aunt from school to check if she's okay. I had many OCD patterns throughout the years, but the worst came at 8th grade. It was a single day I still remember clearly. 4th of May, 2015. Everything was fine, until I noticed my aunt acting kind of weird, like drunk, yet she wasn't drunk. I knew that she had acted like this often when I had arguments with her and I was pretty sure I was to blame for arguing with her and causing her to go in this like split personality state. So yeah, one day she started acting like this and it really began making me anxious to the point where I started experiencing depression and DPDR like symptoms. It was terrible. I still remember all these memories like yesterday, even though it was almost 2 years ago. About that, I spent my whole summer with OCD so severe that I've never could imagine it could be so bad. My main obsession was that I had somehow travelled to a different dimension that is similar. That obsession was inspired by a TV show I used to watch as a kid and in one episode the main characters had travveled to a dimension similar as their home dimension and didn't even notice that at first, until they started noticing small things that were out of ordinary. Of course, this scared me and later manifested into OCD obsession. At that point of my life, I believed there was no escape. Everything was so bad, so painful, so depressing that I could not cope with it. Anyways, I ignored it until it went away. Distraction helped. It took time, however. If my anxiety issues started on May, they kind of ended in middle of July and truly ended on end of August.
Anyways, half a year was fine, until 1st of January, 2016 came along with a new obsession. I noticed that my dad started acting out of ordinary and again, same obsession, only it lasted non stop for 1 month, then 2 months it was kind of on and off. During all this time, pain was so bad I had DPDR. Anyways, April 1 was the day I recovered truly. I still remember it nostalgically how I was driving to countryside, listening to some emotional music and thinking about all that. When I arrived, I was truly happy for the first time in half a year. Later that year, everything was truly awesome. I started following my passion, retro motorcycle racing and that summer was the best time of my life. OCD was still there from time to time, but it did not bother me almost at all.
What I wish to say is that, it is completely possible to recover from OCD, in fact, I think that might be one of the easiest anxiety disorders to recover from.
It is really required to expose yourself to the thoughts, let them be there without giving them anxiety. Like, you need to develop the attitude of not caring about them. Also, distraction, such as following a passion, reading a book, getting a relationship, literary anything helps a lot. My OCD was also accompanied by DPDR which made me feel worse, but it did pass once I stopped my OCD, by not interfering with it. It is simple as that, OCD will go away once you stop being afraid of it. It does take time, but it is possible. Also, therapy does help alot, even tho I did not attend therapist at that time.

Another interesting thing is that right now I am suffering from DPDR due to marijuana smoking. It is bad, but slowly going better. One interesting thing I found is that, even through all this anxiety I experience sometimes and all this DPDR feeling, I do not experience the OCD part. I believe I have truly beaten it for the most part.

It is simple as that, don't fear it, it goes away.