View Full Version : In and out of Hospitals

17-01-17, 03:22
So I can't stay out of hospitals. I feel like shit most days my anxiety is out of control and I don't know if these are symptoms of anxiety or what. Stiff hands, stiff torso, pain in stomach, can feel every little sensation in my body. I can't focus, feel dizzy, my hips hurt, muscle twitching, muscle aches. Been to so many doctors and I have no answer other than it sounds like anxiety. I been to 2 neurologist they seem to want to see me every 6 months. I think I'm dying or that there is something terribly wrong and it's just a matter of time before it comes out for these doctors to see. Does any of this sound familiar. Any suggestions are welcomed.

17-01-17, 03:33
Have any of the Dr.s offered a treatment plan for the anxiety? You are certainly not alone with what you are experiencing. When mine was not in control, it was multiple visits to the ER thinking I was having a heart attack. Lost count of how many EKGs I have had, multiple stress tests, etc. Everyone is different, for me it was going on medication that made the difference and allowed me to accept the diagnosis that I was fine. Best wishes.

17-01-17, 03:41
Have any of the Dr.s offered a treatment plan for the anxiety?

Exactly! The hospitals are obligated to treat and test you to determine if something is physically wrong. Being that you are repeatedly discharged, it indicates nothing of a physical nature so that leaves psychological.

What have they suggested to do to treat the root cause of your symptoms?

Positive thoughts

17-01-17, 13:25
Medication is a life saver when it comes to situations like this. Your anxiety sounds severe enough to warrant medication at this point, especially if you're compulsively going to hospitals and doctors trying to find a physical reason for why you feel so horrible (when it all stems from your mind)

The two neurologists are probably just wanting to see you back as precaution. When I went to a neuro a year and some change ago, she wanted to see me back in six months even though she didn't find anything wrong with me and didn't want to follow up with any testing. She also told me (because I got bug eyed thinking she was assuming I would spiral downhill quick with some kind of disease) that I didn't necessarily have to come back, and that it's just routine in her practice to see a patient for a follow up.

I never ended up going back for the follow up because I got on medication and it saved me from the incredibly intrusive thoughts and bad symptoms I was having (similar to yours, actually). And if I know hypochondria, I can only assume that you went and googled muscle twitching and it led you down to a very dark and terrifying scenario.

I believe that you're fine. Trust us when we say that doctors are trained professionals and they would have noticed something was amiss if there was a physical cause for your symptoms. I can understand one doc missing it, but if you've been to the ER several times and multiple doctors on top of it, there's no way.