View Full Version : I need some advice

13-04-07, 21:51
Hey everyone.

I actually don't suffer from panic attacks myself, but my boyfriend does, and I have signed up to this site, to see if I can pick up any advice or tips that could help him.

He has suffered from panic attacks for most of his life, but they come and go sporadically, often not recurring for several years.

However, recently he has been suffering badly from, thankfully not full blown attacks, but the sense of un-ease, dizzyness and panic which I have heard, come with this condition.

He works as a tattooist in a busy studio which means that he is concentrating hard for several hours at a time, working in a close environment, with music playing constantly.
A really hard worker, he is always sketching, or building machines, not seeming to understand the meaning of the word 'relax'.

He loves his job, and it is heart breaking to see him having to take valium everyday merely to work.

These attacks are causing him to become depressed and anti social, he is not right in himself, and i dread the day when it causes conflicts between him and his friends, as it has done in the past.

With a condition such as this, I feel helpless, like nothing I do makes a difference. He wants me around, but he can't handle it because of the way he is currently thinking.

Basically, I love him with all my heart, but I am at a loss as to how I can make him feel better.

Does anyone know of any treatments that can help?
He doesn't like taking pills as he is scared of becoming dependant on drugs (a sensible waryness)
He has a hypnotherapy appointment this week, has anyone tried this with success?

any advice would be much appreciated.


14-04-07, 22:49
Hi tassyfu, your boyfriend is a lucky guy. My greatest help in this battle I have is my lovely husband. Just having you there to support him without judgment will help our bf a lot, even if he can't always show it.

There's lots of info on the homepage here for sufferers and those who care about them. There is a quite a bit of self help stuff which I have found really useful. It doesn't have to be about medication if he doesn't want it. He is seeking help and this site is a good one for both of you. He's also still managing to work, which is a good thing. The more you can carry on the better. Panic can reduce your areas of safety, but it sounds like he is trying his best not to let it beat him.

Sometimes there will be a relapse, but no journey is without trials. Try to stay positive. I know its not always easy, but you will find friendship, support and advice here. :-)

15-04-07, 14:21
It's difficult for guys with this problem (I know it's difficult for everyone!) because we often feel under pressure to be the "strong one". My Wife trys to understand, but I don't feel that I can talk to her about it too much, as it makes me appear weak, and I fear that this will be a big turn-off for her!

Elemental Child
16-04-07, 18:28
Your message touched me so deeply - you obviously care so much about your boyfriend. I may be wrong but if your boyfriend is a tatooist doesn't he work with tools that are vibrating, sending tiny electrical impulses through his fingertips...all day??

I have electrosensitity and RSI (repetitive strain injury) which I believe is closely related. I had a complete breakdown of my body due to the combination of repetitive movements and overload of electricity from computers. I also believe that a lot of anxiety conditions are exacerbated with electricity, mobiles (which aggrevate the cortex) - basically electromagnetic stress.

I think it is possible that your boyfriend is heading that way....seriously....if you continually stimulate/aggrevate your nerve endings with these vibrations it can only cause damage. I really think that he has to decide whether he wants to keep damaging his peripheral nerves until he has a complete breakdown of his system or think now about a different career....he could still do designs and art but without the power going through his system.

The warning signs are there for him....you can lead a horse to water

Wish you All the Best