View Full Version : How many people work?

16-01-17, 18:36
Was just wondering how many people are working with anxiety/depression?

I am, it's an essential part of my mental health wellbeing to be honest. Helps me to keep busy, although can be a curse at the same time!!

16-01-17, 19:00
Was just wondering how many people are working with anxiety/depression?

I am, it's an essential part of my mental health wellbeing to be honest. Helps me to keep busy, although can be a curse at the same time!!

I've had anxiety for a good few years now and recently have been through a spell of depression. I stopped working for three months when I had the depression until I recovered and then went back to work. I do find that working helps me for my mental health wellbeing. Although there were times in my previous job that working made my mental health wellbeing worse so I do think it's important that employers are understanding of people who unfortuantly suffer from anxiety. Having a helpful employer really does help.

16-01-17, 20:49
That's very true.

I've been fortunate in some regards, now they want me to head up a team which is terrifying me, but trying to keep control with positive choices, thrown me for six.

16-01-17, 21:13
I've had permanent employment for the past 3.5 years. It's a struggle at times, but I manage. The worst bit for me is going to and from work (I'm agoraphobic), but once I'm at work, I'm usually fine as I'm focused on things other than my anxiety.

Catherine S
16-01-17, 21:24
I worked full time for many years until I retired 3 years ago, and have to say that even though I enjoyed my jobs, not having to work has really helped my anxiety loads. My sleeping pattern has never been the best and sometimes I'd be doing full working days on just a few hours of sleep. My other half still works full time, so my days are all my own, and not so many bad ones now.


16-01-17, 21:34
ISB, Did you have anxiety whilst you worked?

Catherine S
16-01-17, 21:45
I did yes jebdog, especially the drive..the roads in the rush hours meant I shook all the way there and back! I wasn't too bad once I got there and started the day, but when my anxiety was at it's worst the panics always seemed to be just under the surface. I'd often have to nip to the staff room to calm myself down.


16-01-17, 21:53
I'm not working, it made me much worse. Even just being around relatives makes me feel really low (I'm fine for a cuppa or something though but going for a meal etc is very difficult). I also have BDD though and that makes things more difficult. Being at home is when I feel the most relaxed. I can't really tolerate being around people for long.

Clydesdale Epona
16-01-17, 22:34
I'm volunteering part time at the moment, i have to put myself through college soon unfortunately but i'm planning on keeping my Saturdays reserved for horse work because it tends to keep me sane x

16-01-17, 22:39
I work, it's a massive part of keeping me sane xx

17-01-17, 03:42
Hi JD,

I enjoy my work and I'm definitely less anxious when I've got work. Personally, I would think very carefully if your promotion is going to be more stressful and less enjoyable.

17-01-17, 06:23
Am 60 now (going on 45) so part time relieving teaching, about 3 days per week.

Those littlies keep you on your toes all day so you have no time to think about your Health Anxiety :)

17-01-17, 08:09
I work. It has both pros and cons. I found it very difficult when my anxiety was at its peak and also tapering off medications and trying new ones. I had a nervous breakdown and was hospitalised for a month. Luckily I had long service leave I could use. I work for my parents also which makes it so much easier. I don't think I could not work. I get bored easily at home and find the boredom or lack of something to distract my mind makes me feel depressed. So even though it has been hard at times, I prefer to work.

17-01-17, 08:56
I work 25 hours a week as a temp. I always worked full time before but my last job I just could not cope with the amount of work.
I never want to work fulltime again.
Thats how i got the anxiety.
But once Im there Im ok.
Just cant cope with some peoples attitudes at work and thats when Im close to crying.

17-01-17, 09:14
I work. Sometimes I think it adds to my anxiety as I'm still fairly new to this line of work, but I enjoy it on the whole and I find it a good distraction (when I'm not having brain fog) from my overthinking.

17-01-17, 09:30
I have little bits of work - I had been fostering full time - and have been struggling to get work. I think work would help me but I am in the midst of full blown panic attacks which have caused me huge stress in the past 3 days. I have not been able to eat, sleep well or sit still. I would not be able to work until this stops. I think part time work is better because the down times can be easier managed by going walks / the gym / taking time to make healthy meals from scratch.

17-01-17, 09:56
I work.

