View Full Version : Thyroid cysts

Fairy Rose
17-01-17, 12:51
I have just been told that I have cysts in my thyroid and I am terrified this could mean something bad. Last week I was told that I have hypothyroidism and I was sent for tests which I had this morning. I don't know what this means but I now have a second lot of tablets which I will have to take for the rest of my life. Does anyone else have this? I am panicking again and afraid to look it up on Dr Google. Can this be treated or cured? Can anyone help?

17-01-17, 13:15
The thyroid basically controls metabolism. Hypo is slow... Hyper is fast. So "Hypo"thyroidsm means your thyroid isn't working up to snuff. It can make you feel more tired than usual and you may find you gain weight easily.

My ex has hypothyroidism. She's had it most of her life. Cysts are quite common and not sinister in the least. It's easily treated with medication.

Due to my cancer treatment, I have to have my thyroid levels checked regularly as the side effects of radiation to my neck could eventually cause my thyroid to fail. If it happens, all it means is another pill to my daily arsenal of meds ;)

Positive thoughts

Fairy Rose
17-01-17, 14:02
Thank you that does help. I feel as though I have had too many new things to deal with this week after my check up and this was almost too much. The panic then jumps in unbidden and takes me on the merry-go-round. My BP is still high despite the meds but I suppose the worry doesn't help. I hope everything settles down soon.

17-01-17, 18:24
Hi I had a thyroid cyst 15 years ago that appeared out of nowhere. I immediately went to the doctors who ordered a MRI that showed it wasn't cancer nor did anything show up in my blood. The doctor removed it by aspirating it with a needle and I have not had another since. Don't worry so much it can easily be removed.

Fairy Rose
17-01-17, 22:38
I don't think I could cope with someone sticking a needle in my neck. The very thought of it freaks me out. Do these cysts go away on their own?