View Full Version : obsess over things being flat

16-01-17, 19:26
I have an issue with the ground beneath me needing to be flat. its especially bad indoors vs outside. Outside its mroe acceptable to me that htings be uneven tho at times it will still urk me.

But indoors i'll find a non flat spot of ground in the floor and i'll pace it back and forth wondering why tis not flat and upset that its not flat and should be flat. I'll do this in my home or in public places etc..

Anyone else have this issue? I currently have various foot issues and will obess over the posibility of the unveven ground being a problem It also doesnt help that i'm a runner so even if my treadmill is not quite right i start to get pretty obsessive about it.

I also have a fear of falling through the second floor or higher floors in buildings. I worry i might weight ot much or items in a room might be too heavy and it will all collapse and i'll fall through. Or while sleeping it will collpase and i'll fall to the ground floor.

anyone have any ideas on these? I'm the type of person you might see even walking a bit funny and its becasue i'm navigating the ground with with my feet wondering why its uneven in a certain spot etc..

its strange and it seems like this all just gets worse and worse.

18-01-17, 06:22
Hi Z,

I once had a worry about degenerative illness, and every time my foot scuffed the ground I worried. I pretty soon started noticing that it was often caused by uneven ground. But I didn't obsess about it. I was too concerned with my HA. I have anxiety in lifts that the floor may collapse. (this is absurd, obviously). So I can say I have had similar thoughts to you but to a lesser extent and they're not troubling.

18-01-17, 13:37
yeah the falling through floors one is a tough one. I'll even get in paniced arguements with my wife over furniture placement in a room for fear it might be too much weight in any one area and we might fall through if we are standing near the spot etc.. Its taken a lot of convincing to be ok with how things are tho i do wonder around then and wonder is the floor sagging here is it sagging htere it feels uneven is it because that over there is too heavy am I going to fall through? and the thoughts start racing.

its nuts!

18-01-17, 22:03
It's a pity it's causing arguments with your wife. If you're unhappy with the furniture position I hope you say 'that's triggering my obsessional thoughts' rather than 'that could fall through the floor'.