There was a time when i felt that it wouldve been better to have some time off.

17-01-17, 18:39
I teach yoga most mornings and evenings. Helps focus on others for a while. I also think it's good to share and be honest with my students as sometimes hey are stressed or down or anxious. It's important they know we all go thru something


17-01-17, 21:49
I work, I do contracting now as I struggle with anxiety / sleeping and oversleeping.

I've taken a demotion too, this helps with the stress

18-01-17, 01:59
I'm about 3 weeks into my first full-time job (where I am not a student). I think it's good to get out of the house and it's certainly good to make some money and gain some independence.

I'm finding my job to be quite stressful; there's a lot to learn and my supervisors, though nice, can be rather nit-picky about how certain things are done. Sometimes it is necessary as there is a proper procedure to follow, but sometimes it just doesn't. For example, I got in a bit of trouble today because I sent an email out and forgot some attachments. Didn't seem like a big deal to me, but one of my supervisors was upset.

I keep sane by telling myself I'm not doing this forever :) I'm considering going back to school and getting my master's degree as I can do some classes for free because I work at the university - then once completed I can move on and get a new job.

18-01-17, 08:35
I'm about 3 weeks into my first full-time job (where I am not a student). I think it's good to get out of the house and it's certainly good to make some money and gain some independence.

I'm finding my job to be quite stressful; there's a lot to learn and my supervisors, though nice, can be rather nit-picky about how certain things are done. Sometimes it is necessary as there is a proper procedure to follow, but sometimes it just doesn't. For example, I got in a bit of trouble today because I sent an email out and forgot some attachments. Didn't seem like a big deal to me, but one of my supervisors was upset.

I keep sane by telling myself I'm not doing this forever :) I'm considering going back to school and getting my master's degree as I can do some classes for free because I work at the university - then once completed I can move on and get a new job.

They got upset because you forgot to attach documents???? Not a big deal at all!
Its their problem. This is why I wont work somewhere where people are like that, I cant cope with it anymore. Thats why Im temping for now.

18-01-17, 09:37
I work but had to cut my hrs down it was getting to me and my cleaning company doesnt help either cant have a stress day off work or if I am ill as the contract is a prestige one and would be sacked :eek: But the clients are nice and treat me with respect :) Cheers

18-01-17, 10:41
I'm having a really crappy day today and it's days like these I wish I was able to work. Stuck in the house all day for the 4th day running feel like screaming!

18-01-17, 13:21
They got upset because you forgot to attach documents???? Not a big deal at all!
Its their problem. This is why I wont work somewhere where people are like that, I cant cope with it anymore. Thats why Im temping for now.

I know! People send me emails all the time without attachments - no big deal. My supervisor told me that she reads emails over like five times before sending them; I proofread but hey, mistakes happen. I'm basically a glorified secretary at this position anyway so I'm not going to sweat it.

I'm having a really crappy day today and it's days like these I wish I was able to work. Stuck in the house all day for the 4th day running feel like screaming!

KeeKee, that sounds awful. Is it possible for you to volunteer anywhere just to get out of the house? I know you've said that it is difficult for you but maybe there's some compromise?

18-01-17, 14:05
I work and have worked throughout my anxiety and depression. I think there are times I wish I didn't, but it is probably for the best that I have. Now I am feeling good about it but it does get very draining. I do feel accomplished though and good about myself when I finish a tough week.

Volunteering is a great way to get your feet wet and feel good without the pressures of work.

18-01-17, 15:03
Hi Poppy. I'm not sure in regards to volunteering. It's getting the guts to leave the house that's the problem. If I make a commitment and can't attend I'd also feel too nervous to ring them and let them know so I'd probably not notify them and look like a horrible person. I can't deal with people face to face or over the phone and I can't tie my hair back in front of anybody due to my BDD so I'm lost for what I could actually do. I do like animals, but I find it quite demanding looking after my 3 cats never mind other animals too, plus I'm scared of dogs ha. I don't know, I'll find a way to get out this rut somehow.

18-01-17, 15:13
My supervisor told me that she reads emails over like five times before sending them; I proofread but hey, mistakes happen. I'm basically a glorified secretary at this position anyway so I'm not going to sweat it.

Perhaps she suffers from a bit of OCD? ;)

Positive thoughts