View Full Version : Does it ever end?

17-01-17, 02:39
I feel like since Christmas, it's been a downward spiral for my HA. I had a swollen lymph node under my arm, it eventually went down, but definitely caused worry. Then a few days after that, when I thought I was in the clear, I feel a swollen lymph node on my jaw, which I can't feel anymore. But I have a sore neck and sore throat, feels a bit swollen, so of course I google, goodness I wish I didn't. But oral cancer and thyroid cancer comes up, and so the worryrhing starts again.

17-01-17, 02:58
Everything you google will bring up cancer. Idk why Google loves cancer so much but it does.

I feel like cancer is the sex of medical. Meaning cancer gets tons of views and views equal ad revenue.

17-01-17, 03:15
Go see your doctor if you have any concerns. They will do blood work and whatever else is needed. I know if I go around my body is can feel bumps under my skin and yes I do recall having that same feeling of lymph nodes under my arm and under my chin. It just went away.

17-01-17, 07:02
Feeling small lymph modes under the arm and jaw or neck is perfectly normal. I have plenty small ones that have been there for ages and don't rise any concerns.

17-01-17, 08:52
Everything you google will bring up cancer. Idk why Google loves cancer so much but it does.

I feel like cancer is the sex of medical. Meaning cancer gets tons of views and views equal ad revenue.

Google indexes the content, and doesn't necessarily provide it.

Google shows people the most relevant search, and that is usually the most popular page.

People go looking for cancer.

17-01-17, 16:15
Is it possible for my anxiety to be causing my mild sore throats and swelling feeling in my throat?

17-01-17, 16:23
Yes. Probably due to the fact that you're swallowing a lot more. I have a tendency to constrict my throat muscles due to tension and anxiety and I then swallow a lot more. It grates up my throat and makes it feel raw.

17-01-17, 16:29
It amazes me the effect anxiety can have on your body. I have never had symptoms like this or had anxiety affect me this way.

17-01-17, 16:31
Mine has not stopped it started last year this time and its continuing....right now its breast & lung cancer worry!

FED THE HELL UP (sorry for the language!)

17-01-17, 17:07
Yes, I agree, I get pretty fed up aswell. I just wish there was a switch in my brain I could turn all this worrying off.

17-01-17, 17:28
It amazes me the effect anxiety can have on your body. I have never had symptoms like this or had anxiety affect me this way.

This might be your first somatic symptom, but it probably won't be your last (unfortunately). Once our bodies are wired on high alert for too long, this seems to be the inevitable outcome.

17-01-17, 18:48
What do you mean?

17-01-17, 19:01
I have a handful of symptoms that come and go and I measure every thing that happens to me against the Anxiety yard stick. It may bite me one day but I almost always attribute symptoms to anxiety BEFORE actual medical issues.

17-01-17, 19:23
Ok thank you. I have a feeling all this sore throat and neck pain is the after math of all the stress and anxiety over the holidays when I had a swollen lymph node.

17-01-17, 22:16
I know when it comes to swollen lymph nodes it really feels like it won't end :/ I have one my neck and I've been finding it very difficult, previously I had a lump under my arm and that was hard but it did eventually go.

This stupid one in my neck has been stressing me out.

17-01-17, 23:29
Lymph nodes are hard to deal with for me too. I don't feel the lymph node in my jaw anymore. But my throats feels raw and my neck hurts. I'm so worried about thyroid cancer.

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I guess I'm very worried because I don't feel sick at all, yet I have a sore throats and neck. So when I googled this, of course thyroid cancer comes up. I just really hope this is my anxiety doing this and not my thyroid.

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Doesn't hurt any extra when I eat or drink. Just a constant raw feeling.

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Has anyone ever experienced this without being sick?