View Full Version : Swollen lymph node slightly gone down.

16-01-17, 18:07
Okay, so I still haven't got my test results back but I think I have the all clear otherwise I would have heard back from my doctors office. I will be calling them tomorrow about it (my anxiety seems to be stopping me).

My swollen node in my neck that still causes a slight bulge when I twist my head has slightly gone down after I came down with a tummy bug (that my mum had) and was vomiting all night.

The node itself has been there for WEEKS but the stomach bug and vomiting only appeared yesterday.

It really does feel a little flatter, is it possible it went down because of the vomiting. That makes no sense to me :(

It's still upsetting me I still have a swollen node in my neck but I'm trying to calm down.

Ugh idk, I should be happy that it feels less detectable but I'm stressing out about the vomiting now (even though I know I caught it from my mother).

Stacey Lou
16-01-17, 18:20
hi mav. iv just posted a topic somewhat similar although my lymphs are up all over after i ad a viral infection back in october. even the doctors were concerned about mine, so much so that i was admitted into hospital for scans. after the ct the radiologist said no cause for concern and i was allowed home with a follow up for an ultrasound three weeks later. all of which came back fine. i would say try not to prod them if you can, i did this and have cause many lymph nodes to pop up in my neck. i still dont know what the cause is of mine just have to trust that the doctors are right. which i know is a hard thing to do with HA. i wouldnt worry too much about the vomitting, especially since your mum had the same thing recently. try not to cause yourself too much stress as iv found that can lead to a long never ending amount of symptoms which in my case convinced me i had something serious, and still now im not 100% sure. but like i said, doctors are there for a reason and im sure everything will turn out ok for you. just try and stay positive.

16-01-17, 21:37
Sounds like you know everything you need to in order to put this in its proper context (except I dont think puking would cause it to go down)

Nodes swell, thats their job when everything from an ingrown hair to a virus or and infectoin happens. it what they do.

be well and take care of that stomach bug instead of focusing on the nodes.

16-01-17, 21:49
hi mav. iv just posted a topic somewhat similar although my lymphs are up all over after i ad a viral infection back in october. even the doctors were concerned about mine, so much so that i was admitted into hospital for scans. after the ct the radiologist said no cause for concern and i was allowed home with a follow up for an ultrasound three weeks later. all of which came back fine. i would say try not to prod them if you can, i did this and have cause many lymph nodes to pop up in my neck. i still dont know what the cause is of mine just have to trust that the doctors are right. which i know is a hard thing to do with HA. i wouldnt worry too much about the vomitting, especially since your mum had the same thing recently. try not to cause yourself too much stress as iv found that can lead to a long never ending amount of symptoms which in my case convinced me i had something serious, and still now im not 100% sure. but like i said, doctors are there for a reason and im sure everything will turn out ok for you. just try and stay positive.

It's very stressful isn't it? ugh!

I would take peace in the fact that your swollen nodes popped up after an infection :)

I just found my swollen lymphnode randomly in my neck, the doctor also said she could feel a tiny one on the other side-__-

I had a chest x-ray and blood test 2 weeks ago and I haven't called about my results yet because i'm just so anxious, I think I will get my mum to do it tomorrow.

Ugh it just makes you think the absolute worst, doesn't it? :weep:

Stacey Lou
16-01-17, 23:38
It's awful! I never been so scared in my life. Funny thing is I have had one under my jaw since I was 17, had it checked by the doctor and was told it was fine and I never bothered about it until now. I don't think the nodes themselves would of concerned me had it not been for the collarbone bulge, but your right I do take some piece of mind in the fact that I was sick first. Although the fact that the swelling in my chest is getting larger and the node in my groin is now noticeable through underwear is scaring the life out of me. Trying to decide whether I'm feeling poorly due to anxiety or something else is what I'm finding the hardest, but I think you may also be able to take a little comfort in the fact that you had a sickness, because nodes can sometimes swell before the infection even shows itself to us. If the bloods were bad you would if heard by now, I wouldn't be worried at all about that. Anxiety is the worst thing to have cause your mind just will not allow you to think your fine. Even after the doctors have said my cr was reassuring I'm still absolutely terrified there is something going on in my body and think I will probably be that way until I'm convinced otherwise. Keep me posted on everything? Pm me if you need to chat, seems like we have the same fears lol!

17-01-17, 00:42
I know it's scary, but please be reassured by the fact that it's gone down, if only a little.
Cancer does not shrink (not without treatment, anyway).
It only gets bigger.
That should be very reassuring to you. Hugs. :hugs:

17-01-17, 00:47
I know it's scary, but please be reassured by the fact that it's gone down, if only a little.
Cancer does not shrink (not without treatment, anyway).
It only gets bigger.
That should be very reassuring to you. Hugs. :hugs:


Cancer is an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. It doesn't come and go nor does it stop once it starts.

Getting my "Told ya so" ready to post ;)

Positive thoughts